this image contains text
what are YOU interested in?? project 301? na
h.. ACiD? nah.. iCE? theyre boring.. twiligh
t? just not for you.. echo? nah.. face it you art sce
connaisseur, ECLIPSE BRAND ARTtm is the art for y
ou, featuring beautiful
ansis and asciis galore! now sit back, relax and en
joy the show.. .
this eclipse infofile is brought to you by the letter a an
d the number 11 !
/ ---- - 3l337o b04rd3r c1997 MY ASS associates.
Eclipse - if it was dark in central park no on
e would even mug me...
eclipse is STILL ALIVE? ARGH!
yeah, we sure are.. BUAHAAAHHA. BEWARE US.. well, that w
as special..
look! its the new trendy word to
hey, look.. i can
replace that nasty phword! BEWARE -----
write this infofile lik
e belial
! nifty, ehh? hey
MOVEMENT! blade -
WE OWN YOU! you to
if you cared, were getting our webpage back up. actual
ly, we might have two! WOW! that is if lago doesn
t kill red circle first .. its going to be swell.
just you wait and see.
eclipse and rad ezine have become partiners! i know, i
know. it
shouldve happened a long time ago .. rad will be released
separately as well
as in the eclipse packs! so enjoy!
oh yeah. eclipse would like to say HI! to their
great friends snicker
over at the late acid!ansi.
speaking of the late acid!ansi, look what we found! stup
id rules the members have to follow! ::
dp c3: Actually, i can only have ACiD!ANSi dewdles
on my bbs
c3 dp okay.. watever..
cheeze- dp: thats rather stupid
dp cheeze- my board is wHQ for acid!ansi
cheeze- dp: so?
dp cheeze- so i cantthave someone elses work on it
cheeze- dp: uhm.. is that some sort of rule?
dp cheeze- yeap :
cheeze- dp: thats completely stupid
cheeze- dp: what other rules do you have to follow?
dp cheeze- shut up :
:: more at 11..
the story of bob the nad wannabe, by dystro that lame a.. .
err, hi dystro
listen up - this is dystro, the offical fbi
w a n t e d
corospondant for eclipse. tonight i will be sharing
with you a true story about a boy named bob.
10,000 REWARD!
one fateful day, bob found himself obsessed wit
his testies. he began walking around school shoutin
things such as, HI! im a nad! my name is bob!
everyone would reply with a hearty chuckle, a strang
look, or even a few nasty words. bob was a really
sad boy who had his good days and bad days just like
anyone else.
bob was very bored one day, so he decided to go
door to door and scream, HI! IM BOB, AND IM A
NAD! people would slam the door in his face, spit
on him, even so so far as to call the police..
things went on in this manner for awhile until one
nice old lady gave him a pair of his husbands red
polka dotted boxers. bob slipped them on his head, and
suddenly felt quite
different. as bob looked in the mirror, he went totally
bezerk! he actually
thought he looked like a nad! he stormed out of the old
ladys house and ran
down the street yelling HI! IM A NAD! REALLY! IM A NA
D! people would chase
after him and try to take the boxer off his head, but no
one could do it. if
you see bob - a 411, 100lb, cacasian male with a pair
of polka dotted boxers
on his head, STAY AWAY. he may have become very dangero
us. please call
1-800-ECL-IPSE and, if your call leads to his capture, y
ou will recieve a heaft
reward. please, help us help this troubled youth. thank
you, good night.
wow.. nifty. oh, btw, that last pack sure was sloppy. you g
uys must be idiots.
uhm.. it was supposed to be like that. uhm, yeah. we wer
e going for the new trend - look as uninteligent and
stupid as you can! YEAH! THATS IT! wait..
i think ACiD has a copyright on that trend. fucking lawsuit
s - and why didnt
we have a memberlist? very simpy - everyone quit last month
. err, no - the
TRUTH is that diez came down from mars and saw that someone
had vandalized his sprite can collection, so he deci
ded to zap the memberlist with his gamma ray.. fun fu
speaking of mars and gamma rays and all that jimbidy-jiv
e, we success- fully abducted fever this month! afte
r many atempts, WE FINALLY DID IT!
hopefully he wont break out of his cage.. .
its a damn shame that every single picture
torgo took of the abduction had either the
head or body cut off.. oh well, us marsians
arent really
as advanced as you though, huh
AHAHAHA! eclipse actually has MEMBERS?? AHAHA!
yeah, actually, i think we do! OH MY GOD!
is INSANE! lago giv
es cheeze a puzzled look
erm, anyways, no one
left, as always.. and,
well, no one joine
d either. wait, i take that
back.. our 0day juarez/sekrit spy guy joi
i guess no one joined because
they didnt make
it t
hrough our tests snicker .. poor souls
--l33t0 m0ment oF SiLENCE
oh ye
ah.. warpus stopped by the eclipse pad
to take a break fro
m her nationwide search for
new captiv.. err, members.. of the anti-phear
religious movement
! during her stay, she
allowed me to do an ansi of her.. look f
or it
this is a photo torgo took of in this pack.
