this image contains text
LIVE, from the eclipse central headquarters in GRAND RAPIDS
closed captioning provided in part by the undergroun
d communist federation aka ACiD .. if you voice
your opinion in any way reguarding tonights program,
you will be shot.
good evening boys and girls. on tonights PENIX SHOW, w
e will be
discussing some very snicker serious topics chuckle. no
.. really. we will.
im just a little drunk from the vodka magnatop put in my or
ange juice.
anywho, you may remember penix01.zip, the special bullet
in put out by
us here at ELK broadcasting and THE PENIX SHOW. in it, we r
evield the shocking news about soul manger and his ev
il plot to destroy many of the nations fine
bbss. in an exclusive interview with soul manger aka. nom
deplum, as well as
others, we were shocked to hear that *he* was the one who d
estroyed rais ffg/
punk house, and had tried to destroy digos spinal gamma. a
lso in that
interview we learned of his plans to rip ansis from very wel
l respected boards
to make his OWN boards going by the same names.
in the past few weeks, our investigation specialists hav
e run across
some more very disturbing information, as well as the posibl
e location where
this very disturbed young man is hiding out. below is a mes
sage sent to me
from an annonymous source:
around here he is mainly known as Vagrant, and has been
confirmed in the
downing of a few bbss around here. and well i know a li
ttle of his real
info and it will be confirmed and follow later.
hes been keeping quiet around here, but hes on m
any bbss im on and hes not
very well liked. he took down a good friend of m
ines boardwhich happened to be
the only good music/demo bbs near chicago
jolan luff
really lives in far west suburbs, hoffman esttates i thi
his real number is in 847
i will have full adress and possibly new voice numbers w
ithin a few days, i
hope this helps you guys out.
other handles to watch for,
PH Balance
Three Stigmata
Nitzer Nihil
and so on...
we were also given this info by *another* annonymous sou
name: jolan luff
number: 847-991-4405
ALSO , soul manger sent the following newsletter to ou
r specialists.
it is rather incriminating, if i say so myself:
vagrant hacking faq v.001
. too beautiful to beat
---+ soul manager
too rotten to love
shadows of hell:
a just bad posting such.. semi-put it out of its mise
b i was sick of seeing shadows of hell ads everywhere..
and basically arvind
was getting to me
c semi-jealous. this kid puts up a board with all these
ripped ansis, and
some rg super-god so i heard..? helped him set it up..
and he gets all the
d adult crap. porn deserves to die.
e arvind spent his 100+ donation money on cds.. where
as he couldve scraped
another 50+ together and gotten a 28.8
gravitational collapse:
a the flying hindu was taking a lot of shit because he
was message cosysop..
people thought that had something to do with me.. it did
b i hated demos with a passion back then
c i hated a lot of people on that board.. i probably co
uldnt list names, but
the sysop of doom bbs pissed me off a lot, as well as ot
d the famous the board runs as slow as shit while your
e running warcrap2
reason. i dont care so much anymore, and i think he was
running it off of a
networked 486dx-33 with 4 megs of ram.. forget though
the power plant:
a the sysops had no clue.. no messages, no files.. bori
ng boring boring..
needed to die in my opinion
b was previously a porno board.. whoo, i hate adult shi
c the cosysop was an arrogant little shit.. his locatio
n was super security
cosysop or something retarded.. while i dont think havi
ng high ascii
characters for passwords or running rg 10-04 signifies s
uper security, it was a
nice little touch to rip on him for being so confident w
hen he didnt know what
he was doing
the shannara odyssey:
a hey hey jealousy. whoa.. get rid of those other posti
ng boards in the area
code.. luna sea should be 1
b i still to this day despise magic the gathering card
c he said hed help me with intermail.. but he really k
ind of shlummed me off
d i really just wanted to beat my friend to it..
some boards i didnt hack
trouble bound.. i was going to.. but i didnt.. i gave th
e info to whatever he
goes by now.. nix the password and i told him the /D in
the filep was gone. and
he found out it was running 10-04, so he killed it. i pr
obably would have
downloaded the board the super-recent impulse version
and then deleted just
renegade believe me if you want.. so thats nothing too
big either
i forget what other boards i was wrongfully accused of
hacking mandatory
quotes.. but more or less, i fessed up to what i did. i
t does get annoying
when you turn into file sponge and people call your boar
d just to leave you
nasty email about how you hacked their board when you ha
vent heard of them
their board. if there are some other boards that i did h
ack i dont think so,
but i dont remember too well and you want to know the
reasons.. email me.
