this image contains text
cheeze here, and guess what? i will be your host tonight, as we stumble through
the halls of the eclipse infofile. cheer to your left is.. .
uhm, no. i am doing this infofile completely off the top of my head. thats
right, i have no clue what i am supposed to be writing about. why, you ask?
because im silly like that. yeah.
we got some new members, im sure, but - WHO CARES?! this is gunna be a cool
infofile.. get it? none of that group this, group that stuff. and this info-
file will be bad word free. we took a poll, and.. it was big and round.
btw - if you are wondering, wheres eclipse 06? well, all i can say is it
ruled, and if you dont have it, uhm.. thats too bad. yeah.
we here at eclipse love bunnies. we love em so much, we decided to adopt one!
YAY! its.. a bunny.. and uhm.. its.. cute, or something. yeah. its name is
aproperately bizo. why is that an aproperate name, you ask? shrug
*bleep*, i dunno.. that *bleep* word just *bleep* rules! *bleeooo.. .
what the? SPLATT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WE TOOK A POLL REMEMB.. . ohhh chuckle
splatt has been eating mentos again. what a crazy guy!
heres a picture of our beloved furball.
blank space rules!
p h ear b lank spac e!
yeah.. uhm, isnt he great? hes just
cz? so cute!
whats that you say? bizo doesnt look
like a bunny? studies cute lil bizo
oh my gawd! THATS not bizo! .. WHAT HAVE
oh well.. all he did was go poopie on
magnatops big toe. maybe that new dog
will give me lubbin? YAY!
from now on, my name is FRED .. and yours is JOE. HI JOE!
torgo ate my candy bar! WAAAAA!
hey, guess what? rais a lazy porker. PHEAR HIM!
ok. enough oneliners. oh yeah. i actually remember something to do with the
group. remember the anti-kiddie rape movement? well.. we forgot to put the info
in eclipse 06.. so here it is.
what is the anti-kiddie rape movement a-kr? this board is a
- the a-kr movement started on rais old board,
ffg when rai and i got fed up with all the
kiddie-rape/fuck me in my ear/bunk me in my
arse/etc shit. basically its a movement to try
and stop this pathetic trend in the scene. if
you are sick of it, too, you might think about
joining up. a k r
whoa! i AM sick of that shit! how do i join?
- well, all you gotta do is put a-kr member
or a-kr supporter or something cool with a-kr
in your sig. then, if you run a board, there
is a nifty ribbon you can put somewhere in your
login to announce your board as a supporter. cz?
- also, if you run a group that wishes to
become a part of the movement, just put the proud supporter of the
ribbon somewhere in your infofile, but of a-kr movement! phear!
course just change board to group .. thats
all. we will have a vga ribbon for use on web pages and stuff soon.
**serious mode disabled**
ok.. well, that fool sirdeath just informed me that he has something to say:
thanks bub. im sure well get some great reviews on that. well, hmm.. what
shallCALLDOINKi write now? oh yeah.. some more group news i thought i said
that stuff would be banned from this infofile? DAMN HACKERS! .. we recently
had acid merge with us after the success of eclipse 06, and we changed our
name to aclipse. but, to our dismay, radman stunk like rotten fish, so we had
to push em off the plank which was prolly not a good thing to do. the sharks
smelled radman from a mile away.
it was for the better, even though we had FINALLY destroyed the evil empire..
mindcrime shares a closet with the eclipse boys! so THATS why all my socks are
**NEWS .. uhm.. UNFLASH! yeah..
oh yeah.. we also gained napalmwho bribed us
- with pez, chromatikwho torgo conjured up
from the dead, toon goonrai had to beat him out of the evil jae creature, lordjazzhe
gave us saurkrout to stay when acid left..,
. halasterhe wanted some of splatts greasy
tacos, and neuroticwho threw himself at
rais feet after seeing eclipse 06 .. YAY!
well, that was great.. everyone was happy.
but we had a freak accident and all of them
cz fell into deep comas. we hope theyll pull
through. and if they dont, WE DIDNT DO IT!
the members who offered us goat balls,
- cytral skunk and spear, have had the privilege
- - napalm gave us pez! of joining the group. because not only did
. he got 5 to have a the give us goat balls, they dont stink of
beauty school student cut fish.
- his hair! ICK!
oh god do i have a headache. damnit, i think maggie spiked my drink with goose
sweat again. slurp ARGH! damnit! see you guys in 08! .. .
oh yeah.. we got a web site! whats that you say? its been up for awhile? oh well. how bout i just poopie in your shoe and snap your bra? uhm.. ok.. yeah.
dont ask the addy is http://wizy.uit.net/eclipse .. phear it.
