this image contains text
infofile for ecolove pack nr. 2
general info.
welcome to this 2nd ecolove artpack!
it has been exactly one month since our firstrelease, and in
the meantime, weve grown a bit. weve also aded some boards
to our distribution site listing, so it shuld have been
easier getting hold of this second pack.
introduction to our new members.
we have 2 new members since our first pack.
the first one is g-sus. hes an ascii artist f who we expect
pretty much. as you will conclude from his fist contibutions
hes a killer in ascii faces.
next up: gouge. hes a vga artist, also know as a member of
flux. he has drawn for lotsa years, and we hoe hell be able
to contribute some stuff for each pack. chec out his first
.bmp for our group!
also there are 2 guests in this pack. first heres an ansi
by inclusive formerly known as hyperkoe. hes a fuel-member
and we want to thank him for his guest apperence in our pack
delusion guested in this pack by drawing a joint ansi with
our own president. ofcourse we thank him as wll.
joining us.
we are still looking for more good artists tojoin our group.
if you think you can be a valuable part of ou group, please
feel free to apply at sumatra, you will fid the number in
the boardslist. or you could leave an email a:
avenger@westbrabant.net. Please include som recently drawn
thingies, so we can see what youre made of.
contributing members to this pack.
in alphabetical order.
delusion .dls.........................................!
gouge .gouge...........................................v
g-sus .g-sus..........................................n
inclusive .ic!........................................!a
president .pr!.........................................a
snowball .sn!..........................................a
timeless .tl!.........................................a
the avenger .ta!.......................................a
! guest artist. v vga artist.
ascii artist. n new member.
a ansi artist.
what can i say?! great job yall ...
next up: the boardslist.
world headquarters
sumatra the avenger +3i i65 32oo64
dutch headquarters
future dimenzion thunderstrike +3i 773 829675
foreign headquarters
still vacant you? +xx xxx xxxxxx
member boards
the monkey bar president +3i i65 56o592
distribution sites
allura delusion +3i 597 43i397
alumina vertigo +3i 7i5 79o4ii
amorphis 2 stoned +3i 547 26ii54
deepside silence +3i 793 3i5482
evidence kenetic +3i 765 938o27
experience dirt bag +3i 534 328oii
ironix radical +3i 7i5 89639i
temple of terror cyclops +3i 355 244247
and well tell all you dutch sysops one more time: we dont
want/need anymore dutch boards.
well, we dont have a homepage or anythingyet?, but you
can reach us at the following email adress:
thats all folks....
infofile for ecolove pack nr. 2
general info.
welcome to this 2nd ecolove artpack!
it has been exactly one month since our firstrelease, and in
the meantime, weve grown a bit. weve also aded some boards
to our distribution site listing, so it shuld have been
easier getting hold of this second pack.
introduction to our new members.
we have 2 new members since our first pack.
the first one is g-sus. hes an ascii artist f who we expect
pretty much. as you will conclude from his fist contibutions
hes a killer in ascii faces.
next up: gouge. hes a vga artist, also know as a member of
flux. he has drawn for lotsa years, and we hoe hell be able
to contribute some stuff for each pack. chec out his first
.bmp for our group!
also there are 2 guests in this pack. first heres an ansi
by inclusive formerly known as hyperkoe. hes a fuel-member
and we want to thank him for his guest apperence in our pack
delusion guested in this pack by drawing a joint ansi with
our own president. ofcourse we thank him as wll.
joining us.
we are still looking for more good artists tojoin our group.
if you think you can be a valuable part of ou group, please
feel free to apply at sumatra, you will fid the number in
the boardslist. or you could leave an email a:
avenger@westbrabant.net. Please include som recently drawn
thingies, so we can see what youre made of.
contributing members to this pack.
in alphabetical order.
delusion .dls.........................................!
gouge .gouge...........................................v
g-sus .g-sus..........................................n
inclusive .ic!........................................!a
president .pr!.........................................a
snowball .sn!..........................................a
timeless .tl!.........................................a
the avenger .ta!.......................................a
! guest artist. v vga artist.
ascii artist. n new member.
a ansi artist.
what can i say?! great job yall ...
next up: the boardslist.
world headquarters
sumatra the avenger +3i i65 32oo64
dutch headquarters
future dimenzion thunderstrike +3i 773 829675
foreign headquarters
still vacant you? +xx xxx xxxxxx
member boards
the monkey bar president +3i i65 56o592
distribution sites
allura delusion +3i 597 43i397
alumina vertigo +3i 7i5 79o4ii
amorphis 2 stoned +3i 547 26ii54
deepside silence +3i 793 3i5482
evidence kenetic +3i 765 938o27
experience dirt bag +3i 534 328oii
ironix radical +3i 7i5 89639i
temple of terror cyclops +3i 355 244247
and well tell all you dutch sysops one more time: we dont
want/need anymore dutch boards.
well, we dont have a homepage or anythingyet?, but you
can reach us at the following email adress:
thats all folks....
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