this image contains text
kayozz and element proudly presents
the sixth colly by the oldschoooool
: dza! K A Y O Z Z
: . ..:.... . . c a l l e d
: : r o c k s t e a d y
: : : / / / / ozz : :
t h e s i x t h e l e m e n t c o l l y b y k a y o z z
: Milan BBS System MILANBBS.COM Two Nodes! OPEN NOW
Tons of files, artpacks, collies, consoles, roms,
classic warez, cracks, cheats all online.. messages
online games. For the art-scene. telnet now.
...... : M I L A N
- dza! - :....:
/ + o k a y o z z
: All-Time Ascii Releases For Kayozz........... Last Updated 02/24/99 :
Colly Name.. Filename... Size... Release Date.. Rel Num.
Relocate M-OZZ01.TXT 44,151k August 16th 01
Smoke Mad Blunts M-OZZ02.TXT 36,964k September 16th 02
C.I.A M-DEZOZZ.ASC 63,063k October 16th 03
Blazed M-OZZ04.TXT 15,026k October 16th 04
Back On Top E-ONTOP.TXT 32,899k December 4th 05
Pretty Fly.. E-PRFLY.TXT 14,005k December 9th 06
Never Forget E-NEVER.TXT 30,123k January 15th 07
Rock Steady E-ROCKS.TXT 40,283k April 8th 08
/ / - R 0 C K -
/ / s t e a d y
/ / / / / / // dza!
rock steady, colly number six by the element crew.
and the element crew leader and founder kayozz....
featuring the works of Volatile, Dezibel, El Nino.
Tim Drake and Revolution..........................
/ // ./ ./ . / // / // en
Just taking some time out to give respect to all the artists who made remorse
thirty happen, theyre the longest living ascii group in ascii history, and I
think four years is a hella long time. Mad repsects go out to Necromancer for
always keeping it real, and setting me straight most of the time we have a
discussion. Best of luck to everyone in Remorse 1981 especially the oldschool
team, because they just own.. Ill have to release a guest colly or something
one day.
Kayozz aka Teknine of Element Productions.
This colly is dedicated to..
. ..en/ozz / --- -
t h e /. .. . /
: / g i r l s. . .
: r o c k s t e a d y / . :
: kayozz - element productions : :
best viewed in 80x25MODE with . Jynx Ascii index by Tim Drake!
edit.com fg: 7 bg: 0 prefered . : ... ................................. .
/ / : /ll://
: . :....... . JYNX INDEX?
.:.01 Anal, For Discofunk 1974.
.:.02 Bomb, For Unholy Child.
.:.03 Kaboom, For Myself.
.:.04 Entropy, For Somebody?.
.:.05 Neuro, For Serial Toon.
.:.06 Phunk, For Volatile.
.:.07 Prelude, For Deviant.
.:.08 Mo Soul, For Markryder.
.:.09 Freak Nasty, For Anyone.
/ .: ozz
: .. : a n a l ! a s c i i
/ / / for Sinister 6000
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
ANAL!? /
Discofunk 1974
owns yer sorry ::
ugly asses. .. .. ..................... / ...
/ .: ozz
: .. : b o m b.
/ / / for Sirunholy
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
: room for elite information and stuff :
/ .: ozz
: .. : k a b o o m !
/ / / for Anyone to use
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
Kaptain KABOOOOOM!! : :
/ / / ozz :
My shits real now, so dont front, bitch! :....................:
/ .: ozz
: .. : e n t r o p y
/ / / for Someone i forget
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
: : / ozz :
/ .: ozz
: .. : n e u r o
/ / / for Serial Toon
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
/ / ozz
room for command and shit here
/ .: ozz
: .. : p h u n k ! a s c i i
/ / / for my buddy, Volatile.
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
/ // / // // / / a s c i i !
/: ozz
/ .: ozz
: .. : p r e l u d e ! a s c i i
/ / / for the Fallen Group.
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
pre... ..
/ / / ozz
/ .: ozz
: .. : m o s o u l !
/ / / for Mark Ryder
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
m o s o u l . : . :
/ / /. / / . / / ozz
/ .: ozz
: .. : f r e a k n a s t y
/ / / for Anyone to use
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
* very dezibel inspired.
/ / / / ozz
.. / -- F R E A K N A S T Y ..
t h e e l e m e n t c r e w . . . . .. : l .
: l . :
k i c k i n t h e f u n k ! : . : :
/ / /- / en/ozz
Proudly produced by element productions 1999. /
r e m o r s e t h i r t y
dez/a! .................... r3v/r!
l l l l / l l l / l l /
-l/--------l/--------l /-------:--
I loved this ascii so damn much i had to put it in my colly, drawn
by Dezibel of Karma, and Revolution of Remorse.
/ . / ./ ./ / ene/m
/ mimic ascii 08 - we have explosives
So ends my colly for the element, I think my work has
improved a lot, and if you want to do a joint ascii
join ascii and ask me. I dont really do requests for
people other than my friends now, so dont bug me for
asciis. If you want to apply for element, my label ya
just have to email kayozz@home.com, to get the info
you need. Respects go out to all the oldschoolers who
have stuck around in the scene, Serial Toon, Volatile
Dezibel, Tzeentch, Subsonic, and some of the upcoming
talent like Flick and Marlon Brando, I wish you both
the best. Tesko Suicide, you as always.. Just keep it
real everyone, and keep that oldschool funk kickin!
