this image contains text
endOw ascii. by 28
00007 ,yy, 000000
7 ,y, 8 *Q 7 ,yp, Q
Q b, 0
, ppyaaaatyyyy p,. , 0 , ,
p,. 0yyp,. .,db, ,y
a word from maestro..
greetings and salutations all you asciiholics! maestro here and boy do
i feel strange right about now. why you ask? well my good friends, besides
the fact that ive been sucking down pepto bismol like water, i have founded
an ascii group!? why so strange? because not too long ago i wouldnt even
give the stuff the time of day. i really had no interest in it what so
ever. well, obviously that has changed. now with the extremely needed and
appreciated help of all the endow members, we have brought you our first
collection of ascii artwork the crowd cheers!.
uhh.. how do you say it?
now, there is something that has just been bugging us. endow, is not
pronounced like indo but like endou, sounds like cow! learn how to read
you schmucks!
i have this really cool board and..
ok! now that ive gotten that off my chest. next order of business. it
seems as i could only expect that the ever so delightful affil hungry
leeches of the scene have migrated in our direction. sorry guys, endow does
not have, or even have any interest in obtaining distribution sites. they
are utterly pointless and really serve no purpose. if you ask, you will be
ignored my god maestro!.
im one of the best and want membership!
obviously we want to progress and grow as a group. we welcome and
encourage anyone that is interested in endow to apply. talk to us, show us
what you can do. if youre not quite there yet, well tell you why and show
you how you can fix it. then, when youre not looking well laugh at you!
make humiliating gestures behind your back! tag you with signs that say
loser! of course im just kidding or is he?. i would say that the best
place to catch any endow members would be, ack, cant fight it! too strong!
dont.. want.. to.. look.. like.. a.. dork! argh! IRC!!!!! whoa.. anyway,
our world headquarters is our very own swingin channel endow. pop on in
anytime and give us a talking too. or you can send email to our very own
internet account endow@infosoc.com.
ok, time to wrap this up! i just want to thank all the endow guys for
all the hard work they put into this pack. it was because of them that
youre looking at this right now i wasnt about to become a solo ascii
artist too!. i think we did pretty good for our first release! cant wait
for next month! oh, special thanks to dsinny and kamikazee for being the
first two members/co founders. at that point endow actually became a group!
woo hoo!
gimp - maestroendow
irc - endow
email - endow@infosoc.com
00007 ,yy, 000000
7 ,y, 8 *Q 7 ,yp, Q
Q b, 0
, ppyaaaatyyyy p,. , 0 , ,
p,. 0yyp,. .,db, ,y
a word from maestro..
greetings and salutations all you asciiholics! maestro here and boy do
i feel strange right about now. why you ask? well my good friends, besides
the fact that ive been sucking down pepto bismol like water, i have founded
an ascii group!? why so strange? because not too long ago i wouldnt even
give the stuff the time of day. i really had no interest in it what so
ever. well, obviously that has changed. now with the extremely needed and
appreciated help of all the endow members, we have brought you our first
collection of ascii artwork the crowd cheers!.
uhh.. how do you say it?
now, there is something that has just been bugging us. endow, is not
pronounced like indo but like endou, sounds like cow! learn how to read
you schmucks!
i have this really cool board and..
ok! now that ive gotten that off my chest. next order of business. it
seems as i could only expect that the ever so delightful affil hungry
leeches of the scene have migrated in our direction. sorry guys, endow does
not have, or even have any interest in obtaining distribution sites. they
are utterly pointless and really serve no purpose. if you ask, you will be
ignored my god maestro!.
im one of the best and want membership!
obviously we want to progress and grow as a group. we welcome and
encourage anyone that is interested in endow to apply. talk to us, show us
what you can do. if youre not quite there yet, well tell you why and show
you how you can fix it. then, when youre not looking well laugh at you!
make humiliating gestures behind your back! tag you with signs that say
loser! of course im just kidding or is he?. i would say that the best
place to catch any endow members would be, ack, cant fight it! too strong!
dont.. want.. to.. look.. like.. a.. dork! argh! IRC!!!!! whoa.. anyway,
our world headquarters is our very own swingin channel endow. pop on in
anytime and give us a talking too. or you can send email to our very own
internet account endow@infosoc.com.
ok, time to wrap this up! i just want to thank all the endow guys for
all the hard work they put into this pack. it was because of them that
youre looking at this right now i wasnt about to become a solo ascii
artist too!. i think we did pretty good for our first release! cant wait
for next month! oh, special thanks to dsinny and kamikazee for being the
first two members/co founders. at that point endow actually became a group!
woo hoo!
gimp - maestroendow
irc - endow
email - endow@infosoc.com
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