i made her boobs too small,
us abducting fever. notice the though, so i go
t smacked with a very large
evil 666 on our heads and our trout.. but i l
iked it
even evil-er chant: WE ARE
COMING we have 3l337o cameras hey.. look. fill
that capture sound .. wow.. that was fun
oh, look.. pariah is at the window with a manuscript in his
well, i made a VERY interesting discovery yester
day. with all the rumors of the scene d
ying and the scene being run by modern day communists
, i decided to pull out my detective hat and.. iNVE
STIGATE!@ so, i stealthly made my way to Visigoths
house who is somewhat local to me and watched him
through the bathroom window. at first i thought this ar
t scene villain was
really a normal man, but only when he went to the bathro
om did i realize
what he REALLY was.. he opened the bathroom door anxious
ly, pulled open the
shower curtains and to my suprise i saw quisling, tomppa
, catbones, tosh10,
god among lice, and countless other vga artists hanging
from his immense
shower head, then he turned the water faucet to the left
and green liquid
came out, to my shock, the renowned vga artists mysterio
usly became smaller
and smaller until they were the combined size and shape
of a computer disk!
then, he went back into the computer room where i follow
ed him and stuck the
ex-full grown artists, now computer disk, into his hard
drive, turned on his
computer, and countless beautiful vgas appeared. what d
oes this all mean?? i
have no idea, but fear not, i WILL investigate further a
nd have already
contacted the professional vga union and the doodle boy
union as backup.
stay tuned, next week, same time, same channel, for the
haunting conclusion
of Weekly Art Scene SUSPENSE
pariah -- too stupid to quit, too mean to die
hey.. what about headquarters and stuff? i KNOW you need the
STOP ASKING! .. we dont need headquarters and stuff.
why, you ask?
because no one in their right mind wants our packs anyways.
And now a brief word from
----- Hi
ill go look at your pack o crap. AND LAUGH! LAUGH HARD, YO
infofile by cheeze - art by splatt, tarot, and cheeze - th
anks to dystro,
and pariah for their stuff.. yeah.. rock on. torgo will have
tales next month when we rescue him from the evil
h.. ACiD? nah.. iCE? theyre boring.. twiligh
t? just not for you.. echo? nah.. face it you art sce
connaisseur, ECLIPSE BRAND ARTtm is the art for y
ou, featuring beautiful
ansis and asciis galore! now sit back, relax and en
joy the show.. .
this eclipse infofile is brought to you by the letter a an
d the number 11 !
/ ---- - 3l337o b04rd3r c1997 MY ASS associates.
Eclipse - if it was dark in central park no on
e would even mug me...
eclipse is STILL ALIVE? ARGH!
yeah, we sure are.. BUAHAAAHHA. BEWARE US.. well, that w
as special..
look! its the new trendy word to
hey, look.. i can
replace that nasty phword! BEWARE -----
write this infofile lik
e belial
! nifty, ehh? hey
MOVEMENT! blade -
WE OWN YOU! you to
if you cared, were getting our webpage back up. actual
ly, we might have two! WOW! that is if lago doesn
t kill red circle first .. its going to be swell.
just you wait and see.
eclipse and rad ezine have become partiners! i know, i
know. it
shouldve happened a long time ago .. rad will be released
separately as well
as in the eclipse packs! so enjoy!
oh yeah. eclipse would like to say HI! to their
great friends snicker
over at the late acid!ansi.
speaking of the late acid!ansi, look what we found! stup
id rules the members have to follow! ::
dp c3: Actually, i can only have ACiD!ANSi dewdles
on my bbs
c3 dp okay.. watever..
cheeze- dp: thats rather stupid
dp cheeze- my board is wHQ for acid!ansi
cheeze- dp: so?
dp cheeze- so i cantthave someone elses work on it
cheeze- dp: uhm.. is that some sort of rule?
dp cheeze- yeap :
cheeze- dp: thats completely stupid
cheeze- dp: what other rules do you have to follow?
dp cheeze- shut up :
:: more at 11..
the story of bob the nad wannabe, by dystro that lame a.. .
err, hi dystro
listen up - this is dystro, the offical fbi
w a n t e d
corospondant for eclipse. tonight i will be sharing
with you a true story about a boy named bob.
