this image contains text
hello, and welcome to the last ecolove package. because all good things must come to an end, we decided to kill the group. releasing every 3 months isnt
the way of working for a lowres group. i guess were all ready for a new challenge, and the new challenge can be seen in many different ways. some people will continue drawing ansi, while others start off with a hirez career.
we couldnt release the last pack without the help of some formal members, who started up aciddraw again for the last time to submit some art for this
pack. the guys i was talking about are known as cleaner and delusion. we have
some guest work too again, by people who were in the mood of drawing.
props to: somberlain, gec, silence and last but not least spear.
it seems not to important to tell you all what happened with the member list
the last few months. but anyways, ill do that : the avenger and prophet quit
the group after pack 16. we gained one new member called poseidon joined the
team. i feel sorry for you that you came up with the idea of drawing ansi a
little bit too late for drawing within ecolove. i hope youll keep on drawing.
next up there are some impressions from snowball and commissaris plons, who
were a part of the group:
i never thought i could
have such fun drawing
pictures with little tiny
blocks ... its amazing
how strong the urge can
be to do ansi
but at some point that
special feeling just fades
away. it never stops though sN but its just not enough to compile another quality
yiha pack each month
therefore we decided to
Snowball ridin stop.
Com. Plons back
im not able to express
in words how much i love
Cpl: frog everyone who made ecl to
Sn : Afro dude such a succes
cPl in future you are going to
see some work from us ....
but not under the ecl label
we are going to support ou
buddies at the kibosh lowrs division .. hi dr. katz
With tears in my eyes.. im gonna write my last 2 wordz:
snowball out
a few lines by commissaris plons:
well, as some of you know, Ive been
an ecolove-member for quite some time
now, but most of you dont really know
me because I am too lazy to connect my
modem. To give you all an idea of who
i am, I would like to describe myself
in a little ansi-thing...
i was born and raised in roosendaal.
august 4th 1979 i saw the first light
of day, and what a wonderfull day it was.
about 17/18 years later i drew my first
ansi, and again this was a wonderful day.
the day president and snowball asked me
to join ecolove was near, and i really
enjoyed being in this group.
a few years and astounding packs
later ecolove decided to quit, and i was
shocked. this last pack will be a special
one, not only with some real nice ansis,
but also with some stats of ecl-members.
so check it out...
much respect to all ecl-members and all the
others who keep the ansi-scene alive...
and to everybody:
a happy 2000 !!!
now well continue with some words from people who never were in ecolove, but
had everything to do with the ansi scene in general. props to you guys for
handing this in.
too bad ecolove decided to quit. i always admired all the ansi-creators
and especially the now-a-days drawers. now that all the bbs systems
are dead and most of the ansi scene disappeared. it is real hard to be
motivated in these days with all the internet vga junk : therefore i have
big respect for the fact that ecolove kept on releasing new packs!
respect! and happy 2000 guys!
dirtbag, former member of EXPOSE ansi.
Ecolove. -THE- european group of the past few years. one day back when I was running the now defunct cia ansi division, i was getting desperate for members, so i mass leeched the entire 1997 or 1998, I cant remember packs directory from cdrom.com and looked at each and every single pack i got. i came across circe, a group Arlequin runs but has his heart into so much he just cant kill it although he needs to so he can join epic. i was impressed by the work of a few members whom Id never heard of arlequin and darkman, but the rest didnt impress me much. what a shameless epic plug. :
then i came across ecolove. youch. an entire group of guys me, and most north
americans had NEVER heard of. being the big cheese of a group like CIA, i figured I could just assimilate them all into the group, so i approached The Avenger about a merge. they all talked about it.. and really got my hopes up ONLY TO SAY -NO- DESTROYING ALL PLANS I HAD FOR CIAS SCENE DOMINANCE ..
ILL NEVER FORGI.. eek. I gotta stop thinking out loud. but CIA went on to
to prosper under me anyways. :
i respected their decision. they were thrilled to finally get some recognition
by someone who mattered *cough* ego trip , but still, they refused to join the darkside. ecolove had true group spirit, which still lives strong in their
current resident president.. President, and his sidekick Snowball.
so where am i going with this history lesson. i have no clue. i think the moral of the story im getting at, is that its a shame to see a group that had such group pride and unity fade away into the histories of cdrom.com without ever getting the respect they deserve. lets all *sniff* take a moment
to *sniff* download their art *sniff* from the cdrom.com archive.
savage cow epic ansi
butterbrain introduced me to the artscene about 1 year ago. he told me about
avenge cult and ecolove: his buddy inclusive was member of those 2. after dialing presidents bbs hundreds of times I got passioned about ansi and started to download packs. because im dutch, and ecolove is also dutch, i followed them with more interest than the others. after we founded kibosh art,
and i started to draw, i got more and more admiration for the 1st class art of
especially president and snowball, the 2 best Dutch ansidoodlers, imho.
its too bad they died... even in real life those guys were cool : ...
dr. katz kibosh
thanx again for handing this in bros ... i know this is nostalgia, but i like
it : i want to thank all the people who had something to do with the group.
there are a lot of those guys, so i wont name anyone i person. you know who
you are.
