![[eden 12.95 group info] by [eden]](/pack/eden1295/x1/1295EDEN.NFO.png)
this image contains text
for something a little different this month ive
decided to
write this .nfoy thing in bright green.. your fi
rst question:
why so late this month after releasing on the f
irst the past
two months? well, there has been quite a bit o
f discussing
going on within Eden, and weve decided to make
some changes/
clarify some things. we decided that it would
be better to
hold the pack release off until these things w
ere finalized
through voting, and thats just what we did..
so what have we decided? welp, Eden now is
as democratic
a group as they come. there is no longer a staf
f or central
authority designated to do the general work and m
ake the group
decisions. instead, all decisions are voted on
by members of
the group all applications are reviewed by eac
h member and
voted upon.
well, how does anything get done? whoever wou
ld like to do
something may do it. this is basically how its
been, but we
wanted to make it official and take out the con
tradiction of
there being assigned tasks and positions, while w
e do not like
titles and various hands of power. this policy
brings out a
nice point of the loose, dedicated atmosphere t
hat is a part
of Eden although there also is our share of loaf
ers :.
anyway, for a rundown of how eden runs now, fee
l free to
check out the updated! charter.. as for the d
ecember pack,
i wasnt any longer willing to call people who ha
vent sent in
their stuff by the deadlines my phone bills ar
e getting too
high, so it isnt as large as usual though i
m sure some
people appreciate that. its good though hig
h-quality art
thats well worth checking all of it out.
i decided to release the code to the applicat
ion generator
this month. ive also taken out the old viewer
that wasnt
working. i have big plans for one hell of a new
one, as soon
as i get started into it. look for it probably
in the 2-3/95
packs it will be well worth it..
anyway.. its friday and im anxious to get out of
here, so
b-bye! i know, i know.. youre going to be seein
g green text
for the rest of the night now.. :
woodstock eden
for something a little different this month ive
decided to
write this .nfoy thing in bright green.. your fi
rst question:
why so late this month after releasing on the f
irst the past
two months? well, there has been quite a bit o
f discussing
going on within Eden, and weve decided to make
some changes/
clarify some things. we decided that it would
be better to
hold the pack release off until these things w
ere finalized
through voting, and thats just what we did..
so what have we decided? welp, Eden now is
as democratic
a group as they come. there is no longer a staf
f or central
authority designated to do the general work and m
ake the group
decisions. instead, all decisions are voted on
by members of
the group all applications are reviewed by eac
h member and
voted upon.
well, how does anything get done? whoever wou
ld like to do
something may do it. this is basically how its
been, but we
wanted to make it official and take out the con
tradiction of
there being assigned tasks and positions, while w
e do not like
titles and various hands of power. this policy
brings out a
nice point of the loose, dedicated atmosphere t
hat is a part
of Eden although there also is our share of loaf
ers :.
anyway, for a rundown of how eden runs now, fee
l free to
check out the updated! charter.. as for the d
ecember pack,
i wasnt any longer willing to call people who ha
vent sent in
their stuff by the deadlines my phone bills ar
e getting too
high, so it isnt as large as usual though i
m sure some
people appreciate that. its good though hig
h-quality art
thats well worth checking all of it out.
i decided to release the code to the applicat
ion generator
this month. ive also taken out the old viewer
that wasnt
working. i have big plans for one hell of a new
one, as soon
as i get started into it. look for it probably
in the 2-3/95
packs it will be well worth it..
anyway.. its friday and im anxious to get out of
here, so
b-bye! i know, i know.. youre going to be seein
g green text
for the rest of the night now.. :
woodstock eden
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