this image contains text
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.. .. .. i n f o ..
H ello ,
here is lemon44..
also known as timeless :
i decided to change my handle because timeless sux i think
i deleted al my art to start a new live in ecolove
and i will try harder to make better shaded art
see above :
O ther changes
owjeah, because my phone bill was kinda f400,- to much :
i decided to stop the fun calls.
so if you want to reach me for any stupid reason
then please e-mail me at : lem44@hotmail.com
i still make art for ecolove ofcourze
and i still do requests.. e-mail
owjeeh check out my first handmade : bitmap
F ree lemons fly out to
censored , delusion , ducks , freebase , inclusive , mnemonix..
president , silence , snowball , the avenger , tuffguy..
inside , logic , revolution , rare!ascii..
.. .. .. i n f o ..
H ello ,
here is lemon44..
also known as timeless :
i decided to change my handle because timeless sux i think
i deleted al my art to start a new live in ecolove
and i will try harder to make better shaded art
see above :
O ther changes
owjeah, because my phone bill was kinda f400,- to much :
i decided to stop the fun calls.
so if you want to reach me for any stupid reason
then please e-mail me at : lem44@hotmail.com
i still make art for ecolove ofcourze
and i still do requests.. e-mail
owjeeh check out my first handmade : bitmap
F ree lemons fly out to
censored , delusion , ducks , freebase , inclusive , mnemonix..
president , silence , snowball , the avenger , tuffguy..
inside , logic , revolution , rare!ascii..
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