this image contains text
.g@33 .@ .j . .gold logo ,g@@3WWW@@g. x l .g@33WW@ggyyyg@33 :.g@P7@g. WW@g. P,ggg,7WWP gg, 7 ,gg, 7h, :gg l yggl IW l7@uggyyyy I I ,ggg. l l . l7W@g3@g 7 l lP. WP ,,3g, . 7Wll I,, ll , ,g2, ygg@2W l 3,7WW@g l , 7P ,, ,, WWl , ,W2@ggggggl, ,l 3@g@33, , 7P, WW 7W3@g3P .7WP.,@,,g@3@,, 7W l .WWW,@@gg3,.@. 7W ,x WlP7WWl @.l Q ,d2 ,c,7WWWWP , ,g@33 ,@3 @,2@g,7WWP,@l ,dW,ggyyyyuuu@333P . m,73@g7,g@33P,@ W,h, .WW3@uyggg@gyyyyyugg@3Wg. WWW,g@33WWWW lPl7WWl WWWWWP WWl, l lWWWlWWW@g. lWW@g@gl 7W,WWW 7W33@ygggg@@33P ,@g@lWWWW ,l, WW 7WWWWWW 7 lIl WWWW2@gl , @gg @gggggy@g,7 lW,P WW@g . 7gg gl . W , 3ggW, 7@ygggyggyygu@P 7WWWWWh, 7 7WPWWWWWW3@g. .g@33I WWWWW gggy gggy WWWWl WWWWWW lWWWW, WWWWWl yyyyyyggggggyyyyyy 7WWWW@WP : ggg ,g7WWWWP 7WWW7WP 7W lg ggg I ,l lg@I .g@33@g. ,I W .g@3WWWWWWlWWWl .g@@g. ,dWWWWWWWWWP WWWWW, Wl WP P 7WW3@g. 7WW, .g@@33P.. 7W ,g@333@g, . ,d .g,., Wl WWh,l ,lh,.g@g lW Wg@@@@@gy., ,.g@g@3l lW, WW. lP7 ,W @g,7Wl,l lgg 7gg ,g@P P ,@,7W,.g@33@ 7W3@g. . ,3@g@3d 7WWW ,l 7WWP ,,l 7WWP ,@, ,WW 7WWP ............ l@,7W2@gP, 7gP....:::: :::::..:::::::::::::::::::.P.23@uyyyu@3 ::::: :::: ::.: @g7WWP :::: :::: its down to individuals, down , 7, :::: :::: to intellect, to knowing whats 3@gg,3 :.:: :::: controlling your :::: existance : ::::....................:::: ......:::, : :::: :::: ::: P.g@@333@g ........ ::::....:::::::::::::::: :::: ::::::...: .,@ ::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::......::::::: ,g : :::...,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: g . : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . :::::::: gg yggg , ::: ggggyyy :::: l . ...:::: gggg lggggg ::::...... 7 ::: y :: P ,gggy ::::
::: :: gg. .... :::: .....
:::...:: 7lggg g ::: :::: , :::
:::::::::: I ::: .::::. ::: KOW
g :: gg Il .......::: :: g :::
:: l lgg ::: gggggg,,g :.: +o burnt
gggg@3 ::: WW3 . .
@g3@g ::: WWyg .. ... ::: .
tnirp enif eht ascii - pariahECLIPSE the fine print
------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------im also releasing this ascii in the last soap pack if one is ever released, ignore the top soap font it was drawn 3 months ago. besides that send any
requests/comments to pariah@pop3.erols.com.. until then, draw consciously different where others draw consciously the same.
::: :: gg. .... :::: .....
:::...:: 7lggg g ::: :::: , :::
:::::::::: I ::: .::::. ::: KOW
g :: gg Il .......::: :: g :::
:: l lgg ::: gggggg,,g :.: +o burnt
gggg@3 ::: WW3 . .
@g3@g ::: WWyg .. ... ::: .
tnirp enif eht ascii - pariahECLIPSE the fine print
------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------im also releasing this ascii in the last soap pack if one is ever released, ignore the top soap font it was drawn 3 months ago. besides that send any
requests/comments to pariah@pop3.erols.com.. until then, draw consciously different where others draw consciously the same.
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