this image contains text
jB! ..ansee
..logging on
to LOTU...
-----------------------------------CUT HERE-----------------------------------This is a phunk phont ansi for the Lord of the Underworld. It was created by
that nifty ol phont i like using phs maker Jibberish of that nifty ol
group Emerge. If you notice i used to es instead of an i. It was not to
do more phonetical is that a word? differances but because it looked better
then using and i.
Greetz... well as you can see there is a definate Chromatik/Lord Jazz influence
here, so i really have to give thanx where thanx is do.
Post Script thats what ps stands for... email me at dsmall@nerc1.nerc.com
if you are interested in obtaining a phree phunk phont phour you!
Include any info for the ansi... but it doesnt mean ill do it .
r jB
e e
v e r ge. . . 6o9.. . 5 84.... o3 3 1... . !
op Jabberwock..Emerge ! A board not based on what ev
eryone else thinks...its all wacked out...call it.!
Phunk Phont copi-rited bye jIbBERiSh of Emerge.. .!..
..logging on
to LOTU...
-----------------------------------CUT HERE-----------------------------------This is a phunk phont ansi for the Lord of the Underworld. It was created by
that nifty ol phont i like using phs maker Jibberish of that nifty ol
group Emerge. If you notice i used to es instead of an i. It was not to
do more phonetical is that a word? differances but because it looked better
then using and i.
Greetz... well as you can see there is a definate Chromatik/Lord Jazz influence
here, so i really have to give thanx where thanx is do.
Post Script thats what ps stands for... email me at dsmall@nerc1.nerc.com
if you are interested in obtaining a phree phunk phont phour you!
Include any info for the ansi... but it doesnt mean ill do it .
r jB
e e
v e r ge. . . 6o9.. . 5 84.... o3 3 1... . !
op Jabberwock..Emerge ! A board not based on what ev
eryone else thinks...its all wacked out...call it.!
Phunk Phont copi-rited bye jIbBERiSh of Emerge.. .!..
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