this image contains text
Eden 1994 Member and Board Listing
Dalamar, The Temperate Hijacker
DL Dalamar
Coding Departme
Code PPE
TH The Temperate Hijacker
MD Mr. Data
CR Crisis
Highlighted - Department Head/Coordinator
- New to the Group this month
Affiliated Boards
Syndication-X 6o9 - World He
adQuarters - Temp. Hijacker
open - Eastern Headquarters -
open - Western Headquarters -
open - MidWest Headquarters -
open - MidEast Headquarters -
open - Southern Headquartrs -
Line of Fire 819 - Canada He
adquarters - AcidFlash
Anarchy Central 6o9 - Distri
bution Site - Spastic Orang.
Exiled Race ??? - Distributi
on Site - Kool
Badlands 4o8 - Distribution
Site - SoulTaker
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
Quality Control 6o9 - Member
Board - Mr. Data
Digital Abyss 6o9 - Eden M
embers Only - Crisis
If you are an Eden Member/Distro and are not included here,
please call
Syndication-X or leave a message on PrimeNet to solve the problem
Eden 1994 Member and Board Listing
Dalamar, The Temperate Hijacker
DL Dalamar
Coding Departme
Code PPE
TH The Temperate Hijacker
MD Mr. Data
CR Crisis
Highlighted - Department Head/Coordinator
- New to the Group this month
Affiliated Boards
Syndication-X 6o9 - World He
adQuarters - Temp. Hijacker
open - Eastern Headquarters -
open - Western Headquarters -
open - MidWest Headquarters -
open - MidEast Headquarters -
open - Southern Headquartrs -
Line of Fire 819 - Canada He
adquarters - AcidFlash
Anarchy Central 6o9 - Distri
bution Site - Spastic Orang.
Exiled Race ??? - Distributi
on Site - Kool
Badlands 4o8 - Distribution
Site - SoulTaker
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
open - Distribution Site -
Quality Control 6o9 - Member
Board - Mr. Data
Digital Abyss 6o9 - Eden M
embers Only - Crisis
If you are an Eden Member/Distro and are not included here,
please call
Syndication-X or leave a message on PrimeNet to solve the problem
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