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ecolove ansi 1999
hey there.
welcome to the 14th ! issue of the ecolove artpacks.
ive got quite a lot to write about in this infofile this time
so ill just get started..
the first point can be a quicky: we have no new members since
last pack.
we do have 1 member leaving us however. after a long period of
time in which exocet couldnt get motivated to do some serious
drawing, he decided to stop drawing. wed like to thank exocet
for the time hes been in ecolove, and were sure well meet
again at some party in the future. hope youll take up drawing
again some day too..
as most of you already know haha. yeah right.. we have our
own irc channel ecolove. its not on efnet, but on ircnet. so
thats probably why its not too crowded yet, but we expect to
see everyone in there in the future :
anyways, what i wanted to tell you about this channel is that
from now on, every sunday at 20.00CET well have a groupchat
out there. so if you want to contact any of us, for whatever
reason, this would be the time and place to do so.
another quicky: velodromes bbs is offline. he asked me to
mention this in the nfo file, cauz he doesnt wanna get called
out of bed in the middle of the night because some lame-ass
tried to call his board again
okay, guess im almost finished. just this one thing though:
now that exocet has left us, our group has become even smaller
as it was. we have no intention to get 25 members, but at the
moment we could use some extra members. sooooooo. if youre a
talented artist ansi, ascii, whutevah and you think ecolove
may just be the group for you: apply.
ecolove ansi 1999
hey there.
welcome to the 14th ! issue of the ecolove artpacks.
ive got quite a lot to write about in this infofile this time
so ill just get started..
the first point can be a quicky: we have no new members since
last pack.
we do have 1 member leaving us however. after a long period of
time in which exocet couldnt get motivated to do some serious
drawing, he decided to stop drawing. wed like to thank exocet
for the time hes been in ecolove, and were sure well meet
again at some party in the future. hope youll take up drawing
again some day too..
as most of you already know haha. yeah right.. we have our
own irc channel ecolove. its not on efnet, but on ircnet. so
thats probably why its not too crowded yet, but we expect to
see everyone in there in the future :
anyways, what i wanted to tell you about this channel is that
from now on, every sunday at 20.00CET well have a groupchat
out there. so if you want to contact any of us, for whatever
reason, this would be the time and place to do so.
another quicky: velodromes bbs is offline. he asked me to
mention this in the nfo file, cauz he doesnt wanna get called
out of bed in the middle of the night because some lame-ass
tried to call his board again
okay, guess im almost finished. just this one thing though:
now that exocet has left us, our group has become even smaller
as it was. we have no intention to get 25 members, but at the
moment we could use some extra members. sooooooo. if youre a
talented artist ansi, ascii, whutevah and you think ecolove
may just be the group for you: apply.
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