10,000 REWARD!
one fateful day, bob found himself obsessed wit
his testies. he began walking around school shoutin
things such as, HI! im a nad! my name is bob!
everyone would reply with a hearty chuckle, a strang
look, or even a few nasty words. bob was a really
sad boy who had his good days and bad days just like
anyone else.
bob was very bored one day, so he decided to go
door to door and scream, HI! IM BOB, AND IM A
NAD! people would slam the door in his face, spit
on him, even so so far as to call the police..
things went on in this manner for awhile until one
nice old lady gave him a pair of his husbands red
polka dotted boxers. bob slipped them on his head, and
suddenly felt quite
different. as bob looked in the mirror, he went totally
bezerk! he actually
thought he looked like a nad! he stormed out of the old
ladys house and ran
down the street yelling HI! IM A NAD! REALLY! IM A NA
D! people would chase
after him and try to take the boxer off his head, but no
one could do it. if
you see bob - a 411, 100lb, cacasian male with a pair
of polka dotted boxers
on his head, STAY AWAY. he may have become very dangero
us. please call
1-800-ECL-IPSE and, if your call leads to his capture, y
ou will recieve a heaft
reward. please, help us help this troubled youth. thank
you, good night.
wow.. nifty. oh, btw, that last pack sure was sloppy. you g
uys must be idiots.
uhm.. it was supposed to be like that. uhm, yeah. we wer
e going for the new trend - look as uninteligent and
stupid as you can! YEAH! THATS IT! wait..
i think ACiD has a copyright on that trend. fucking lawsuit
s - and why didnt
we have a memberlist? very simpy - everyone quit last month
. err, no - the
TRUTH is that diez came down from mars and saw that someone
had vandalized his sprite can collection, so he deci
ded to zap the memberlist with his gamma ray.. fun fu
speaking of mars and gamma rays and all that jimbidy-jiv
e, we success- fully abducted fever this month! afte
r many atempts, WE FINALLY DID IT!
hopefully he wont break out of his cage.. .
its a damn shame that every single picture
torgo took of the abduction had either the
head or body cut off.. oh well, us marsians
arent really
as advanced as you though, huh
AHAHAHA! eclipse actually has MEMBERS?? AHAHA!
yeah, actually, i think we do! OH MY GOD!
is INSANE! lago giv
es cheeze a puzzled look
erm, anyways, no one
left, as always.. and,
well, no one joine
d either. wait, i take that
back.. our 0day juarez/sekrit spy guy joi
i guess no one joined because
they didnt make
it t
hrough our tests snicker .. poor souls
--l33t0 m0ment oF SiLENCE
oh ye
ah.. warpus stopped by the eclipse pad
to take a break fro
m her nationwide search for
new captiv.. err, members.. of the anti-phear
religious movement
! during her stay, she
allowed me to do an ansi of her.. look f
or it
this is a photo torgo took of in this pack.
i made her boobs too small,
us abducting fever. notice the though, so i go
t smacked with a very large
evil 666 on our heads and our trout.. but i l
iked it
even evil-er chant: WE ARE
COMING we have 3l337o cameras hey.. look. fill
that capture sound .. wow.. that was fun
oh, look.. pariah is at the window with a manuscript in his
well, i made a VERY interesting discovery yester
day. with all the rumors of the scene d
ying and the scene being run by modern day communists
, i decided to pull out my detective hat and.. iNVE
STIGATE!@ so, i stealthly made my way to Visigoths
house who is somewhat local to me and watched him
through the bathroom window. at first i thought this ar
t scene villain was
really a normal man, but only when he went to the bathro
om did i realize
what he REALLY was.. he opened the bathroom door anxious
ly, pulled open the
shower curtains and to my suprise i saw quisling, tomppa
, catbones, tosh10,
god among lice, and countless other vga artists hanging
from his immense
shower head, then he turned the water faucet to the left
and green liquid
came out, to my shock, the renowned vga artists mysterio
usly became smaller
and smaller until they were the combined size and shape
of a computer disk!
then, he went back into the computer room where i follow
ed him and stuck the
ex-full grown artists, now computer disk, into his hard
drive, turned on his
computer, and countless beautiful vgas appeared. what d
oes this all mean?? i
have no idea, but fear not, i WILL investigate further a
nd have already
contacted the professional vga union and the doodle boy
union as backup.
stay tuned, next week, same time, same channel, for the
haunting conclusion
of Weekly Art Scene SUSPENSE
pariah -- too stupid to quit, too mean to die
hey.. what about headquarters and stuff? i KNOW you need the
STOP ASKING! .. we dont need headquarters and stuff.
why, you ask?
because no one in their right mind wants our packs anyways.
And now a brief word from
----- Hi
ill go look at your pack o crap. AND LAUGH! LAUGH HARD, YO
infofile by cheeze - art by splatt, tarot, and cheeze - th
anks to dystro,
and pariah for their stuff.. yeah.. rock on. torgo will have
tales next month when we rescue him from the evil
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