this image contains text
cutline f00l
,8 ,8o, ,8, ,8 ,8o, ,8, 8, 8o, .88o
o ,8 8 88 o ,8 88
., ., 88o,
88, ,8,, 88, ,8,, 8,
8,08 8 8,0 8 88 o80
tartaruss:b0ryscs:villag3 idi0tcs:bloodsh0ted3n distrotwinglenetsp33dspa
m 3merge memb3rk1mpnet
cutline biznatch
o88o. o8
8 o8o s:villageidi0tcs:alot
.,,. 6094350383sh1verglhq
.8o 88 8 8 o88 o88 ,88o, .o88o, voice6097833248chris
8 8 ., voidktsedendarkic0n
8 8 88 8 o, othersk1mpn3tv/2s3tup
8 0 8 8 880 8 887
cutline m0fo
88 8 o8o8
88 8
.o8888o8o88o .o88o.o o88o. ,o 8greetztosaintsinner
s8898 8888 88 8,88 eggsaladyeaigreated
. 88 88 , 8eggsaladshuddupmofo
o,,88 ,888, 8888 888, ,8greetzalsogotobeck!
8888 8 08 888 888andmymomshejustgot
8 88menewshoes
8 8
cutline gluesniffer
truth, covered in security / i cant let it smother me / like to, but it wouldn
twork / trading off / takin turns / dont regret a thing and i got this friend yo
usee / she makes me feel / and i wanted more than i could steal / ill arrest
myself / but wear a shield / ill go out of my way to prove / i still smell her
on you / dont tell me what i want to hear / afraid of never knowing fear /
experience everything with me / ill keep fighting jealousy / until its kucking
gone / and i got this friend you see / she makes me feel / and i wanted more
than i could steal/ ill arest myself / but wear a shield / ill go out of my
way to prove i still / still love you / truth covered in security / i cant let
ya smother me / lie to but i couldnt work / trading off and taking turns / dont
regret a thing / and i got this friend you see / she makes me feel / and i
wanted more than i could steal / ill arrest myself but wear a shield / ill go
out of my way to make you deal / well make a pact to swallow / and everyones
got a new rule / and well still have time / for what we do and go out of my wa
yto prove i still smell her on your / and ill still / still love you / still
love you / nirvana / lounge act
88 8o8
8 8
,oo .,ooo,. 08,oo, ,o88o,8o88o. .,o,. 8o88oo.
88888 88088o88P
8,888 .o, 8888 ,8 88
88888o8 8888oP8 8,888
o8o o8
o a c h e r o n
6 0 9 4 6 8 - 8 8 0 9
s:charona lot of affilstoo many to bother listing9166233726
o88o 8o888o88oo, o88o 8o88o. o88o o88o
88888! 88
o88o80 o8
.,888 .,8 .,
8,8P8888o8P8 8,8o8P
8o 4
e . m . e . r . g . e
your brains went slack when she took back her love / and put it out to the sun
/the birds did fly when the heavens went dry / and the cigarettes were smokin by
themselves / shell do anything / shell do anything / shell do anything to
make you feel like an asshole / call a name she looks the same as you / the
question marks stretched across her skin /cause she dangles carrots / she
makes you feel embarassed to be the fool that you know that you are / shell do
anything / shell do anything / shell do anything to make you feel like an
asshole / beck / asshole
xxel cutlinexx
the guys so cool i did an ascii of his handle for him. talk about a greet
o8o o8 o8 o8o8
8, 8o,8o88o.o8o88, 8o, o888o8 o88o o88o 88
P 88 .o888
8 88,88 .,o88 88
88P88 8 88P8P788 8888P8888
v . i . r . t . u . a . l . h . e . l . l
o88o.o88o. o88o.8o8o o8o8 o88o,
.,o .,o888.,
888P8 888P88o88 88oP88
e e r m e e b r u g s e
cutline said the blindman
come as you are / as a friend / as i want you to be / as a friend / as a trend?
