this image contains text
freebase of revolution is proud ? to present you a fine piece of crap:
, ,gSSy, ,
, , ,S ll
, , , ll dS
, , ,S , y,
, , S ,P Ss, ,
, ,P ll
, , ,S ll Sl
, ,FB , freebase! , ,S
, , ,S, ,T ,
,l,sS, *TSSSSSP* T
aargh! - my first steps in the ascii world
Youre about to check out some of my very first asciis ever. I have absolute-
ly NO drawing experience, so please dont be too rough on me. I know most of
this cluster plainly sucks, but hey, why should I care? I didnt decide to let
this lamer called freebase guest ecolove 6
Ohwell.. Lets just get over with this as quickly as possible.. Enjoy! ahem
Note: Since Ive only been busy with practising shapes, Im not really into
the coloring and background stuff yet. Please keep that in mind.
quickdirectory reqd: me!
After hearing that there actually were people who LIKED it, I decided to con-
tinue developing Qdir. So it was time for a new doc. Which meant a new logo.
,gSSy, ,gSgSSy,
,gS dSb dSb ,
,S ,gSSy, ,gSSy sSbgSSy, S,
, ,SPT ,SPT dSb PTS ll
ll l gSSy l gSSy S ,gSSy, ,
T, Tb,,d Tb,,dT lTS
TS, s, , l fb!
- -- -*ssssSSSSSSSSSSl lSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssss*- -- - SsssS quickdirectory!
news reqd: nope!
Mm.. this one was actually meant for BMC, but we couldnt fit it in there.
So its free for use now. Credit me if you like.
,,,, ,,SS l , , , ,,SSS
,,,, ,Ss,,sSS , , ,,,SSs,,sSSs, S,,,, , ,,,, ,ggy, , , , ,ggy, ,,,, ,,
,SS,FB,SS,,SSs,,sSS,s,Ss,sSSs,sSS,,SSs,,sSS ,
ecolove reqd: nope!
This ones rather abstract .
Made for ECL in return for letting me guest pack 6.
. ,gygygyg, ,l , SSs, ,l, SSgygygygS ,Ss,. .Ss,gygygygygygygygyg : gygygygygygg . . .,sSs,S ,sS:S,,ss S::::ssssS::, Sgyyssssss S ,gyysss,gSSy, ,,gSSy,gSSy, gy, :::l gyyssssss l, , ,S SS, ,,SSSS,, ::, ssss . ., , , l l , ll ,S :::: ll , ::: .. . . , , , :S l l,.. S::::::,.., ,ssssss ss, , ,gyss gyl, ss ,lS :: S, ,:: ,SS.::., , ss, , ,, l ,SS, ,SSSg, SS,,SS.::,S , , l, ,sssss:*SS*:::Sy s::,S ssssss S,,, . ..,sS:::::::::::::::::S, ,,,,,,,, S,:,S ,db, , ,,,,,,,,,,,l sss, S,::::::::::::::Ss,. .. .l:l S, S,:::::::::,Sss, :S Ss, S,::::,S ,sSS : -fb!
Ss, S,::l ,SS
freebase reqd: me!
This is my first try at the inside-out style or whatever it is called.
Dunno.. the e looks kinda weird.
S:**S*Sl lSS:Ss,
Ss, : ,SSs ,SSs,SSs ,SSs sSSs,SSs : ,l
S l: lFB SS SS ,SSs, ,SSs lyggyg SS :l S
l ,s: lSS lSS ,,*S ,,*S SS SS SS ,,*S:, S
, S:lls,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss,s:Ss,
rare!ascii reqd: nope!
Logo for the guys at rare!ascii.. Ascii rox
,*sSs*, ,*sSs*, ,*sSs*, S**S, ,*sSs*, S**S, ,S**S, ,S**:S : l l : SS*,,,,,*FB SS*,,,,,* *SS* *SS*
revolution reqd: nope!
The result of an experiment with circles. Greets n respect to my homies at
RVL ofcourse.
,-----------------,,,,,, ----- ,,,---- , ---------------------+lll lS, ,s,SS,s,s,lll l:: ,,SS,,,:: lll l,,SS,,lll lS,, lll ll ll,,, +s,s, ------------- :: ----------------- :s,s, ----------- ,s+ SSs,s, lll lll SSs,,sSSS
,, ,-fb!*SSSS*
...revolution... s,s, ,s
SSs,,sSSS ...revolution...
the monkey bar reqd: president
Hmm.. Im kind of satisfied with this one, I guess. Logo for my buds President
and Douby and Snowball, kind of at RVL Whq.. C64 roooooox
t h e ,gyg, m o n k e y ,gSg, b a r
,g, ,gSS
,bssss ,g, ,g, ,gSS
,bssss ,gg, ,gSg, ,gSSg,
+----------,--,gSSg,gSSg,gSSg,-----------+ ,, Sg,S,SSSgSSg, ll,,Sg,,S,,gS,,,l, ,,,Sg,,, gS,g, ll ,S,,Sg,,gSg, ll +-----------SSs,,Sg,------,gSS---------,l--------+ *SSSS*Sg, -fb! ,gS,gg, ,gS
*SSSS* ,gS*SS*
+31-0165-560592 opped by president and douby rvl whq ecl memberboard
revolution diz reqd: me!