boards i wouldnt have deleted even if i could have
throwing copper.. i remember you whining about how i wan
ted cosysop access..
and then you said haha, good idea i didnt give it to hi
m eh?.. well, i liked
your board setup.. wouldnt have happened
asgard.. whoa.. i was cosysop.. checked for backdoors, g
ave them oneliners
renegade info door.. i loved the messages even though i
couldnt keep up with
guess thats it.. i took some time off of the whole bbs t
hingy after trying to
come back a few times.. as like ph balance and nitzer ni
hil.. that was it
though.. what else.. what else? ohh. the biggie thing th
at really pissed me off
was someone called asgard and harassed ellie and i guess
i got blamed for that.
or thats what ultrakiller sayssaid didnt happen, didn
t do it.
one question: why did creeping death go down? i remember
calling the day after
his phone line was cancelled, and he just said he got ca
ught stealing
cigarettes and failed calculus.. i dont believe thats al
l.. but maybe it is.
** NEWS UPDATE - 12/08/96 **
this is a special PENIX SHOW update.. we have recieved s
ome new
information on our beloved soul manger, from not only yet an
other anonymous
source, but soul manger himself, again. below is a conversat
ion i held with thissource anonymous only because he
d rather not be mentioned:
anonymous cheeze I found out his parents names/his ad
dress P
cheeze- lemme verify the addres... what did he give you
cheeze- and give me his parents name
- anonymous now give me the address he gave you.. i need
to verify it
anonymous ok.
anonymous let me get it.
anonymous 311 Mozart LN.
anonymous Palatine, IL
anonymous 60067
- anonymous he gave me a different address
anonymous who and what?
- anonymous macmanson gave me 5170 barcroft drive
/ barrington, IL / 60010- 5530
soul manger
anonymous heh. thats bullshit.
anonymous i know because he jipped me on a paying requ
est. he said he was 28. i sent 10..
- anonymous and his name is jolan luff.. but he gave me m
itchell as his
middle name
- anonymous he did that to you also?
- anonymous what are his parents names?
- anonymous and his phone number?
- anonymous if you know those
anonymous yeah, jolan luff is his real name. he has no
middle name. his phone
is 1-847-991-4405, and the parents names are Christin
e and John
- anonymous ok.. great
anonymous ok. but just a thing. jolan luff is not his
real name P
- anonymous you sure?
- anonymous do you have his real name?
anonymous yeah. if I give you it, will you do me an an
anonymous And yes, Im a greedy son of a bitch.
- anonymous yes.. i will.
anonymous Ok. But if you fuck me over, I swear to god.
. Ill get you back
anonymous Its Chris Mazzone.
- anonymous im not a dick like him
at the same time i was discussing the above with this gu
y, i was also
have a little chat with soul manger going by macmanson this
IRC log started Sun Dec 8 22:02
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com Jolan
Mitchell Luff
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com 5170 B
arcroft Drive
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com Barrin
gton, IL
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com 60010-
- MacManson!@* i can easily get your address..
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ask ma
ss murderer if he ever
got his pay request from 28.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com and ra
ge, s neosporin.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com i got
like 50 in paying
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com saying
i was 28
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com I FUCK
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com THE SC
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com FULL O
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com I HAV
nhe.interaccess.com uh. penix02.zip out soon?
- MacManson!@* yes, actually
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com COOL
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com COOL F
D: DCC SEND ffgrace.zip 1186k from MacManson
D: type T to recieve ffgrace.zip
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you do
nt want fall from grace? ahh well.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com how ab
out my setup of doink?
- MacManson!@* so, jolan.. 311 mozart ln. / palati
ne, IL / 60067
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ummm.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com who to
ld you that?
- MacManson!@* dont worry about it
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com wow. w
atcha gonna do?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com write
me a letter?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com send m
e an aol disk?