as ive no memory / take your time / hurry up / choice is yours / dont be late
take a risk / ask a friend / as ive no memory / memory / memory / memory /
memory / dowsed in mud / soaked in bleach / as i want you to be / as a friend /
as a trend / as a friend / as ive no memory / memory / memory / memory / memor
yand i swear that i dont have a gun / dont have a gun / no i dont have a gun
/no i dont have a gun / memory / memory / memory / memory / no i dont have a
gun / and i swear that i dont have a gun / no i dont have a gun / no i dont
have a gun / no i dont have a gun / no i dont have a gun / nirvana / come as
you are
s f t i a l t e s
o8 o8o
8o o8o8oo8o8o o8o8o o8o88o o88o.o8
8o8868888 888 88.o8P 8
8888o 88 888888o888 8888 .,o 88
88 8888888888?8P 8888888P 88
o88o, o88o. o88o o88o.
..op:salacious crumbo,,o880.o80.o
running obv/twoooo 88P.,o8P.,o
art / emags / stuf88888888888888888
call, as a friend 8
as a trend.......... o o8 8p.8
o88o o88o.o88o, o88 o88o o8o8 o88o,
8 880.o88888o,,
8 88P.,o88 88888888
8.o888888 88888888888888
look into the eyes of a madman / you can see it in his face, hes a weak and sa
dman / staring straight ahead, his eyes are set like stone / with a 9 millimete
rcocked at your dome / no way out, its too late, cause youre allready in it / s
owhatcha gonna do, youll be dead in a minute / thinkin slow will getcha nowher
efast / a young life terminated with one short blast / you live like that you di
elike this / thats how it is / livin with regret aint no way to live / thats ho
wit is / youre dead too soon if the bullet dont miss / thats how it is kid / ho
wit is / thats what you get for living like this / with a bullet in your head -
youre dead, you cant miss / aint no time for regret when your bodys in a bag
/aint no time to change your mind when your head begins to sag / shoulda known
better, it aint workin for ya now / mabye if yad known better youd be here
somehow / so change your ways before your ways change you with a hole in your
head that you can see through / your lookin up and your lookin down / shots are
rippin out from all around / youre cryin out for help but it cant be found / th
evoice of regret is the only sound / you play the game and you pay the price /
for hustlin in the gutter with the mutherfuckin street lice / youre running and
youre gunnin and whatever else goes / and your goin with your crew whichever wa
ythe wind blows / cause you got thier back and theyve got yours / and you live
for yourself and make your own laws / but sooner or later what goes around come
saround / you wind up dead and burried in a hard, cold ground / biohazard / how
it is
,oo8o, ,oo8o ,o8o, ,8
8 888 8 88 ,8,o, ,9 8, ,o8o erebus:op:euphoira
88oooo8 88ooo8 8 8,8 8 8 lotsa shit likestats
8, 8, 8, ,88 ,8 8, emerge whq biznatch
8oo8 8oo8 8oo8 8o888oo8 kimpnet ballliker whq
o8 o
o88o, o88o 8oo, ,oo88o8o8 o88o o8 o88o 8oo,
8 8888888,. 88888
8, , 8.88888,8 8o 888.8888
888888888888 888888888888888888888888
convulsion emag : read it damnit : w00pw00pw000p
survey says!
/ / lcaasltlers
gr33tzgo to : village idiot.his sister.saint sinner.omot.morbid fixation.crisi
seuphoria.the master.salacious crumb.kestrel.def.evil ernie.joe mama.emerge f00l
scobalt blue.my sister.apathy.canada.fruitnuts.whomever my g/f ends up being whe
nthis is released.and that tdd operator.she dont take no shit.sure.and amy.and t
0kurt.enjoy it.easier than life but who knows what?
fuckings : saint sinner.he doesnt make good conversation.well, neither do i.we
lusually i do.just theres nothing to talk about.my family seminar teacher.she i
ssenile.and myself.females.so g0od but so bad.she knows a dirty word.hello.hello
.hello.hell no
b0rys type news : if you would like an asky, just ask. for the most part theyr
efree, except if i need money bad.or dont like you i can be reached on tartaru
sor erebus.and on kimpnet and twinglenet.oh well, whatever nevermind....
