this image contains text
,-----------------,,,,,, ----- ,,,---- , ---------------------+lll lS, ,s,SS,s,s,lll l:: ,,SS,,,:: lll l,,SS,,lll lS,, lll ll ll,,, +s,s, ------------- :: ----------------- :s,s, ----------- ,s+ SSs,s, lll lll SSs,,sSSS
,, ,-fb!*SSSS*
revolution! s,s, ,s
inpho file v0.0001 SSs,,sSSS text+design by freebase
: * T ,gy, T ,yyp
*:, , SS db
introduction :l bgygd l
: TP , :, TP ,
Yeah. A complete new info file for revolution. Took me quite a lot of work
to complete it. The logo was drawn a while ago, so dont blame me for it : :
Special thanks fly out to sQuare, for not minding that this infofile has
some resemblances with a one hes drawn a while ago.
Ohwell.. I dont really have much to tell you. C ya at biz98 ofzo.. :
: Hmm... misschien ookwel op de wired
* ,gy, TP ,gy, T db sqp,
*: b d Ss, S
newsflash TP S,
: : , ssssssS, TP TP , TP l
Well.. Guess what could be in here euh?
:*:7 T ,y, 7 T S ,y, ,yp sp,
* db db db db ,S, Ss,S
member- l lSl TP l:Sl lSl TP bygd S,
list :, ,: sssss, , TP , sssss, :l TP l
Euhwz.. some 20 gasten ofzo d8 ik. Maybe 19
*P sqp, :P ,gy, T sqp,
: supporting sites S, l TP S,
:, TP TP , sssssss, TP l
Whq: The Monkey Bar +o President
: Ehq: Future Dimenzion +o ThunderStrike :
Dhq: Excessive Force +o Deadline
a whole buncho dist. sites...
: *:T TT ,gy, TP ,gy, T
*, , gygy
internet support gyg TP l
: : , ssssssS TP
Drop mail at BertJan@hetnet.nl for requests/chat/crap. :
, gygygygygygygygyssssssgygygyssssssgygssssssygygysssssgygyssgygygygygyssssssg
*:P ,gy, T ,yyp ,gy, P ,gy, T sqp,
greets , TP bgyg TP TP l S,
:*ssssS , , sssssss, ssssssS T:P , TP l
This part I like the most
Wow! All sorted in *alphabetical* order!
Allrite, here we go:
: rvl team: pr,mrl,fzb,sol,tvn,sq,crz,sep,hck,rgt,sn,dby,stz,rl,gl,pbe,rp,xam rvl sysops - alvak - badgast - coyote - cuckoo - cyclops - cyfax - d.butcher
da radical ray - darius - deadline - dirt bag - eclipse - elysion - essence exocet - fatal vision - le roi - niobium - orion - prophecy - radical : rebel coder - renzo - rhetoric - silence - slackjaw - square - synopsis the avenger - the dreambit - the forbidden one - thunderstrike - timeless toxicion - virago - xam - you! 2x? :
:*T : l*SP ,g, P ,g, T ,gy, S*l l
: *l SS ,yg, : ,gy,
: c l l TP gg TP :
: freebase :S TP , sssssd, ssssss, , TP
,, ,-fb!*SSSS*
revolution! s,s, ,s
inpho file v0.0001 SSs,,sSSS text+design by freebase
: * T ,gy, T ,yyp
*:, , SS db
introduction :l bgygd l
: TP , :, TP ,
Yeah. A complete new info file for revolution. Took me quite a lot of work
to complete it. The logo was drawn a while ago, so dont blame me for it : :
Special thanks fly out to sQuare, for not minding that this infofile has
some resemblances with a one hes drawn a while ago.
Ohwell.. I dont really have much to tell you. C ya at biz98 ofzo.. :
: Hmm... misschien ookwel op de wired
* ,gy, TP ,gy, T db sqp,
*: b d Ss, S
newsflash TP S,
: : , ssssssS, TP TP , TP l
Well.. Guess what could be in here euh?
:*:7 T ,y, 7 T S ,y, ,yp sp,
* db db db db ,S, Ss,S
member- l lSl TP l:Sl lSl TP bygd S,
list :, ,: sssss, , TP , sssss, :l TP l
Euhwz.. some 20 gasten ofzo d8 ik. Maybe 19
*P sqp, :P ,gy, T sqp,
: supporting sites S, l TP S,
:, TP TP , sssssss, TP l
Whq: The Monkey Bar +o President
: Ehq: Future Dimenzion +o ThunderStrike :
Dhq: Excessive Force +o Deadline
a whole buncho dist. sites...
: *:T TT ,gy, TP ,gy, T
*, , gygy
internet support gyg TP l
: : , ssssssS TP
Drop mail at BertJan@hetnet.nl for requests/chat/crap. :
, gygygygygygygygyssssssgygygyssssssgygssssssygygysssssgygyssgygygygygyssssssg
*:P ,gy, T ,yyp ,gy, P ,gy, T sqp,
greets , TP bgyg TP TP l S,
:*ssssS , , sssssss, ssssssS T:P , TP l
This part I like the most
Wow! All sorted in *alphabetical* order!
Allrite, here we go:
: rvl team: pr,mrl,fzb,sol,tvn,sq,crz,sep,hck,rgt,sn,dby,stz,rl,gl,pbe,rp,xam rvl sysops - alvak - badgast - coyote - cuckoo - cyclops - cyfax - d.butcher
da radical ray - darius - deadline - dirt bag - eclipse - elysion - essence exocet - fatal vision - le roi - niobium - orion - prophecy - radical : rebel coder - renzo - rhetoric - silence - slackjaw - square - synopsis the avenger - the dreambit - the forbidden one - thunderstrike - timeless toxicion - virago - xam - you! 2x? :
:*T : l*SP ,g, P ,g, T ,gy, S*l l
: *l SS ,yg, : ,gy,
: c l l TP gg TP :
: freebase :S TP , sssssd, ssssss, , TP
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