- MacManson!@* dont worry.. i wont do a THING.. NOTHING a
t all.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com then w
hats the point of having my address?
- MacManson!@* oh, well shit.. i have NO idea..
- MacManson!@* so.. wanna send me the doink setup?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com BECAUS
- MacManson!@* of course.. i cant do ANYTHING with
an address
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com YOU ST
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you ca
n. you just wont.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com youre
gonna distribute it,
and thatll be it.
- MacManson!@* of COURSE i wont.. thats ILLEGAL
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ive d
one much worse in my own area code.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com no one
- MacManson!@* i know.. you sent me your faq
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you al
ready did.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com in pen
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com haha.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com that t
hing fucking rocks.
- MacManson!@* of coz
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com tell y
a what.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ill se
t you up an 888.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com HAHA
- MacManson!@* wont it be nice when i do penix02.n
fo, huh?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com go for
- MacManson!@* and wont it be nice when you get a
hefty bill from someone
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com go for
- MacManson!@* chris mazzone, huh? hi chris
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com uh.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com how ar
e you getting all my
- MacManson!@* and that wouldnt happen to be you,
would it?
- MacManson!@* dont worry about it
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com well l
emme look.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com well l
emme look.
- MacManson!@* say hi to your mom, christen.. and
say hi to dad, john, too
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com and my
sisters name is jeni.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com jenni
- MacManson!@* im sure it is
- MacManson!@* is that that little chicano bitch that pic
ks up the phone?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com whoo.
you have my pic that has me with bleached hair
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com how ke
en you are.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com QUESO.
- MacManson!@* wow.. spanish
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com TU MAD
- MacManson!@* fuck you too
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com so.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you ca
n at least tell me how
you got my real info.. please?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com bob th
e janitor?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com quisli
- MacManson!@* i have my ways
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com oh wel
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com probab
ly moved to chicago and
bought a phone book.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com fuckin
g lamer.
- MacManson!@* oh yeah.. of COURSE
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com uh. di
d you log that shit
about me posing as 28 and getting money?
- MacManson!@* sure did..
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com goodie
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com oh.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com since
were chatting..
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com have y
ou ever sent me email?
- MacManson!@* wmaybe i have shrug
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com well.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com its no
big deal if you have
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com just w
- MacManson!@* like i said, maybe i have
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com swap-@
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com bwah.
- MacManson!@* oh no.. you haxor
*** info for MacManson
*** irc address MANSON.CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com
*** irc name The Boy With The Sun In His Head
*** server irc.mcs.net
*** macmanson End of /WHOIS list.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com bwah.
IRC log ended Sun Dec 8 23:02
after this, he had started flooding me with mail.. o
r, trying to. then i calledhis house to see if it was
the real number, and sure enough, it was, but his
REAL name was jolan luff, and the poor kid was asleep
so, basically, the following is what we know about him t
hat has been
confermed as true. if you have any other information, pleas
e give THE PENIX
SHOWS investigation hotline a buzz at swap-@cris.com
we do not endorse harrassing him or billing things t
o him or anything of that
nature, but we cant stop you if you do.. cough ah
name: jolan mitchel? luff
number: 847-991-4405
address: 311 Mozart Ln.
Palatine, IL
parents names: Christine John Luff
goes by handles such as:
ph balance
three stigma
nitzer nihil
many others im sure
well, there you have it. the stuff about him hacking
ffg/punk house, spinal gamma through use of tnas ac
count, and stealing ansis from well
respected boards to make his OWN versions of them was enough
. then the info
on his destroying his local scene or trying to. but what
topped it all off
is this new info about him impersinating 28 and making over
50 off of that, aswell as his attitude toward the e
ntire ordeal.
personally, i think this kid should be completely shut o
ut of ALL scenes, and majorly fucked with alth
ough we do not endorse it ahem. this
type of thing should not be ignored.
also, please be sure to view JOLAN.GIF, which is a pictu
re of soul
manger himself. untill next time, so long, and good night..
from ALL of us hereat ELK broadcasting and THE PENIX
by permission of ELK broadcasting and THE PENIX SHOW
, this broadcast may be
reproduced and distributed however you see fit, as lo
ng as nothing is tampered
closed captioning provided in part by the undergroun
d communist federation aka ACiD .. if you voice
your opinion in any way reguarding tonights program,
you will be shot.