btw : this is for the f00ls clipping thier shiz from here.please put a b0 on th
eascii somewhere.it would be much prefered.por favor.thanks
every one is out to get you mutherfucker
cutline f00l
,8 ,8o, ,8, ,8 ,8o, ,8, 8, 8o, .88o
o ,8 8 88 o ,8 88
., ., 88o,
88, ,8,, 88, ,8,, 8,
8,08 8 8,0 8 88 o80
tartaruss:b0ryscs:villag3 idi0tcs:bloodsh0ted3n distrotwinglenetsp33dspa
m 3merge memb3rk1mpnet
cutline biznatch
o88o. o8
8 o8o s:villageidi0tcs:alot
.,,. 6094350383sh1verglhq
.8o 88 8 8 o88 o88 ,88o, .o88o, voice6097833248chris
8 8 ., voidktsedendarkic0n
8 8 88 8 o, othersk1mpn3tv/2s3tup
8 0 8 8 880 8 887
cutline m0fo
88 8 o8o8
88 8
.o8888o8o88o .o88o.o o88o. ,o 8greetztosaintsinner
s8898 8888 88 8,88 eggsaladyeaigreated
. 88 88 , 8eggsaladshuddupmofo
o,,88 ,888, 8888 888, ,8greetzalsogotobeck!
8888 8 08 888 888andmymomshejustgot
8 88menewshoes
8 8
cutline gluesniffer
truth, covered in security / i cant let it smother me / like to, but it wouldn
twork / trading off / takin turns / dont regret a thing and i got this friend yo
usee / she makes me feel / and i wanted more than i could steal / ill arrest
myself / but wear a shield / ill go out of my way to prove / i still smell her
on you / dont tell me what i want to hear / afraid of never knowing fear /
experience everything with me / ill keep fighting jealousy / until its kucking
gone / and i got this friend you see / she makes me feel / and i wanted more
than i could steal/ ill arest myself / but wear a shield / ill go out of my
way to prove i still / still love you / truth covered in security / i cant let
ya smother me / lie to but i couldnt work / trading off and taking turns / dont
regret a thing / and i got this friend you see / she makes me feel / and i
wanted more than i could steal / ill arrest myself but wear a shield / ill go
out of my way to make you deal / well make a pact to swallow / and everyones
got a new rule / and well still have time / for what we do and go out of my wa
yto prove i still smell her on your / and ill still / still love you / still
love you / nirvana / lounge act
88 8o8
8 8
,oo .,ooo,. 08,oo, ,o88o,8o88o. .,o,. 8o88oo.
88888 88088o88P
8,888 .o, 8888 ,8 88
88888o8 8888oP8 8,888
o8o o8
o a c h e r o n
6 0 9 4 6 8 - 8 8 0 9
s:charona lot of affilstoo many to bother listing9166233726
o88o 8o888o88oo, o88o 8o88o. o88o o88o
88888! 88
o88o80 o8
.,888 .,8 .,
8,8P8888o8P8 8,8o8P
8o 4
e . m . e . r . g . e
your brains went slack when she took back her love / and put it out to the sun
/the birds did fly when the heavens went dry / and the cigarettes were smokin by
themselves / shell do anything / shell do anything / shell do anything to
make you feel like an asshole / call a name she looks the same as you / the
question marks stretched across her skin /cause she dangles carrots / she
makes you feel embarassed to be the fool that you know that you are / shell do
anything / shell do anything / shell do anything to make you feel like an
asshole / beck / asshole
xxel cutlinexx
the guys so cool i did an ascii of his handle for him. talk about a greet
o8o o8 o8 o8o8
8, 8o,8o88o.o8o88, 8o, o888o8 o88o o88o 88
P 88 .o888
8 88,88 .,o88 88
88P88 8 88P8P788 8888P8888
v . i . r . t . u . a . l . h . e . l . l
o88o.o88o. o88o.8o8o o8o8 o88o,
.,o .,o888.,
888P8 888P88o88 88oP88
e e r m e e b r u g s e
cutline said the blindman
come as you are / as a friend / as i want you to be / as a friend / as a trend?
