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Hey, Dalamar here, well, first off Id like to say that it was
my fault that Eden missed last month and has a small teeny pack
this month... I had started attending college and had no time for
much of anything, but Im back now and next months pack will kick
some ass.... As for the small size... well, quantity over quality.
From Temperate Hijacker, co founder/prez, a new E-Mag has been
released. The group hopes this to evenutally become a stand alone
project. We would greatly appreciate any info/suggestions on the
This month, we more than doubled our size! From a smaller group
named Sabre, we picked up a talented artist named Borys pronounced
Bors who is a great logo artist and is expanding into graphics.
We picked up two new lit guys into our already outstanding lit
department. Digital Remorse and Leper Messiah Whos a great poet,
and he does it We also grabbed an incredible musician, Musicman.
And last, but definitely not least, we picked up a killer PPE coder
from Blade. His name is Equinox, and he came to us because the
prez of that group dislikes PPES and wont put them in the pack.
New boards this month are Synthetic Amusement, our new Eastern HQ,
which is run by our new Music coordinator, Musicman. Also, a new
Western Headquarters was added, Evil Intentions run by Betrayer.
Also added were Sites Eternal Insanity Blade WHQ run by MindCrime,
and Digital Empire, which though in last month, was not added to
the pack
To Anarchy Central, one of our distros. We havent seen heard from
you Spaz, and have decided for now, to exclude your board from the
my fault that Eden missed last month and has a small teeny pack
this month... I had started attending college and had no time for
much of anything, but Im back now and next months pack will kick
some ass.... As for the small size... well, quantity over quality.
From Temperate Hijacker, co founder/prez, a new E-Mag has been
released. The group hopes this to evenutally become a stand alone
project. We would greatly appreciate any info/suggestions on the
This month, we more than doubled our size! From a smaller group
named Sabre, we picked up a talented artist named Borys pronounced
Bors who is a great logo artist and is expanding into graphics.
We picked up two new lit guys into our already outstanding lit
department. Digital Remorse and Leper Messiah Whos a great poet,
and he does it We also grabbed an incredible musician, Musicman.
And last, but definitely not least, we picked up a killer PPE coder
from Blade. His name is Equinox, and he came to us because the
prez of that group dislikes PPES and wont put them in the pack.
New boards this month are Synthetic Amusement, our new Eastern HQ,
which is run by our new Music coordinator, Musicman. Also, a new
Western Headquarters was added, Evil Intentions run by Betrayer.
Also added were Sites Eternal Insanity Blade WHQ run by MindCrime,
and Digital Empire, which though in last month, was not added to
the pack
To Anarchy Central, one of our distros. We havent seen heard from
you Spaz, and have decided for now, to exclude your board from the
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