signing off, president
hello, and welcome to the last ecolove package. because all good things must come to an end, we decided to kill the group. releasing every 3 months isnt
the way of working for a lowres group. i guess were all ready for a new challenge, and the new challenge can be seen in many different ways. some people will continue drawing ansi, while others start off with a hirez career.
we couldnt release the last pack without the help of some formal members, who started up aciddraw again for the last time to submit some art for this
pack. the guys i was talking about are known as cleaner and delusion. we have
some guest work too again, by people who were in the mood of drawing.
props to: somberlain, gec, silence and last but not least spear.
it seems not to important to tell you all what happened with the member list
the last few months. but anyways, ill do that : the avenger and prophet quit
the group after pack 16. we gained one new member called poseidon joined the
team. i feel sorry for you that you came up with the idea of drawing ansi a
little bit too late for drawing within ecolove. i hope youll keep on drawing.
next up there are some impressions from snowball and commissaris plons, who
were a part of the group:
i never thought i could
have such fun drawing
pictures with little tiny
blocks ... its amazing
how strong the urge can
be to do ansi
but at some point that
special feeling just fades
away. it never stops though sN but its just not enough to compile another quality
yiha pack each month
therefore we decided to
Snowball ridin stop.
Com. Plons back
im not able to express
in words how much i love
Cpl: frog everyone who made ecl to
Sn : Afro dude such a succes
cPl in future you are going to
see some work from us ....
but not under the ecl label
we are going to support ou
buddies at the kibosh lowrs division .. hi dr. katz
With tears in my eyes.. im gonna write my last 2 wordz:
snowball out
a few lines by commissaris plons:
well, as some of you know, Ive been
an ecolove-member for quite some time
now, but most of you dont really know
me because I am too lazy to connect my
modem. To give you all an idea of who
i am, I would like to describe myself
in a little ansi-thing...
i was born and raised in roosendaal.
august 4th 1979 i saw the first light
of day, and what a wonderfull day it was.
about 17/18 years later i drew my first
ansi, and again this was a wonderful day.
the day president and snowball asked me
to join ecolove was near, and i really
enjoyed being in this group.
a few years and astounding packs
later ecolove decided to quit, and i was
shocked. this last pack will be a special
one, not only with some real nice ansis,
but also with some stats of ecl-members.
so check it out...
much respect to all ecl-members and all the
others who keep the ansi-scene alive...
and to everybody:
a happy 2000 !!!
now well continue with some words from people who never were in ecolove, but
had everything to do with the ansi scene in general. props to you guys for
handing this in.
too bad ecolove decided to quit. i always admired all the ansi-creators
and especially the now-a-days drawers. now that all the bbs systems
are dead and most of the ansi scene disappeared. it is real hard to be
motivated in these days with all the internet vga junk : therefore i have
big respect for the fact that ecolove kept on releasing new packs!
respect! and happy 2000 guys!
dirtbag, former member of EXPOSE ansi.
Ecolove. -THE- european group of the past few years. one day back when I was running the now defunct cia ansi division, i was getting desperate for members, so i mass leeched the entire 1997 or 1998, I cant remember packs directory from cdrom.com and looked at each and every single pack i got. i came across circe, a group Arlequin runs but has his heart into so much he just cant kill it although he needs to so he can join epic. i was impressed by the work of a few members whom Id never heard of arlequin and darkman, but the rest didnt impress me much. what a shameless epic plug. :
then i came across ecolove. youch. an entire group of guys me, and most north
americans had NEVER heard of. being the big cheese of a group like CIA, i figured I could just assimilate them all into the group, so i approached The Avenger about a merge. they all talked about it.. and really got my hopes up ONLY TO SAY -NO- DESTROYING ALL PLANS I HAD FOR CIAS SCENE DOMINANCE ..
ILL NEVER FORGI.. eek. I gotta stop thinking out loud. but CIA went on to
to prosper under me anyways. :
i respected their decision. they were thrilled to finally get some recognition
by someone who mattered *cough* ego trip , but still, they refused to join the darkside. ecolove had true group spirit, which still lives strong in their
current resident president.. President, and his sidekick Snowball.
so where am i going with this history lesson. i have no clue. i think the moral of the story im getting at, is that its a shame to see a group that had such group pride and unity fade away into the histories of cdrom.com without ever getting the respect they deserve. lets all *sniff* take a moment
to *sniff* download their art *sniff* from the cdrom.com archive.
savage cow epic ansi
butterbrain introduced me to the artscene about 1 year ago. he told me about
avenge cult and ecolove: his buddy inclusive was member of those 2. after dialing presidents bbs hundreds of times I got passioned about ansi and started to download packs. because im dutch, and ecolove is also dutch, i followed them with more interest than the others. after we founded kibosh art,
and i started to draw, i got more and more admiration for the 1st class art of
especially president and snowball, the 2 best Dutch ansidoodlers, imho.
its too bad they died... even in real life those guys were cool : ...
dr. katz kibosh
thanx again for handing this in bros ... i know this is nostalgia, but i like
it : i want to thank all the people who had something to do with the group.
there are a lot of those guys, so i wont name anyone i person. you know who
you are.
signing off, president
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