good evening boys and girls. on tonights PENIX SHOW, w
e will be
discussing some very snicker serious topics chuckle. no
.. really. we will.
im just a little drunk from the vodka magnatop put in my or
ange juice.
anywho, you may remember penix01.zip, the special bullet
in put out by
us here at ELK broadcasting and THE PENIX SHOW. in it, we r
evield the shocking news about soul manger and his ev
il plot to destroy many of the nations fine
bbss. in an exclusive interview with soul manger aka. nom
deplum, as well as
others, we were shocked to hear that *he* was the one who d
estroyed rais ffg/
punk house, and had tried to destroy digos spinal gamma. a
lso in that
interview we learned of his plans to rip ansis from very wel
l respected boards
to make his OWN boards going by the same names.
in the past few weeks, our investigation specialists hav
e run across
some more very disturbing information, as well as the posibl
e location where
this very disturbed young man is hiding out. below is a mes
sage sent to me
from an annonymous source:
around here he is mainly known as Vagrant, and has been
confirmed in the
downing of a few bbss around here. and well i know a li
ttle of his real
info and it will be confirmed and follow later.
hes been keeping quiet around here, but hes on m
any bbss im on and hes not
very well liked. he took down a good friend of m
ines boardwhich happened to be
the only good music/demo bbs near chicago
jolan luff
really lives in far west suburbs, hoffman esttates i thi
his real number is in 847
i will have full adress and possibly new voice numbers w
ithin a few days, i
hope this helps you guys out.
other handles to watch for,
PH Balance
Three Stigmata
Nitzer Nihil
and so on...
we were also given this info by *another* annonymous sou
name: jolan luff
number: 847-991-4405
ALSO , soul manger sent the following newsletter to ou
r specialists.
it is rather incriminating, if i say so myself:
vagrant hacking faq v.001
. too beautiful to beat
---+ soul manager
too rotten to love
shadows of hell:
a just bad posting such.. semi-put it out of its mise
b i was sick of seeing shadows of hell ads everywhere..
and basically arvind
was getting to me
c semi-jealous. this kid puts up a board with all these
ripped ansis, and
some rg super-god so i heard..? helped him set it up..
and he gets all the
d adult crap. porn deserves to die.
e arvind spent his 100+ donation money on cds.. where
as he couldve scraped
another 50+ together and gotten a 28.8
gravitational collapse:
a the flying hindu was taking a lot of shit because he
was message cosysop..
people thought that had something to do with me.. it did
b i hated demos with a passion back then
c i hated a lot of people on that board.. i probably co
uldnt list names, but
the sysop of doom bbs pissed me off a lot, as well as ot
d the famous the board runs as slow as shit while your
e running warcrap2
reason. i dont care so much anymore, and i think he was
running it off of a
networked 486dx-33 with 4 megs of ram.. forget though
the power plant:
a the sysops had no clue.. no messages, no files.. bori
ng boring boring..
needed to die in my opinion
b was previously a porno board.. whoo, i hate adult shi
c the cosysop was an arrogant little shit.. his locatio
n was super security
cosysop or something retarded.. while i dont think havi
ng high ascii
characters for passwords or running rg 10-04 signifies s
uper security, it was a
nice little touch to rip on him for being so confident w
hen he didnt know what
he was doing
the shannara odyssey:
a hey hey jealousy. whoa.. get rid of those other posti
ng boards in the area
code.. luna sea should be 1
b i still to this day despise magic the gathering card
c he said hed help me with intermail.. but he really k
ind of shlummed me off
d i really just wanted to beat my friend to it..
some boards i didnt hack
trouble bound.. i was going to.. but i didnt.. i gave th
e info to whatever he
goes by now.. nix the password and i told him the /D in
the filep was gone. and
he found out it was running 10-04, so he killed it. i pr
obably would have
downloaded the board the super-recent impulse version
and then deleted just
renegade believe me if you want.. so thats nothing too
big either
i forget what other boards i was wrongfully accused of
hacking mandatory
quotes.. but more or less, i fessed up to what i did. i
t does get annoying
when you turn into file sponge and people call your boar
d just to leave you
nasty email about how you hacked their board when you ha
vent heard of them
their board. if there are some other boards that i did h
ack i dont think so,
but i dont remember too well and you want to know the
reasons.. email me.
