this image contains text
ep .eUPHORIA.eMERGE.wE.r0CKIN.eMERGE.sTILZ.iN.i995. - seniors - the master - euphoria - saint sinner - borys - ansi artists -
liquid death - strychnine - tripe - borys voiz - the ruiner - mephitopeles - phatal - omot
jibberish - endrigoth - bigge pif - cable - reflexion
- ascii artists -
fire stone - biohazard - euphoria - data ruckus dr. chug - airborn - tripe - borys - jibberish - epidemic
mr popeil - strife - shakti - cyko - paranoid insomniac
- coders -
lurch - spiff - mystic plague dragoon kain - euphoria
- literature -
shadow - strychine - blind ambition - mojo tss - data ruckus - rezolution - strychnine - circuit breaker
terminal velocity - suburban terrorist - soul
- couriers/telecom -
steelflight - crazy diamond - blind ambition data ruckus - devestator - snakedriver - jargon blitz
- vga -
dashiznit - rezolution
- group heads - dr. chug/biohazard ascii
steelflight public relations terminal velocity lit
saint sinner ansi data ruckus telecom
- if you feel there are any errors on the emerge may memberlist -
- then please call our voice mailbox at 1-800-314-8885 - mailbox 889 -
- notes: dreldragon changed his handle to rezolution, impulse to endrigoth -
liquid death - strychnine - tripe - borys voiz - the ruiner - mephitopeles - phatal - omot
jibberish - endrigoth - bigge pif - cable - reflexion
- ascii artists -
fire stone - biohazard - euphoria - data ruckus dr. chug - airborn - tripe - borys - jibberish - epidemic
mr popeil - strife - shakti - cyko - paranoid insomniac
- coders -
lurch - spiff - mystic plague dragoon kain - euphoria
- literature -
shadow - strychine - blind ambition - mojo tss - data ruckus - rezolution - strychnine - circuit breaker
terminal velocity - suburban terrorist - soul
- couriers/telecom -
steelflight - crazy diamond - blind ambition data ruckus - devestator - snakedriver - jargon blitz
- vga -
dashiznit - rezolution
- group heads - dr. chug/biohazard ascii
steelflight public relations terminal velocity lit
saint sinner ansi data ruckus telecom
- if you feel there are any errors on the emerge may memberlist -
- then please call our voice mailbox at 1-800-314-8885 - mailbox 889 -
- notes: dreldragon changed his handle to rezolution, impulse to endrigoth -
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