this image contains text
Tartarus - n tar-TEAR-us -
1 A place of eternal torment, where
even the wicked are loathe to tr
ead, and
the souls of mortals roast on burn
ing pyres.
2 A k-spammy board in Jersey See CA
LL NOW where
only the raddest in crack fiends See B
ORYS go to
play. This mythological board
is also rumored to contain
excellent ansis See DALAMAR and
be the U.S. headquarters
for a group called Eden See BEST
. This group was suppossedly
the most sought after of all times. Se
Eden USHQ Sysops: Borys/Dalamar Sp
eedNet Node
Home of the Whopper
I never saw an ansi of Storm from the X-Men, so I c
hanged that...
This ansi wasnt going to be for Borys, due to the fact
that he pissed
me off as I was making it, but what the hell? Gree
ts go out to:
Me, HiWhacker, Borys, Village Idiot, Special Ed, Chao
s Thanks dude,
Messiah from Blade Killer Eden logo man, Leper Mess
iah, Saint Sinner,
Kestral Arrgh, whiplash!! , Anyone else in Eden,
and as for
anyone I forgot to greet, drawl an Eden ansi like Mes
siah did, and Ill
greet ya next time! Peace...Anybody want a red do
1 A place of eternal torment, where
even the wicked are loathe to tr
ead, and
the souls of mortals roast on burn
ing pyres.
2 A k-spammy board in Jersey See CA
LL NOW where
only the raddest in crack fiends See B
ORYS go to
play. This mythological board
is also rumored to contain
excellent ansis See DALAMAR and
be the U.S. headquarters
for a group called Eden See BEST
. This group was suppossedly
the most sought after of all times. Se
Eden USHQ Sysops: Borys/Dalamar Sp
eedNet Node
Home of the Whopper
I never saw an ansi of Storm from the X-Men, so I c
hanged that...
This ansi wasnt going to be for Borys, due to the fact
that he pissed
me off as I was making it, but what the hell? Gree
ts go out to:
Me, HiWhacker, Borys, Village Idiot, Special Ed, Chao
s Thanks dude,
Messiah from Blade Killer Eden logo man, Leper Mess
iah, Saint Sinner,
Kestral Arrgh, whiplash!! , Anyone else in Eden,
and as for
anyone I forgot to greet, drawl an Eden ansi like Mes
siah did, and Ill
greet ya next time! Peace...Anybody want a red do
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