boards i wouldnt have deleted even if i could have
throwing copper.. i remember you whining about how i wan
ted cosysop access..
and then you said haha, good idea i didnt give it to hi
m eh?.. well, i liked
your board setup.. wouldnt have happened
asgard.. whoa.. i was cosysop.. checked for backdoors, g
ave them oneliners
renegade info door.. i loved the messages even though i
couldnt keep up with
guess thats it.. i took some time off of the whole bbs t
hingy after trying to
come back a few times.. as like ph balance and nitzer ni
hil.. that was it
though.. what else.. what else? ohh. the biggie thing th
at really pissed me off
was someone called asgard and harassed ellie and i guess
i got blamed for that.
or thats what ultrakiller sayssaid didnt happen, didn
t do it.
one question: why did creeping death go down? i remember
calling the day after
his phone line was cancelled, and he just said he got ca
ught stealing
cigarettes and failed calculus.. i dont believe thats al
l.. but maybe it is.
** NEWS UPDATE - 12/08/96 **
this is a special PENIX SHOW update.. we have recieved s
ome new
information on our beloved soul manger, from not only yet an
other anonymous
source, but soul manger himself, again. below is a conversat
ion i held with thissource anonymous only because he
d rather not be mentioned:
anonymous cheeze I found out his parents names/his ad
dress P
cheeze- lemme verify the addres... what did he give you
cheeze- and give me his parents name
- anonymous now give me the address he gave you.. i need
to verify it
anonymous ok.
anonymous let me get it.
anonymous 311 Mozart LN.
anonymous Palatine, IL
anonymous 60067
- anonymous he gave me a different address
anonymous who and what?
- anonymous macmanson gave me 5170 barcroft drive
/ barrington, IL / 60010- 5530
soul manger
anonymous heh. thats bullshit.
anonymous i know because he jipped me on a paying requ
est. he said he was 28. i sent 10..
- anonymous and his name is jolan luff.. but he gave me m
itchell as his
middle name
- anonymous he did that to you also?
- anonymous what are his parents names?
- anonymous and his phone number?
- anonymous if you know those
anonymous yeah, jolan luff is his real name. he has no
middle name. his phone
is 1-847-991-4405, and the parents names are Christin
e and John
- anonymous ok.. great
anonymous ok. but just a thing. jolan luff is not his
real name P
- anonymous you sure?
- anonymous do you have his real name?
anonymous yeah. if I give you it, will you do me an an
anonymous And yes, Im a greedy son of a bitch.
- anonymous yes.. i will.
anonymous Ok. But if you fuck me over, I swear to god.
. Ill get you back
anonymous Its Chris Mazzone.
- anonymous im not a dick like him
at the same time i was discussing the above with this gu
y, i was also
have a little chat with soul manger going by macmanson this
IRC log started Sun Dec 8 22:02
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com Jolan
Mitchell Luff
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com 5170 B
arcroft Drive
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com Barrin
gton, IL
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com 60010-
- MacManson!@* i can easily get your address..
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ask ma
ss murderer if he ever
got his pay request from 28.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com and ra
ge, s neosporin.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com i got
like 50 in paying
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com saying
i was 28
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com I FUCK
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com THE SC
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com FULL O
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com I HAV
nhe.interaccess.com uh. penix02.zip out soon?
- MacManson!@* yes, actually
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com COOL
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com COOL F
D: DCC SEND ffgrace.zip 1186k from MacManson
D: type T to recieve ffgrace.zip
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you do
nt want fall from grace? ahh well.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com how ab
out my setup of doink?
- MacManson!@* so, jolan.. 311 mozart ln. / palati
ne, IL / 60067
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ummm.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com who to
ld you that?
- MacManson!@* dont worry about it
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com wow. w
atcha gonna do?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com write
me a letter?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com send m
e an aol disk?
- MacManson!@* dont worry.. i wont do a THING.. NOTHING a
t all.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com then w
hats the point of having my address?
