this image contains text
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : Kayozz, the oldschool guru : :
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : of element ascii presents: : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : the Fouth colly by the elmnt : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : crew called Never Forget : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, ,, , , ,, : : c element/mimic prod. 1998 : :
: only use EDIT.COM to view! :
zzz :..............................: ,,,
- k a y o z z a n d d e g e n e r a t i o n 6 5 p r e s e n t -
.---. Real Name: Craig Kayozz
Sex: Male
-,-/ Age: 15
.o. Profession: Offroad Zamboni Driver
. oOo oOo : .
..:.. Kayozzz .. ... .
: dza! K A Y O Z Z
. e l e m e n t c r e w p r o d :
m i m i n c o r p e r a t e d :
.. element ..
/ l / ::/: /
mer . . ..... .:::. ..... .
:: ::::: :: zz/e
.------------------ :: da crew :: ------------------.
- Kayozz, El Nino, Merlin, Mjay, Kresile, Raekwon
Luke Skywalker, Tim Drake, Lil Buddha, Tzeentch -
: : ... . N E V E R -- F O R G E T
l --
:... . / l .... . .. .
: : never forget - colly 4 by the element crew
. / . by kayozz of mimic and element productions
dza! // .: approved by the Degeneration 65 team to rel
: All-Time Ascii Releases For Element.......... Last Updated 12/16/98 :
Colly Name.. Filename... Size... Release Date.. Rel Num.
Back On Top E-ONTOP.TXT 32,899k December 4th 01
Dez Pvto E-DEZPV.TXT 14,929k December 6th 02
Pretty Fly.. E-PRFLY.TXT 14,005k December 9th 03
Never Forget E-NEVER.TXT 30,123k January 15th 04
Mental Journey
I once was here but I now am gone,
Im off to find the great beyond.
Thought my presence stares you in the face
My conscious mind is off in space.
A short while back my self was whole,
My body unified with soul.
But I looked out unto the world
And saw my chosen path unfurl.
So I closed my eyes and left body behind
To begin the journey in my mind.
- luke skywalker ejros@bu.edu
kickin the funk element style baby
- Element Crew Productions
. / /. / /. / / /. / element
..: : : / - tsdz -
:/ // / eR!RMRS / :
.:.................................. words from kayozz?! ....:
: hey whats going on ascii-scene? its me again, kayozz.. releasing yet
another colly for my label element. this colly was kind of rushed at
the last minute because i dont have the time to spend on making this
really, really great. but anyhow.. shout outs to all of element, mer
dez, vol, blk, toon, kaes, all of mimic and roman. thanks to LukeSky
for the neat lit provided. im tired, and tesko is a son of a bitch!!
oh yeah, by the way teskos, you can take you mouth off of discofunks
dick now, i think he came hours ago. .
- Kayozz element crew ..:
::: Never Forget by Kayozz :
:.. / ::::::: eR!RMRS :
- element crew productions 1999
..no more time
..no where to run
..no one to love
..two words?
tesko.. dont think im going to forget what you said, ever
chef.. ill always remember what you did for me! i love ya
e!..Code One for artcompo we won the sucker too, bitch!
. . .. : l
/ : :. : . / ozz
/ /. / / / / / mer
** i dont know why im doin this shit. I dont even care. I hate you **
e!..Acid for Radman acid header
A c i d A c q u i s i t i o n s . . / / /
/ / / zz/e----------------------------------------- : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ----------------------------------
e!..Alife for Myself i was mad blitzed when i drew this...
. the .
. . afterlife
/ / : / zz/e
e!..Channel One for Some Compo didnt even find out what i placed
:: ::::::::: C H A N N E L O N E .. .
:: ::::::::..e ! / . / /
e!..Chat for Anyone this is a piece of fucking shit
..................................... . . . . . .. . Chat Mode ON
:: .. Chatting With UN
: / / / at TI
Time Left TL
e!..Click for Click my old group, i miss you all.. well not ALL..
: : im sick of big fonts!
./ / ./ / / / zz/e
-- / -- ----- / - ---------------- ClickMode Squad!
e!..Click for Click Again i miss clickmode squad world deluxe shit
c l i c k, c l i c k, c l i c k, b a a n g !
: / / / / / / zz/e :
e!..Code One for Artcompo ascii without the merlin touch to it
:: zz/e
ODE.. . / / // / / . /
/ ..oNE
e!..Compo for Teskos Shudder...
/ / zz/e
e!..Deadlock for Black Jack what the FUCK was I on when i drew this?
:. D E A D L O C K
. . zz/e
e!..Binary Funk for Kaesoner i dont smoke crack, i swear ...
bINARY.. : ::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::: zz/e
/ . / // / / l ::::::
::::::: :::::::.:::::: ::::::: :::::: ::::::: ..fUNK ::::::
e!..Life for Myself i need to stop smoking weed.. nah!
