this image contains text
88 sss ::,,88::P,,8 ,T88
88 SSl ggg, db l ,, db b,T88
88 Tybl gg TP ldbl*---***b,T
88b,l fb l l TygT**,lyg88:T,d
888S@ l b, T88yg,,gggggg T,d88
88888 88S@gg@Sb,,S@gg@S888 ,d88
infuse --------
for the infuse infofile, requested by sentinel
--------- freebase@cryogen.com
88 sss ::,,88::P,,8 ,T88
88 SSl ggg, db l ,, db b,T88
88 Tybl gg TP ldbl*---***b,T
88b,l fb l l TygT**,lyg88:T,d
888S@ l b, T88yg,,gggggg T,d88
88888 88S@gg@Sb,,S@gg@S888 ,d88
infuse --------
for the infuse infofile, requested by sentinel
--------- freebase@cryogen.com
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