this image contains text
:..:... .sd++ ... .....................: :.: :.: :
...: .?Sbs. ....... ::: .,,,,. sgggg :.+?b.+?b. .:
: ?P ?b. :: .sdP?s,..dSb :I !I !S !S :.
.s gsss ?b..dP bii :: :: :: :
iggmmmmg mg : ?S !I !I !I .
. sSsgg .,dP ?b. dPS..,dP:I .+ :: :::
: mmmdSSP ?Ss. ii.sSSbs,!I !I:
Si gmmg pmqgg ?b. ?SIi: I:: :i
!I ?b. ? :S?!I !I
:SIi:S s , mmmg ?SSIIii:: : . ?b. i..,dP : :
gggggggggggggggsssg ! dP ?b. IS : :
?. .dP gsS : d: ...... ?SI bgggggsgP
: : :: :SIiiI: + *iIb : : :SIi:i !Iggg
.! ?b. ,.?Ss,..: bk :....,sSi: :i::::
gggggdS gg :....: .++. :I !I:: :
:: .... d + ii :ii :
b,.. . gg :...: : : :iL ,mmmmmm.....I: :
: ? ,Pii :
....,CB4ssssssss freestyLe abs0l0m. :::::. ++ .::::::::::::::: !IP ::::
iF this were drUCKs i would make a millYOn of this combinatiUn -wyclef
i found the hidden message ... nah, think not, but i think its better
not to mention how many space cookies made this weird colors and the wicked
outlines possible...............im stoned. im outta here. goodnight folks
...: .?Sbs. ....... ::: .,,,,. sgggg :.+?b.+?b. .:
: ?P ?b. :: .sdP?s,..dSb :I !I !S !S :.
.s gsss ?b..dP bii :: :: :: :
iggmmmmg mg : ?S !I !I !I .
. sSsgg .,dP ?b. dPS..,dP:I .+ :: :::
: mmmdSSP ?Ss. ii.sSSbs,!I !I:
Si gmmg pmqgg ?b. ?SIi: I:: :i
!I ?b. ? :S?!I !I
:SIi:S s , mmmg ?SSIIii:: : . ?b. i..,dP : :
gggggggggggggggsssg ! dP ?b. IS : :
?. .dP gsS : d: ...... ?SI bgggggsgP
: : :: :SIiiI: + *iIb : : :SIi:i !Iggg
.! ?b. ,.?Ss,..: bk :....,sSi: :i::::
gggggdS gg :....: .++. :I !I:: :
:: .... d + ii :ii :
b,.. . gg :...: : : :iL ,mmmmmm.....I: :
: ? ,Pii :
....,CB4ssssssss freestyLe abs0l0m. :::::. ++ .::::::::::::::: !IP ::::
iF this were drUCKs i would make a millYOn of this combinatiUn -wyclef
i found the hidden message ... nah, think not, but i think its better
not to mention how many space cookies made this weird colors and the wicked
outlines possible...............im stoned. im outta here. goodnight folks
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