,,,,,, / zz/e
:THE AFTER: : / :::::::::::
:::: l / // :::::
e!..Neuro for Serial Toon couple logos for sean
. . zz/e
---- / ------------------ Neuro!
nEURO! . . .. . . .......... ..........
::::::::::.::::::::::. . . .. . . nEURO!
e!..Neuro for Serial Toon Again smore logos for seannypoop
:::.....:::::::: n.euro ::: ::::::::. . ..zz/e
. . . zz/e
e!..Open for Anyone i thought i was cool drawin this.. i wasnt
zz/e / /
e!..SkateShop for Squibby i dunno about this. i hate big fonts!
l / / / /
: tHE... / / / sKATEsHOP! :
: / / / zz/e :
e!..Quantum for Palmore i actually like this ascii.. heh
:: .. :: / / / / zz/e
::......::.. / ------ / ----- / -------- / ---- Quantum!
:: P a l m o r e P a r i a h /
e!..Remorse FileId.Diz for The Rmrs Crew i really like this diz too!
Remorse Ascii 1981 Bringin It Back Babee!
: / / zz/e :
- Remorse Ascii Presents Release 30: feb
e!..Mimic FileId.Diz for My Mimic Crew! this is an elite diz yo!
..:. mimic productions 07 .:.
m i m i c : m i m i c
e!..After the afterlife for Myself joint with tribal
l :.
l :
: , /: .// tl/zz
e!..Phantom, The for Anyone for anyone with phantom
t H E . / //
. . zz/e
. . i
I never knew how strongly I felt
Until you were right there before me.
After being gone for so long
You were close enough to touch -
Close enough to draw you beside me.
But against my desires and every wish
You would not let me in.
The door between us remained shut -
Open on my side but locked on yours.
I tried in vain to unlock to bolt,
My key fit but would not turn
So you left me outside as you turned away,
And I watched through the window as you shut out the light.
luke skywalker ejros@bu.edu
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : so ends my forth colly for : :
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : my ascii label element cru : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : productions, watch out for : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : some more new releases by : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : us, because we are not out : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, ,, , , ,, : : of style, were bringing it : :
: : back baby! if ya dont like : :
,,, : : us we have about two words : : ,, , , ,, ,,
: S U C K I T :
zzz :..............................: ,,,
@eof 912 Lines...Kayozz/Element Never Forgetcolly04jan/15/99C1999tm
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : of element ascii presents: : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : the Fouth colly by the elmnt : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : crew called Never Forget : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, ,, , , ,, : : c element/mimic prod. 1998 : :
: only use EDIT.COM to view! :
zzz :..............................: ,,,
- k a y o z z a n d d e g e n e r a t i o n 6 5 p r e s e n t -
.---. Real Name: Craig Kayozz
Sex: Male
-,-/ Age: 15
.o. Profession: Offroad Zamboni Driver
. oOo oOo : .
..:.. Kayozzz .. ... .
: dza! K A Y O Z Z
. e l e m e n t c r e w p r o d :
m i m i n c o r p e r a t e d :
.. element ..
/ l / ::/: /
mer . . ..... .:::. ..... .
:: ::::: :: zz/e
.------------------ :: da crew :: ------------------.
- Kayozz, El Nino, Merlin, Mjay, Kresile, Raekwon
Luke Skywalker, Tim Drake, Lil Buddha, Tzeentch -
: : ... . N E V E R -- F O R G E T
l --
:... . / l .... . .. .
: : never forget - colly 4 by the element crew
. / . by kayozz of mimic and element productions
dza! // .: approved by the Degeneration 65 team to rel
: All-Time Ascii Releases For Element.......... Last Updated 12/16/98 :
Colly Name.. Filename... Size... Release Date.. Rel Num.
Back On Top E-ONTOP.TXT 32,899k December 4th 01
Dez Pvto E-DEZPV.TXT 14,929k December 6th 02
Pretty Fly.. E-PRFLY.TXT 14,005k December 9th 03
Never Forget E-NEVER.TXT 30,123k January 15th 04
Mental Journey
I once was here but I now am gone,
Im off to find the great beyond.
Thought my presence stares you in the face
My conscious mind is off in space.
A short while back my self was whole,
My body unified with soul.
But I looked out unto the world
And saw my chosen path unfurl.
So I closed my eyes and left body behind
To begin the journey in my mind.
- luke skywalker ejros@bu.edu
kickin the funk element style baby
- Element Crew Productions
. / /. / /. / / /. / element
..: : : / - tsdz -
:/ // / eR!RMRS / :
.:.................................. words from kayozz?! ....:
: hey whats going on ascii-scene? its me again, kayozz.. releasing yet
another colly for my label element. this colly was kind of rushed at
the last minute because i dont have the time to spend on making this
really, really great. but anyhow.. shout outs to all of element, mer
dez, vol, blk, toon, kaes, all of mimic and roman. thanks to LukeSky
for the neat lit provided. im tired, and tesko is a son of a bitch!!
oh yeah, by the way teskos, you can take you mouth off of discofunks
dick now, i think he came hours ago. .