Also a special thanks to El Nino, my favorite artist
for supplying the element and mimic logos above.
rock steady .. :
thank you for viewing this elite colly, dza!
send comments/requests to kayozz@home.com or join mimic,
ascii or elementcrew.
the sixth colly by the oldschoooool
: dza! K A Y O Z Z
: . ..:.... . . c a l l e d
: : r o c k s t e a d y
: : : / / / / ozz : :
t h e s i x t h e l e m e n t c o l l y b y k a y o z z
: Milan BBS System MILANBBS.COM Two Nodes! OPEN NOW
Tons of files, artpacks, collies, consoles, roms,
classic warez, cracks, cheats all online.. messages
online games. For the art-scene. telnet now.
...... : M I L A N
- dza! - :....:
/ + o k a y o z z
: All-Time Ascii Releases For Kayozz........... Last Updated 02/24/99 :
Colly Name.. Filename... Size... Release Date.. Rel Num.
Relocate M-OZZ01.TXT 44,151k August 16th 01
Smoke Mad Blunts M-OZZ02.TXT 36,964k September 16th 02
C.I.A M-DEZOZZ.ASC 63,063k October 16th 03
Blazed M-OZZ04.TXT 15,026k October 16th 04
Back On Top E-ONTOP.TXT 32,899k December 4th 05
Pretty Fly.. E-PRFLY.TXT 14,005k December 9th 06
Never Forget E-NEVER.TXT 30,123k January 15th 07
Rock Steady E-ROCKS.TXT 40,283k April 8th 08
/ / - R 0 C K -
/ / s t e a d y
/ / / / / / // dza!
rock steady, colly number six by the element crew.
and the element crew leader and founder kayozz....
featuring the works of Volatile, Dezibel, El Nino.
Tim Drake and Revolution..........................
/ // ./ ./ . / // / // en
Just taking some time out to give respect to all the artists who made remorse
thirty happen, theyre the longest living ascii group in ascii history, and I
think four years is a hella long time. Mad repsects go out to Necromancer for
always keeping it real, and setting me straight most of the time we have a
discussion. Best of luck to everyone in Remorse 1981 especially the oldschool
team, because they just own.. Ill have to release a guest colly or something
one day.
Kayozz aka Teknine of Element Productions.
This colly is dedicated to..
. ..en/ozz / --- -
t h e /. .. . /
: / g i r l s. . .
: r o c k s t e a d y / . :
: kayozz - element productions : :
best viewed in 80x25MODE with . Jynx Ascii index by Tim Drake!
edit.com fg: 7 bg: 0 prefered . : ... ................................. .
/ / : /ll://
: . :....... . JYNX INDEX?
.:.01 Anal, For Discofunk 1974.
.:.02 Bomb, For Unholy Child.
.:.03 Kaboom, For Myself.
.:.04 Entropy, For Somebody?.
.:.05 Neuro, For Serial Toon.
.:.06 Phunk, For Volatile.
.:.07 Prelude, For Deviant.
.:.08 Mo Soul, For Markryder.
.:.09 Freak Nasty, For Anyone.
/ .: ozz
: .. : a n a l ! a s c i i
/ / / for Sinister 6000
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
ANAL!? /
Discofunk 1974
owns yer sorry ::
ugly asses. .. .. ..................... / ...
/ .: ozz
: .. : b o m b.
/ / / for Sirunholy
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
: room for elite information and stuff :
/ .: ozz
: .. : k a b o o m !
/ / / for Anyone to use
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
Kaptain KABOOOOOM!! : :
/ / / ozz :
My shits real now, so dont front, bitch! :....................:
/ .: ozz
: .. : e n t r o p y
/ / / for Someone i forget
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. : . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
: : / ozz :
/ .: ozz
: .. : n e u r o
/ / / for Serial Toon
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
/ / ozz
room for command and shit here
/ .: ozz
: .. : p h u n k ! a s c i i
/ / / for my buddy, Volatile.
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
/ // / // // / / a s c i i !
/: ozz
/ .: ozz
: .. : p r e l u d e ! a s c i i
/ / / for the Fallen Group.
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
pre... ..
/ / / ozz
/ .: ozz
: .. : m o s o u l !
/ / / for Mark Ryder
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
m o s o u l . : . :
/ / /. / / . / / ozz
/ .: ozz
: .. : f r e a k n a s t y
/ / / for Anyone to use
Rock Steady, Element Colly 6 By Kayozz. . /
Released April 1st, 1999. ::
* very dezibel inspired.
/ / / / ozz
.. / -- F R E A K N A S T Y ..
t h e e l e m e n t c r e w . . . . .. : l .
: l . :
k i c k i n t h e f u n k ! : . : :
/ / /- / en/ozz
Proudly produced by element productions 1999. /
r e m o r s e t h i r t y
dez/a! .................... r3v/r!
l l l l / l l l / l l /
-l/--------l/--------l /-------:--
I loved this ascii so damn much i had to put it in my colly, drawn
by Dezibel of Karma, and Revolution of Remorse.
/ . / ./ ./ / ene/m
/ mimic ascii 08 - we have explosives
So ends my colly for the element, I think my work has
improved a lot, and if you want to do a joint ascii
join ascii and ask me. I dont really do requests for
people other than my friends now, so dont bug me for
asciis. If you want to apply for element, my label ya
just have to email kayozz@home.com, to get the info
you need. Respects go out to all the oldschoolers who
have stuck around in the scene, Serial Toon, Volatile
Dezibel, Tzeentch, Subsonic, and some of the upcoming
talent like Flick and Marlon Brando, I wish you both
the best. Tesko Suicide, you as always.. Just keep it
real everyone, and keep that oldschool funk kickin!
Also a special thanks to El Nino, my favorite artist
for supplying the element and mimic logos above.
rock steady .. :
thank you for viewing this elite colly, dza!
send comments/requests to kayozz@home.com or join mimic,
ascii or elementcrew.
log in to add a comment.