Geez, what is this inside-out style called actually? Hmm.. from now on Im
calling it i/o.
Right now Im practising dizzes and i/o style. Heres what rolled out.
,yggyygggyy revolution! gygygygyg,
S ,yyp SssssgyssssgS dFBS
l bgygd , l
, FB, TP ,b TP l
Euhwz.. Like.. Sum text in here
would be nice, rite?
deepside reqd: nope!
I incidentally dialled Deepside, and to my surprise, I got a connect.. But
since Silence was busy with sneltrekcompo2, he didnt quite have time to
chat me. I was so bored that I started drawing and this is what came out.
take a walk on the
gSs, ,sSSs, ,sSSs, gSs, Ss, Ss , Ss Ss
,, ,,S S,,S ,,S s,,,,,sS,s,,,,,sS,A,Ss,,,,,sS,A,Ss,,,,,sS, gygygygygygygySgygygygygySSgygygygygygSlSgygygygygygSSgygySlSSSSSl side ll deep l,sSSs,,gy, gSs,,sSSs,gygygylgygygy,,SS,y ,SS,Ss,,SS,yl ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,------ - fb!
+o silence
other shit
For chat, requests whahahaa!, a kick in your face, whatever, drop some mail
at BertJan@hetnet.nl wow! guess what my realname might be!
Hmm.. seems like youve survived this ascii inferno. Nice job
Ohwell.. lets cut the crap. Maybe Ill go on drawing, maybe not. Ill just
see about that.
Respect flies out to: rvl crew - fatal vision - thunderstrike - rhetoric alvak - the forbidden one - cuckoo - dirt bag - deadline da radical ray - silence - square - exocet - prophecy
coyote - rebel coder - niobium - virago - eclipse - xam
le roi - the avenger - cyclops - radical - timeless
ecl, r!a, qd, adv, n!s, lvd, bmp, ncl, exc, rbi, tbl,
dtn, s4b, pnm, bbr, isd.
I probably forgot most of you. Too bad!
Blaat! -freebaservl OUT.
, ,gSSy, ,
, , ,S ll
, , , ll dS
, , ,S , y,
, , S ,P Ss, ,
, ,P ll
, , ,S ll Sl
, ,FB , freebase! , ,S
, , ,S, ,T ,
,l,sS, *TSSSSSP* T
aargh! - my first steps in the ascii world
Youre about to check out some of my very first asciis ever. I have absolute-
ly NO drawing experience, so please dont be too rough on me. I know most of
this cluster plainly sucks, but hey, why should I care? I didnt decide to let
this lamer called freebase guest ecolove 6
Ohwell.. Lets just get over with this as quickly as possible.. Enjoy! ahem
Note: Since Ive only been busy with practising shapes, Im not really into
the coloring and background stuff yet. Please keep that in mind.
quickdirectory reqd: me!
After hearing that there actually were people who LIKED it, I decided to con-
tinue developing Qdir. So it was time for a new doc. Which meant a new logo.
,gSSy, ,gSgSSy,
,gS dSb dSb ,
,S ,gSSy, ,gSSy sSbgSSy, S,
, ,SPT ,SPT dSb PTS ll
ll l gSSy l gSSy S ,gSSy, ,
T, Tb,,d Tb,,dT lTS
TS, s, , l fb!
- -- -*ssssSSSSSSSSSSl lSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssss*- -- - SsssS quickdirectory!
news reqd: nope!
Mm.. this one was actually meant for BMC, but we couldnt fit it in there.
So its free for use now. Credit me if you like.
,,,, ,,SS l , , , ,,SSS
,,,, ,Ss,,sSS , , ,,,SSs,,sSSs, S,,,, , ,,,, ,ggy, , , , ,ggy, ,,,, ,,
,SS,FB,SS,,SSs,,sSS,s,Ss,sSSs,sSS,,SSs,,sSS ,
ecolove reqd: nope!
This ones rather abstract .
Made for ECL in return for letting me guest pack 6.