- Kayozz element crew ..:
::: Never Forget by Kayozz :
:.. / ::::::: eR!RMRS :
- element crew productions 1999
..no more time
..no where to run
..no one to love
..two words?
tesko.. dont think im going to forget what you said, ever
chef.. ill always remember what you did for me! i love ya
e!..Code One for artcompo we won the sucker too, bitch!
. . .. : l
/ : :. : . / ozz
/ /. / / / / / mer
** i dont know why im doin this shit. I dont even care. I hate you **
e!..Acid for Radman acid header
A c i d A c q u i s i t i o n s . . / / /
/ / / zz/e----------------------------------------- : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ----------------------------------
e!..Alife for Myself i was mad blitzed when i drew this...
. the .
. . afterlife
/ / : / zz/e
e!..Channel One for Some Compo didnt even find out what i placed
:: ::::::::: C H A N N E L O N E .. .
:: ::::::::..e ! / . / /
e!..Chat for Anyone this is a piece of fucking shit
..................................... . . . . . .. . Chat Mode ON
:: .. Chatting With UN
: / / / at TI
Time Left TL
e!..Click for Click my old group, i miss you all.. well not ALL..
: : im sick of big fonts!
./ / ./ / / / zz/e
-- / -- ----- / - ---------------- ClickMode Squad!
e!..Click for Click Again i miss clickmode squad world deluxe shit
c l i c k, c l i c k, c l i c k, b a a n g !
: / / / / / / zz/e :
e!..Code One for Artcompo ascii without the merlin touch to it
:: zz/e
ODE.. . / / // / / . /
/ ..oNE
e!..Compo for Teskos Shudder...
/ / zz/e
e!..Deadlock for Black Jack what the FUCK was I on when i drew this?
:. D E A D L O C K
. . zz/e
e!..Binary Funk for Kaesoner i dont smoke crack, i swear ...
bINARY.. : ::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::: zz/e
/ . / // / / l ::::::
::::::: :::::::.:::::: ::::::: :::::: ::::::: ..fUNK ::::::
e!..Life for Myself i need to stop smoking weed.. nah!
,,,,,, / zz/e
:THE AFTER: : / :::::::::::
:::: l / // :::::
e!..Neuro for Serial Toon couple logos for sean
. . zz/e
---- / ------------------ Neuro!
nEURO! . . .. . . .......... ..........
::::::::::.::::::::::. . . .. . . nEURO!
e!..Neuro for Serial Toon Again smore logos for seannypoop
:::.....:::::::: n.euro ::: ::::::::. . ..zz/e
. . . zz/e
e!..Open for Anyone i thought i was cool drawin this.. i wasnt
zz/e / /
e!..SkateShop for Squibby i dunno about this. i hate big fonts!
l / / / /
: tHE... / / / sKATEsHOP! :
: / / / zz/e :
e!..Quantum for Palmore i actually like this ascii.. heh
:: .. :: / / / / zz/e
::......::.. / ------ / ----- / -------- / ---- Quantum!
:: P a l m o r e P a r i a h /
e!..Remorse FileId.Diz for The Rmrs Crew i really like this diz too!
Remorse Ascii 1981 Bringin It Back Babee!
: / / zz/e :
- Remorse Ascii Presents Release 30: feb
e!..Mimic FileId.Diz for My Mimic Crew! this is an elite diz yo!
..:. mimic productions 07 .:.
m i m i c : m i m i c
e!..After the afterlife for Myself joint with tribal
l :.
l :
: , /: .// tl/zz
e!..Phantom, The for Anyone for anyone with phantom
t H E . / //
. . zz/e
. . i
I never knew how strongly I felt
Until you were right there before me.
After being gone for so long
You were close enough to touch -
Close enough to draw you beside me.
But against my desires and every wish
You would not let me in.
The door between us remained shut -
Open on my side but locked on yours.
I tried in vain to unlock to bolt,
My key fit but would not turn
So you left me outside as you turned away,
And I watched through the window as you shut out the light.
luke skywalker ejros@bu.edu
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : so ends my forth colly for : :
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : my ascii label element cru : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,, : : productions, watch out for : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : some more new releases by : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
: : us, because we are not out : : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, ,, , , ,, : : of style, were bringing it : :
: : back baby! if ya dont like : :
,,, : : us we have about two words : : ,, , , ,, ,,
: S U C K I T :
zzz :..............................: ,,,
@eof 912 Lines...Kayozz/Element Never Forgetcolly04jan/15/99C1999tm
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