this image contains text
. ggggg unsendow
. .,ggmmm +
mg g : ggg gggg gggg
ggggg: :,:: : :: :: ::
g : : ::: gg: :g: :: :
:,: g : : : :: :
mmm : ::: mmm,g :: g:
::mmmmm : mmmm: : mmmm
:: :: : ::: :: :: +++ endOw info file 10/95 +++ : : . + ::
Welcome back...
Welcome to the second throbing Endow ascii pack. As you mightve exp-
ected we gained a few members. Screechin Weasel, an up and coming ascii arti-
st joined up, we also have Fractal, who comes to us from motion, and Liquid M-
etal, who comes to us from, well actually i dont know .. Kaleidas sorry if
i am spelling your handle wrong Cyrical Skunk and Flexor all are releasing
this month with us.. to continue in the quality that the endow name holds...
damn that was cool to say.. i hope you are pleased with our new additions
as we all are...
Some sort of staff, to make it easier...
We here at Endow ascii have decided to form a staff, to make handling
of affairs easier, and not to dump all of it on Denial. So, Unsane, Epidemic,
Denial, and Cidica... will sort of be the Silent Seniors, we will handle, all
the gathering of the pack, info files, memberlists, member coordination, and
stuff like that.
A word from unsane..
Ok, id just like to say that the times at endow have the best times,
that ive had in the ansi scene EVER.. Endow is REALLY fun and i enjoy it. A
few weeks ago i quit iCE, to fullfill a Senior Staff position at Saga Studios,
which i thought was a good idea. It turned out that it was a good idea, and I
really like the saga atmosphere, alot better than the iCE atmosphere. So what
im trying to say, is dont give me any shit .. Also im putting up ANOT-
HER board.. Im still going to be running Agony, my ansi board, but now im p-
utting together a board that has an all ascii setup. Its gonna be called:
Hangar18, or h18 for short. If you would do asciis for it, like matrixs,
menus, etc for it, i would be happy to repay you by doing you an Unsane ascii.
Just email me @ unsane@serv2.fwi.com.. I would also like to give
thanks to DJ-Quad for giving me that account a while back, i havent really
thanked him too well, and if he hadnt have given it to me, i wouldnt be able
to yak on irc for 2 hours a night. THANKS. . Well my time is almost up, so
itd just like to extend my greets to: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234568790,
i hope you can find your 2 letter abbriv in there, if not, hooked on phonics
didnt work for you. .
A word from denial...
Our good friend Denial is unavailable for nfo questioning..
A word from epidemic...
well well well kiddies.. this is the second endow ascii pack.. and i must say
the faces have certainly changed... we lost our silent president and we have
assembled a silent staff.. i say silent because all members have equal say...
we just collect the packs write up this little shit.. and thats about it..
turtle and grimace as many of you know have decided to quit the scene... and we
wish them both the best of luck at whatever there future takes them... we lost
a few great artists but the endow quality is still there... many great up comingartists have joined this month...so i hope this pack is to the general publics
liking... i suppose that is all from me.. dont have much else to say... if
you want an ascii from me.. dont bother asking unless you have something worth
my while... email me well just look down.. derr... cya...
A werd from yer mother.. err.. cidica
uhm.. hmm.. well, im not really a senior, but i play one on tv. uhm, no..
well, i guess you can call me the unknown senior.. i just do some helpful
shit, like i can collect work, help with the pack, and do some tricks.. eye
can also act like a complete idiot to entertain the endow members.. woo woo..
..anyways.. .. endow received new talented artists but also lost talented
artists.. but i guess we broke out even.. uhm.. maybe ..well i bet that
you bastards arent even reading this shit, because you all are a bunch of lazy
dicks.. like me.. so, ..uhm.. eNDOW pOWAH!.
unsane unsane@serv2.fwi.com
denial account is dead...
epidemic epidemic@ifu.net
cidica cidica@ifu.net
. .,ggmmm +
mg g : ggg gggg gggg
ggggg: :,:: : :: :: ::
g : : ::: gg: :g: :: :
:,: g : : : :: :
mmm : ::: mmm,g :: g:
::mmmmm : mmmm: : mmmm
:: :: : ::: :: :: +++ endOw info file 10/95 +++ : : . + ::
Welcome back...
Welcome to the second throbing Endow ascii pack. As you mightve exp-
ected we gained a few members. Screechin Weasel, an up and coming ascii arti-
st joined up, we also have Fractal, who comes to us from motion, and Liquid M-
etal, who comes to us from, well actually i dont know .. Kaleidas sorry if
i am spelling your handle wrong Cyrical Skunk and Flexor all are releasing
this month with us.. to continue in the quality that the endow name holds...
damn that was cool to say.. i hope you are pleased with our new additions
as we all are...
Some sort of staff, to make it easier...
We here at Endow ascii have decided to form a staff, to make handling
of affairs easier, and not to dump all of it on Denial. So, Unsane, Epidemic,
Denial, and Cidica... will sort of be the Silent Seniors, we will handle, all
the gathering of the pack, info files, memberlists, member coordination, and
stuff like that.
A word from unsane..
Ok, id just like to say that the times at endow have the best times,
that ive had in the ansi scene EVER.. Endow is REALLY fun and i enjoy it. A
few weeks ago i quit iCE, to fullfill a Senior Staff position at Saga Studios,
which i thought was a good idea. It turned out that it was a good idea, and I
really like the saga atmosphere, alot better than the iCE atmosphere. So what
im trying to say, is dont give me any shit .. Also im putting up ANOT-
HER board.. Im still going to be running Agony, my ansi board, but now im p-
utting together a board that has an all ascii setup. Its gonna be called:
Hangar18, or h18 for short. If you would do asciis for it, like matrixs,
menus, etc for it, i would be happy to repay you by doing you an Unsane ascii.
Just email me @ unsane@serv2.fwi.com.. I would also like to give
thanks to DJ-Quad for giving me that account a while back, i havent really
thanked him too well, and if he hadnt have given it to me, i wouldnt be able
to yak on irc for 2 hours a night. THANKS. . Well my time is almost up, so
itd just like to extend my greets to: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234568790,
i hope you can find your 2 letter abbriv in there, if not, hooked on phonics
didnt work for you. .
A word from denial...
Our good friend Denial is unavailable for nfo questioning..
A word from epidemic...
well well well kiddies.. this is the second endow ascii pack.. and i must say
the faces have certainly changed... we lost our silent president and we have
assembled a silent staff.. i say silent because all members have equal say...
we just collect the packs write up this little shit.. and thats about it..
turtle and grimace as many of you know have decided to quit the scene... and we
wish them both the best of luck at whatever there future takes them... we lost
a few great artists but the endow quality is still there... many great up comingartists have joined this month...so i hope this pack is to the general publics
liking... i suppose that is all from me.. dont have much else to say... if
you want an ascii from me.. dont bother asking unless you have something worth
my while... email me well just look down.. derr... cya...
A werd from yer mother.. err.. cidica
uhm.. hmm.. well, im not really a senior, but i play one on tv. uhm, no..
well, i guess you can call me the unknown senior.. i just do some helpful
shit, like i can collect work, help with the pack, and do some tricks.. eye
can also act like a complete idiot to entertain the endow members.. woo woo..
..anyways.. .. endow received new talented artists but also lost talented
artists.. but i guess we broke out even.. uhm.. maybe ..well i bet that
you bastards arent even reading this shit, because you all are a bunch of lazy
dicks.. like me.. so, ..uhm.. eNDOW pOWAH!.
unsane unsane@serv2.fwi.com
denial account is dead...
epidemic epidemic@ifu.net
cidica cidica@ifu.net
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