this image contains text
ecolove artpacks, issue 4.
general crap:
yihaa.. 4 has arrived. first id like to explain
why it took longer to release this pack then the usual
interval of one month. its pretty simple really. thunder-
strike was organising a big dutch scene party and we thought it
would be fun to release it there. and so we did. isnt that cute? :
bad news:
yes, its true. ive got some bad news this time. i dont like it either, butwe had to kick g-sus out of the group for inactivity ... let me explain this:g-sus contributed 2 asciis to pack 2, and since then, we havent even heardfrom him anymore. so we hope theres nothing wrong with you, you are a promisingartist, but until you contact me the avenger you are no longer a member ofecolove. sorry pal.
good news:
well, after the depressing stuff, let me try to make you a little whappier..
here we go: you can now get our packs through ftp!. we invite you to visitftp.skynet.stack.nl/pub/gfx/ecolove where you will find all of our packsavailable for download. if youve got some spare time, check out the rest ofskynet as well, because you will find all major dutch scene groups there,music / demo / ansi.
also, a homepage is under construction. i wont give you the location yetbut as soon as its finished, youll be the first to know ... :
contributing members to this pack
well, this list of dudes made this pack to what it is.. nice work guys ...
commissaris plons .cpl................................!a
delusion .dls..........................................
exocet .ex!...........................................!a
president .pr!.........................................a
silence .slc...........................................a
snowball .sn!..........................................a
the angel / niobium .4gl..............................!
the avenger .ta!.......................................a
timeless .tl!.........................................a
! guest artist. v vga artist.
ascii artist. n new member.
a ansi artist.
as you can see we have some more guests. commissaris plons is a new artist, andfrom what weve seen of him, the future is his.. ! : exocet is a well knownansi artist, whos still good in drawing ansis.., then ofcourse you all knowsilence, he starred in other ecolove artpacks too, and hes still a greatartist ... and finally the angel, a newbie in ascii land, also has a nice futureahead of him in the artworld ... thanks for guesting again guys!
joining us
if you think you have what it takes to become an ecolove artist, this is how youapply : a you call sumatra, my board, and talk to me / leave me a mail
b you contact me through internet, my email is avenger@westbrabant.net
c if a/b arent possible, contact some other ecolove member, so he can
contact me or timeless.
beware: whichever option you choose, make sure youve got some recently drawnstuff with you, so we can see what youre made of ..
the boardslist:
world headquarters
sumatra the avenger +3i i65 32oo64
dutch headquarters
future dimenzion thunderstrike +3i 773 829675
finnish headquarters
shax mov +so ono nline!
member boards
allura delusion +3i 597 43i397
the monkey bar president +3i i65 56o592
distribution sites
alumina vertigo +3i 7i5 79o4ii
amorphis 2 stoned +3i 547 26ii54
bodycount niobium +3i 495 634ii5
deepside silence +3i 793 3i5482
evidence kenetic +3i 765 938o27
ironix radical +3i 7i5 89639i
temple of terror cyclops +3i 355 244247
ecolove artpacks, issue 4.
general crap:
yihaa.. 4 has arrived. first id like to explain
why it took longer to release this pack then the usual
interval of one month. its pretty simple really. thunder-
strike was organising a big dutch scene party and we thought it
would be fun to release it there. and so we did. isnt that cute? :
bad news:
yes, its true. ive got some bad news this time. i dont like it either, butwe had to kick g-sus out of the group for inactivity ... let me explain this:g-sus contributed 2 asciis to pack 2, and since then, we havent even heardfrom him anymore. so we hope theres nothing wrong with you, you are a promisingartist, but until you contact me the avenger you are no longer a member ofecolove. sorry pal.
good news:
well, after the depressing stuff, let me try to make you a little whappier..
here we go: you can now get our packs through ftp!. we invite you to visitftp.skynet.stack.nl/pub/gfx/ecolove where you will find all of our packsavailable for download. if youve got some spare time, check out the rest ofskynet as well, because you will find all major dutch scene groups there,music / demo / ansi.
also, a homepage is under construction. i wont give you the location yetbut as soon as its finished, youll be the first to know ... :
contributing members to this pack
well, this list of dudes made this pack to what it is.. nice work guys ...
commissaris plons .cpl................................!a
delusion .dls..........................................
exocet .ex!...........................................!a
president .pr!.........................................a
silence .slc...........................................a
snowball .sn!..........................................a
the angel / niobium .4gl..............................!
the avenger .ta!.......................................a
timeless .tl!.........................................a
! guest artist. v vga artist.
ascii artist. n new member.
a ansi artist.
as you can see we have some more guests. commissaris plons is a new artist, andfrom what weve seen of him, the future is his.. ! : exocet is a well knownansi artist, whos still good in drawing ansis.., then ofcourse you all knowsilence, he starred in other ecolove artpacks too, and hes still a greatartist ... and finally the angel, a newbie in ascii land, also has a nice futureahead of him in the artworld ... thanks for guesting again guys!
joining us
if you think you have what it takes to become an ecolove artist, this is how youapply : a you call sumatra, my board, and talk to me / leave me a mail
b you contact me through internet, my email is avenger@westbrabant.net
c if a/b arent possible, contact some other ecolove member, so he can
contact me or timeless.
beware: whichever option you choose, make sure youve got some recently drawnstuff with you, so we can see what youre made of ..
the boardslist:
world headquarters
sumatra the avenger +3i i65 32oo64
dutch headquarters
future dimenzion thunderstrike +3i 773 829675
finnish headquarters
shax mov +so ono nline!
member boards
allura delusion +3i 597 43i397
the monkey bar president +3i i65 56o592
distribution sites
alumina vertigo +3i 7i5 79o4ii
amorphis 2 stoned +3i 547 26ii54
bodycount niobium +3i 495 634ii5
deepside silence +3i 793 3i5482
evidence kenetic +3i 765 938o27
ironix radical +3i 7i5 89639i
temple of terror cyclops +3i 355 244247
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