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E N G I N E ?! e n g i n e p a c k n u m b e r o n e
n e w s l e t t e r
Well boys and girls welcome to the first pack.
Let me tell you what engine is and with what
you can eat it . Engine was founded by me
cph After i had left the prezidents position in rIB the stupid idea came to my inflammationed brain ...idea about creation new powerfull group which makes art too. I thought that i could
invite some my irc friedns and attract some
cool artists cause ive made some success in
drawing ansi stuff . Engine project supports
all mediums of computer graphics - ansi ,
ascii , hi-rez , rip . ee.. we havent got any
rip artsists but i still hope We are an international group .. the most members are russ ian but weve got some dudes from Norvegia and
Canada . So , if you feel worthy to join us
you are welcome .
New members.
Heh.. its the first pack , forget?! So , id
like to introduce every member .
LitilDivil: This russian guy rocks .
Divil deals in internet support.
he put all the bots on engine
and get the website . Thanx maa
Caster : This man came from Mimiccia .
Dunno he did it but he is in our
-- memberlist..He is from Quebek ,
Canada..Caster draws nice old-school
Eside : Another oldschool artist..but he could color his ascii.. thats great! East
Side is from Norvegia..And he really
wants soviet union generals hat
Antares : Vga artist .. He is originally from
a demoscene group called T-rex , but
he wants to try himself in art.
Scroller : This funny little dork came with
me from rIB , cause they dont want
him.. Heh.. he draws cool vga and
also makes some webdesign.
Shaq : Maaan.. He came from defacto2 team..
Draws newschool ascii ..He is from
Russia too.. Hey , i havent seen
him! Shaq , stop hiding!
The first is avenger and his great diz .
Next goes prosthesis and his nice ansis.
Well .. i am not sure i want to write here per
sonal greets. Ill only greet the crews :
n e w s l e t t e r d e s i g n b y c y b e r p u n c h
january , 1999
E N G I N E ?! e n g i n e p a c k n u m b e r o n e
n e w s l e t t e r
Well boys and girls welcome to the first pack.
Let me tell you what engine is and with what
you can eat it . Engine was founded by me
cph After i had left the prezidents position in rIB the stupid idea came to my inflammationed brain ...idea about creation new powerfull group which makes art too. I thought that i could
invite some my irc friedns and attract some
cool artists cause ive made some success in
drawing ansi stuff . Engine project supports
all mediums of computer graphics - ansi ,
ascii , hi-rez , rip . ee.. we havent got any
rip artsists but i still hope We are an international group .. the most members are russ ian but weve got some dudes from Norvegia and
Canada . So , if you feel worthy to join us
you are welcome .
New members.
Heh.. its the first pack , forget?! So , id
like to introduce every member .
LitilDivil: This russian guy rocks .
Divil deals in internet support.
he put all the bots on engine
and get the website . Thanx maa
Caster : This man came from Mimiccia .
Dunno he did it but he is in our
-- memberlist..He is from Quebek ,
Canada..Caster draws nice old-school
Eside : Another oldschool artist..but he could color his ascii.. thats great! East
Side is from Norvegia..And he really
wants soviet union generals hat
Antares : Vga artist .. He is originally from
a demoscene group called T-rex , but
he wants to try himself in art.
Scroller : This funny little dork came with
me from rIB , cause they dont want
him.. Heh.. he draws cool vga and
also makes some webdesign.
Shaq : Maaan.. He came from defacto2 team..
Draws newschool ascii ..He is from
Russia too.. Hey , i havent seen
him! Shaq , stop hiding!
The first is avenger and his great diz .
Next goes prosthesis and his nice ansis.
Well .. i am not sure i want to write here per
sonal greets. Ill only greet the crews :
n e w s l e t t e r d e s i g n b y c y b e r p u n c h
january , 1999
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