this image contains text
reflexion re-flekshun, n. 1. reflection.
0uch! 2. in anatomy, etc., a bending or folding back on
itself, as of a part. 3. an artist in the well
known art group, emerge.
hey all you art freaks. if you want an ansee i like
jibberishs spelling: for FREE you can just call my
board, ionosphere at 9167229457. or you could write
me on lotu. i will accept money sent to my po box, but
i do not require it, although i may not do everyones
requests I havent missed one yet!:
........................ stats go here ........................... 0000000000000cut0here00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000this ansi is dedicated to juliana hatfield, i went to her concert last night
who puts on a hella good concert. if shes in your area, go to see her. :
db: well hey i hope you like it.. ok.. so i dont have any friends or sumthing.
0uch! 2. in anatomy, etc., a bending or folding back on
itself, as of a part. 3. an artist in the well
known art group, emerge.
hey all you art freaks. if you want an ansee i like
jibberishs spelling: for FREE you can just call my
board, ionosphere at 9167229457. or you could write
me on lotu. i will accept money sent to my po box, but
i do not require it, although i may not do everyones
requests I havent missed one yet!:
........................ stats go here ........................... 0000000000000cut0here00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000this ansi is dedicated to juliana hatfield, i went to her concert last night
who puts on a hella good concert. if shes in your area, go to see her. :
db: well hey i hope you like it.. ok.. so i dont have any friends or sumthing.
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