as ive no memory / take your time / hurry up / choice is yours / dont be late
take a risk / ask a friend / as ive no memory / memory / memory / memory /
memory / dowsed in mud / soaked in bleach / as i want you to be / as a friend /
as a trend / as a friend / as ive no memory / memory / memory / memory / memor
yand i swear that i dont have a gun / dont have a gun / no i dont have a gun
/no i dont have a gun / memory / memory / memory / memory / no i dont have a
gun / and i swear that i dont have a gun / no i dont have a gun / no i dont
have a gun / no i dont have a gun / no i dont have a gun / nirvana / come as
you are
s f t i a l t e s
o8 o8o
8o o8o8oo8o8o o8o8o o8o88o o88o.o8
8o8868888 888 88.o8P 8
8888o 88 888888o888 8888 .,o 88
88 8888888888?8P 8888888P 88
o88o, o88o. o88o o88o.
..op:salacious crumbo,,o880.o80.o
running obv/twoooo 88P.,o8P.,o
art / emags / stuf88888888888888888
call, as a friend 8
as a trend.......... o o8 8p.8
o88o o88o.o88o, o88 o88o o8o8 o88o,
8 880.o88888o,,
8 88P.,o88 88888888
8.o888888 88888888888888
look into the eyes of a madman / you can see it in his face, hes a weak and sa
dman / staring straight ahead, his eyes are set like stone / with a 9 millimete
rcocked at your dome / no way out, its too late, cause youre allready in it / s
owhatcha gonna do, youll be dead in a minute / thinkin slow will getcha nowher
efast / a young life terminated with one short blast / you live like that you di
elike this / thats how it is / livin with regret aint no way to live / thats ho
wit is / youre dead too soon if the bullet dont miss / thats how it is kid / ho
wit is / thats what you get for living like this / with a bullet in your head -
youre dead, you cant miss / aint no time for regret when your bodys in a bag
/aint no time to change your mind when your head begins to sag / shoulda known
better, it aint workin for ya now / mabye if yad known better youd be here
somehow / so change your ways before your ways change you with a hole in your
head that you can see through / your lookin up and your lookin down / shots are
rippin out from all around / youre cryin out for help but it cant be found / th
evoice of regret is the only sound / you play the game and you pay the price /
for hustlin in the gutter with the mutherfuckin street lice / youre running and
youre gunnin and whatever else goes / and your goin with your crew whichever wa
ythe wind blows / cause you got thier back and theyve got yours / and you live
for yourself and make your own laws / but sooner or later what goes around come
saround / you wind up dead and burried in a hard, cold ground / biohazard / how
it is
,oo8o, ,oo8o ,o8o, ,8
8 888 8 88 ,8,o, ,9 8, ,o8o erebus:op:euphoira
88oooo8 88ooo8 8 8,8 8 8 lotsa shit likestats
8, 8, 8, ,88 ,8 8, emerge whq biznatch
8oo8 8oo8 8oo8 8o888oo8 kimpnet ballliker whq
o8 o
o88o, o88o 8oo, ,oo88o8o8 o88o o8 o88o 8oo,
8 8888888,. 88888
8, , 8.88888,8 8o 888.8888
888888888888 888888888888888888888888
convulsion emag : read it damnit : w00pw00pw000p
survey says!
/ / lcaasltlers
gr33tzgo to : village idiot.his sister.saint sinner.omot.morbid fixation.crisi
seuphoria.the master.salacious crumb.kestrel.def.evil ernie.joe mama.emerge f00l
scobalt blue.my sister.apathy.canada.fruitnuts.whomever my g/f ends up being whe
nthis is released.and that tdd operator.she dont take no shit.sure.and amy.and t
0kurt.enjoy it.easier than life but who knows what?
fuckings : saint sinner.he doesnt make good conversation.well, neither do i.we
lusually i do.just theres nothing to talk about.my family seminar teacher.she i
ssenile.and myself.females.so g0od but so bad.she knows a dirty word.hello.hello
.hello.hell no
b0rys type news : if you would like an asky, just ask. for the most part theyr
efree, except if i need money bad.or dont like you i can be reached on tartaru
sor erebus.and on kimpnet and twinglenet.oh well, whatever nevermind....
btw : this is for the f00ls clipping thier shiz from here.please put a b0 on th
eascii somewhere.it would be much prefered.por favor.thanks
every one is out to get you mutherfucker
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