. ,gygygyg, ,l , SSs, ,l, SSgygygygS ,Ss,. .Ss,gygygygygygygygyg : gygygygygygg . . .,sSs,S ,sS:S,,ss S::::ssssS::, Sgyyssssss S ,gyysss,gSSy, ,,gSSy,gSSy, gy, :::l gyyssssss l, , ,S SS, ,,SSSS,, ::, ssss . ., , , l l , ll ,S :::: ll , ::: .. . . , , , :S l l,.. S::::::,.., ,ssssss ss, , ,gyss gyl, ss ,lS :: S, ,:: ,SS.::., , ss, , ,, l ,SS, ,SSSg, SS,,SS.::,S , , l, ,sssss:*SS*:::Sy s::,S ssssss S,,, . ..,sS:::::::::::::::::S, ,,,,,,,, S,:,S ,db, , ,,,,,,,,,,,l sss, S,::::::::::::::Ss,. .. .l:l S, S,:::::::::,Sss, :S Ss, S,::::,S ,sSS : -fb!
Ss, S,::l ,SS
freebase reqd: me!
This is my first try at the inside-out style or whatever it is called.
Dunno.. the e looks kinda weird.
S:**S*Sl lSS:Ss,
Ss, : ,SSs ,SSs,SSs ,SSs sSSs,SSs : ,l
S l: lFB SS SS ,SSs, ,SSs lyggyg SS :l S
l ,s: lSS lSS ,,*S ,,*S SS SS SS ,,*S:, S
, S:lls,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss,s:Ss,
rare!ascii reqd: nope!
Logo for the guys at rare!ascii.. Ascii rox
,*sSs*, ,*sSs*, ,*sSs*, S**S, ,*sSs*, S**S, ,S**S, ,S**:S : l l : SS*,,,,,*FB SS*,,,,,* *SS* *SS*
revolution reqd: nope!
The result of an experiment with circles. Greets n respect to my homies at
RVL ofcourse.
,-----------------,,,,,, ----- ,,,---- , ---------------------+lll lS, ,s,SS,s,s,lll l:: ,,SS,,,:: lll l,,SS,,lll lS,, lll ll ll,,, +s,s, ------------- :: ----------------- :s,s, ----------- ,s+ SSs,s, lll lll SSs,,sSSS
,, ,-fb!*SSSS*
...revolution... s,s, ,s
SSs,,sSSS ...revolution...
the monkey bar reqd: president
Hmm.. Im kind of satisfied with this one, I guess. Logo for my buds President
and Douby and Snowball, kind of at RVL Whq.. C64 roooooox
t h e ,gyg, m o n k e y ,gSg, b a r
,g, ,gSS
,bssss ,g, ,g, ,gSS
,bssss ,gg, ,gSg, ,gSSg,
+----------,--,gSSg,gSSg,gSSg,-----------+ ,, Sg,S,SSSgSSg, ll,,Sg,,S,,gS,,,l, ,,,Sg,,, gS,g, ll ,S,,Sg,,gSg, ll +-----------SSs,,Sg,------,gSS---------,l--------+ *SSSS*Sg, -fb! ,gS,gg, ,gS
*SSSS* ,gS*SS*
+31-0165-560592 opped by president and douby rvl whq ecl memberboard
revolution diz reqd: me!
Geez, what is this inside-out style called actually? Hmm.. from now on Im
calling it i/o.
Right now Im practising dizzes and i/o style. Heres what rolled out.
,yggyygggyy revolution! gygygygyg,
S ,yyp SssssgyssssgS dFBS
l bgygd , l
, FB, TP ,b TP l
Euhwz.. Like.. Sum text in here
would be nice, rite?
deepside reqd: nope!
I incidentally dialled Deepside, and to my surprise, I got a connect.. But
since Silence was busy with sneltrekcompo2, he didnt quite have time to
chat me. I was so bored that I started drawing and this is what came out.
take a walk on the
gSs, ,sSSs, ,sSSs, gSs, Ss, Ss , Ss Ss
,, ,,S S,,S ,,S s,,,,,sS,s,,,,,sS,A,Ss,,,,,sS,A,Ss,,,,,sS, gygygygygygygySgygygygygySSgygygygygygSlSgygygygygygSSgygySlSSSSSl side ll deep l,sSSs,,gy, gSs,,sSSs,gygygylgygygy,,SS,y ,SS,Ss,,SS,yl ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,------ - fb!
+o silence
other shit
For chat, requests whahahaa!, a kick in your face, whatever, drop some mail
at BertJan@hetnet.nl wow! guess what my realname might be!
Hmm.. seems like youve survived this ascii inferno. Nice job
Ohwell.. lets cut the crap. Maybe Ill go on drawing, maybe not. Ill just
see about that.
Respect flies out to: rvl crew - fatal vision - thunderstrike - rhetoric alvak - the forbidden one - cuckoo - dirt bag - deadline da radical ray - silence - square - exocet - prophecy
coyote - rebel coder - niobium - virago - eclipse - xam
le roi - the avenger - cyclops - radical - timeless
ecl, r!a, qd, adv, n!s, lvd, bmp, ncl, exc, rbi, tbl,
dtn, s4b, pnm, bbr, isd.
I probably forgot most of you. Too bad!
Blaat! -freebaservl OUT.
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