this image contains text
7b .,.
7L yyyy db.
j yylbs@. jb
d7 :77b. .s. 7L
77 ,ss 7b ,d77b. 7L
7L ll b 7L ecl nfo! d7 7b 7
7b :7 jyyy.s@jl ,. lL 7: j :: 7 .,d77bl db l7 j dl l jL 77 , L * j .dl l@b7lssss L 7s.s7.d 7s@@sd@s l .7 ,@ 7 : 7 j@s@ jl : b,,d .d ,sS77 d7 77
j7*7777 77
77 7 L 7L j7
7b j 7 j dL
j7 d7 777b.
dL ecolove artpack 8 ! * * 7L
j j
77 77
j7 welcome to another artpack from those weird dutch 7b
db. dudes. this pack does not contain art from all of 7L
jb our members, due to the fact that its summer and 77
7L most people go away for a couple of weeks to spend j7
7 their summers elsewhere. db
77 7L
j7 the irc-channel ecolove which you all so enjoyed is no 7b
dL longer available. jungleboy didnt think it was worth 77
db the trouble to keep it up. shame on him! 77
7b jL
7L lets see what else is worth mentioning, oyeah ofcoz ,db
77 weve got some nice guest appereances in this pack.7 j7 the first one is the fileid.diz drawn by rzicus. jL d7 second guest is another dutch artist: niobium. 7L
jb he did a joint ascii with censored and contributed 77
7L another ascii. thanx a lot you guys, you gave a littlej7
something extra to this pack. db
7 7L
j7 you can join us by dropping an email with your apply 7b
dL form and some of your work at: avenger@westbrabant.net 77
db or you could call one of our memberboards. 77
7b jL
7L last thing ill mention is that you can get all our ,db.
77 new releases at:
j7 ftp.skynet.stack.nl/pub/gfx/ecolove, but also at d
d7 acid and cdrom. 7
7 .s. .. 77
7 - ta out db. dL dL 77
d: s jL j@s7 77
7 .db 77 77 jb
7l jL j7 7bs@L
7 b,.,d7 j7
7L jb. .d777
d7 7777
,db 7L
j77L 7777
77 77 j7 *
-// ascii by the background suxx censored -
7b .,.
7L yyyy db.
j yylbs@. jb
d7 :77b. .s. 7L
77 ,ss 7b ,d77b. 7L
7L ll b 7L ecl nfo! d7 7b 7
7b :7 jyyy.s@jl ,. lL 7: j :: 7 .,d77bl db l7 j dl l jL 77 , L * j .dl l@b7lssss L 7s.s7.d 7s@@sd@s l .7 ,@ 7 : 7 j@s@ jl : b,,d .d ,sS77 d7 77
j7*7777 77
77 7 L 7L j7
7b j 7 j dL
j7 d7 777b.
dL ecolove artpack 8 ! * * 7L
j j
77 77
j7 welcome to another artpack from those weird dutch 7b
db. dudes. this pack does not contain art from all of 7L
jb our members, due to the fact that its summer and 77
7L most people go away for a couple of weeks to spend j7
7 their summers elsewhere. db
77 7L
j7 the irc-channel ecolove which you all so enjoyed is no 7b
dL longer available. jungleboy didnt think it was worth 77
db the trouble to keep it up. shame on him! 77
7b jL
7L lets see what else is worth mentioning, oyeah ofcoz ,db
77 weve got some nice guest appereances in this pack.7 j7 the first one is the fileid.diz drawn by rzicus. jL d7 second guest is another dutch artist: niobium. 7L
jb he did a joint ascii with censored and contributed 77
7L another ascii. thanx a lot you guys, you gave a littlej7
something extra to this pack. db
7 7L
j7 you can join us by dropping an email with your apply 7b
dL form and some of your work at: avenger@westbrabant.net 77
db or you could call one of our memberboards. 77
7b jL
7L last thing ill mention is that you can get all our ,db.
77 new releases at:
j7 ftp.skynet.stack.nl/pub/gfx/ecolove, but also at d
d7 acid and cdrom. 7
7 .s. .. 77
7 - ta out db. dL dL 77
d: s jL j@s7 77
7 .db 77 77 jb
7l jL j7 7bs@L
7 b,.,d7 j7
7L jb. .d777
d7 7777
,db 7L
j77L 7777
77 77 j7 *
-// ascii by the background suxx censored -
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