- MacManson!@* oh, well shit.. i have NO idea..
- MacManson!@* so.. wanna send me the doink setup?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com BECAUS
- MacManson!@* of course.. i cant do ANYTHING with
an address
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com YOU ST
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you ca
n. you just wont.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com youre
gonna distribute it,
and thatll be it.
- MacManson!@* of COURSE i wont.. thats ILLEGAL
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ive d
one much worse in my own area code.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com no one
- MacManson!@* i know.. you sent me your faq
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you al
ready did.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com in pen
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com haha.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com that t
hing fucking rocks.
- MacManson!@* of coz
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com tell y
a what.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com ill se
t you up an 888.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com HAHA
- MacManson!@* wont it be nice when i do penix02.n
fo, huh?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com go for
- MacManson!@* and wont it be nice when you get a
hefty bill from someone
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com go for
- MacManson!@* chris mazzone, huh? hi chris
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com uh.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com how ar
e you getting all my
- MacManson!@* and that wouldnt happen to be you,
would it?
- MacManson!@* dont worry about it
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com well l
emme look.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com well l
emme look.
- MacManson!@* say hi to your mom, christen.. and
say hi to dad, john, too
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com and my
sisters name is jeni.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com jenni
- MacManson!@* im sure it is
- MacManson!@* is that that little chicano bitch that pic
ks up the phone?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com whoo.
you have my pic that has me with bleached hair
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com how ke
en you are.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com QUESO.
- MacManson!@* wow.. spanish
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com TU MAD
- MacManson!@* fuck you too
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com so.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com you ca
n at least tell me how
you got my real info.. please?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com bob th
e janitor?
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com quisli
- MacManson!@* i have my ways
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com oh wel
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com probab
ly moved to chicago and
bought a phone book.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com fuckin
g lamer.
- MacManson!@* oh yeah.. of COURSE
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com uh. di
d you log that shit
about me posing as 28 and getting money?
- MacManson!@* sure did..
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com goodie
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com oh.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com since
were chatting..
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com have y
ou ever sent me email?
- MacManson!@* wmaybe i have shrug
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com well.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com its no
big deal if you have
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com just w
- MacManson!@* like i said, maybe i have
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com swap-@
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com bwah.
- MacManson!@* oh no.. you haxor
*** info for MacManson
*** irc address MANSON.CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com
*** irc name The Boy With The Sun In His Head
*** server irc.mcs.net
*** macmanson End of /WHOIS list.
MacManson!MANSON.CM@*CM@d72.nhe.interaccess.com bwah.
IRC log ended Sun Dec 8 23:02
after this, he had started flooding me with mail.. o
r, trying to. then i calledhis house to see if it was
the real number, and sure enough, it was, but his
REAL name was jolan luff, and the poor kid was asleep
so, basically, the following is what we know about him t
hat has been
confermed as true. if you have any other information, pleas
e give THE PENIX
SHOWS investigation hotline a buzz at swap-@cris.com
we do not endorse harrassing him or billing things t
o him or anything of that
nature, but we cant stop you if you do.. cough ah
name: jolan mitchel? luff
number: 847-991-4405
address: 311 Mozart Ln.
Palatine, IL
parents names: Christine John Luff
goes by handles such as:
ph balance
three stigma
nitzer nihil
many others im sure
well, there you have it. the stuff about him hacking
ffg/punk house, spinal gamma through use of tnas ac
count, and stealing ansis from well
respected boards to make his OWN versions of them was enough
. then the info
on his destroying his local scene or trying to. but what
topped it all off
is this new info about him impersinating 28 and making over
50 off of that, aswell as his attitude toward the e
ntire ordeal.
personally, i think this kid should be completely shut o
ut of ALL scenes, and majorly fucked with alth
ough we do not endorse it ahem. this
type of thing should not be ignored.
also, please be sure to view JOLAN.GIF, which is a pictu
re of soul
manger himself. untill next time, so long, and good night..
from ALL of us hereat ELK broadcasting and THE PENIX
by permission of ELK broadcasting and THE PENIX SHOW
, this broadcast may be
reproduced and distributed however you see fit, as lo
ng as nothing is tampered
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