this image contains text
:: I want to dedicate this amazing 8 colly to Exocet!
.. He spent a lot of hours on his really kewl ansi at Bizzare
In my opinion he made the best ansi...but unfortunately
.. he didnt win.....Hahahaha dork
.. People who never draw ansi should NOT judge ansis No more!
.. daar word ik dus egt helemaal ziek door jah vieze homos
: I tried to draw a kind of weird bkgrnd
Guess it worked but thats up to you
: I want to apologize for this one..why? Because its a sun 8
Besides that i do think its o.k. Go XAm
nAME : Snowball
i hANDLE : Snowball aDDRESS 1 : Beryldijk 10
: lOCATiON : Ecl aDDRESS 2 : 4706 Ea
. vOiCE pHONE : 0165541044 aDDRESS 3 : Roosendaal .
. dATA pHONE : 0165541044 fULL sCRN. eDiTOR : -------- ..
pASSWORD : bubble gum fULL sCRN. rEADER : -------- ::
. dATE oF biRTH : 17-02-80 uSE hOTKEYS : Yes ii
: sCREEN lENGTH:: 24
: It fits perfect, this fileid.diz
If somethings boring to look at its a diz It has not been used btw
: 8
: Pack8
iT hurts to
be this good
: Well what can i say.... It looks pretty good i guess....
especially the background worked out the way i wanted it
The first episode chatbox
Pfff, youre
People who make the world a better place:
The Avenger-Emetic-Com.Plons-Delusion-Niobium
Tuffguy-TImelesssss-Da prezzzz-Eside-Genesis-
Dizzy-Mystery man-Exile-l.Zeepsop-The Saint-
Sepulcrum-Solidsnake-Dark Angel-Mogwaigizmo
Thanx for paying attention
SnOwball out
.. He spent a lot of hours on his really kewl ansi at Bizzare
In my opinion he made the best ansi...but unfortunately
.. he didnt win.....Hahahaha dork
.. People who never draw ansi should NOT judge ansis No more!
.. daar word ik dus egt helemaal ziek door jah vieze homos
: I tried to draw a kind of weird bkgrnd
Guess it worked but thats up to you
: I want to apologize for this one..why? Because its a sun 8
Besides that i do think its o.k. Go XAm
nAME : Snowball
i hANDLE : Snowball aDDRESS 1 : Beryldijk 10
: lOCATiON : Ecl aDDRESS 2 : 4706 Ea
. vOiCE pHONE : 0165541044 aDDRESS 3 : Roosendaal .
. dATA pHONE : 0165541044 fULL sCRN. eDiTOR : -------- ..
pASSWORD : bubble gum fULL sCRN. rEADER : -------- ::
. dATE oF biRTH : 17-02-80 uSE hOTKEYS : Yes ii
: sCREEN lENGTH:: 24
: It fits perfect, this fileid.diz
If somethings boring to look at its a diz It has not been used btw
: 8
: Pack8
iT hurts to
be this good
: Well what can i say.... It looks pretty good i guess....
especially the background worked out the way i wanted it
The first episode chatbox
Pfff, youre
People who make the world a better place:
The Avenger-Emetic-Com.Plons-Delusion-Niobium
Tuffguy-TImelesssss-Da prezzzz-Eside-Genesis-
Dizzy-Mystery man-Exile-l.Zeepsop-The Saint-
Sepulcrum-Solidsnake-Dark Angel-Mogwaigizmo
Thanx for paying attention
SnOwball out
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