--- - in f o f ile shtu ff by chee zio .. 09-12-96 .. phear it.
cheeze here, and guess what? i will be your host tonight, as we stumble through
the halls of the eclipse infofile. cheer to your left is.. .
uhm, no. i am doing this infofile completely off the top of my head. thats
right, i have no clue what i am supposed to be writing about. why, you ask?
because im silly like that. yeah.
we got some new members, im sure, but - WHO CARES?! this is gunna be a cool
infofile.. get it? none of that group this, group that stuff. and this info-
file will be bad word free. we took a poll, and.. it was big and round.
btw - if you are wondering, wheres eclipse 06? well, all i can say is it
ruled, and if you dont have it, uhm.. thats too bad. yeah.
we here at eclipse love bunnies. we love em so much, we decided to adopt one!
YAY! its.. a bunny.. and uhm.. its.. cute, or something. yeah. its name is
aproperately bizo. why is that an aproperate name, you ask? shrug
*bleep*, i dunno.. that *bleep* word just *bleep* rules! *bleeooo.. .
what the? SPLATT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WE TOOK A POLL REMEMB.. . ohhh chuckle
splatt has been eating mentos again. what a crazy guy!
heres a picture of our beloved furball.
blank space rules!
p h ear b lank spac e!
yeah.. uhm, isnt he great? hes just
cz? so cute!
whats that you say? bizo doesnt look
like a bunny? studies cute lil bizo
oh my gawd! THATS not bizo! .. WHAT HAVE
oh well.. all he did was go poopie on
magnatops big toe. maybe that new dog
will give me lubbin? YAY!
from now on, my name is FRED .. and yours is JOE. HI JOE!
torgo ate my candy bar! WAAAAA!
hey, guess what? rais a lazy porker. PHEAR HIM!
ok. enough oneliners. oh yeah. i actually remember something to do with the
group. remember the anti-kiddie rape movement? well.. we forgot to put the info
in eclipse 06.. so here it is.
what is the anti-kiddie rape movement a-kr? this board is a
- the a-kr movement started on rais old board,
ffg when rai and i got fed up with all the
kiddie-rape/fuck me in my ear/bunk me in my
arse/etc shit. basically its a movement to try
and stop this pathetic trend in the scene. if
you are sick of it, too, you might think about
joining up. a k r
whoa! i AM sick of that shit! how do i join?
- well, all you gotta do is put a-kr member
or a-kr supporter or something cool with a-kr
in your sig. then, if you run a board, there
is a nifty ribbon you can put somewhere in your
login to announce your board as a supporter. cz?
- also, if you run a group that wishes to
become a part of the movement, just put the proud supporter of the
ribbon somewhere in your infofile, but of a-kr movement! phear!
course just change board to group .. thats
all. we will have a vga ribbon for use on web pages and stuff soon.
**serious mode disabled**
ok.. well, that fool sirdeath just informed me that he has something to say:
thanks bub. im sure well get some great reviews on that. well, hmm.. what
shallCALLDOINKi write now? oh yeah.. some more group news i thought i said
that stuff would be banned from this infofile? DAMN HACKERS! .. we recently
had acid merge with us after the success of eclipse 06, and we changed our
name to aclipse. but, to our dismay, radman stunk like rotten fish, so we had
to push em off the plank which was prolly not a good thing to do. the sharks
smelled radman from a mile away.
it was for the better, even though we had FINALLY destroyed the evil empire..
mindcrime shares a closet with the eclipse boys! so THATS why all my socks are
**NEWS .. uhm.. UNFLASH! yeah..
oh yeah.. we also gained napalmwho bribed us
- with pez, chromatikwho torgo conjured up
from the dead, toon goonrai had to beat him out of the evil jae creature, lordjazzhe
gave us saurkrout to stay when acid left..,
. halasterhe wanted some of splatts greasy
tacos, and neuroticwho threw himself at
rais feet after seeing eclipse 06 .. YAY!
well, that was great.. everyone was happy.
but we had a freak accident and all of them
cz fell into deep comas. we hope theyll pull
through. and if they dont, WE DIDNT DO IT!
the members who offered us goat balls,
- cytral skunk and spear, have had the privilege
- - napalm gave us pez! of joining the group. because not only did
. he got 5 to have a the give us goat balls, they dont stink of
beauty school student cut fish.
- his hair! ICK!
oh god do i have a headache. damnit, i think maggie spiked my drink with goose
sweat again. slurp ARGH! damnit! see you guys in 08! .. .
oh yeah.. we got a web site! whats that you say? its been up for awhile? oh well. how bout i just poopie in your shoe and snap your bra? uhm.. ok.. yeah.
dont ask the addy is http://wizy.uit.net/eclipse .. phear it.
--- - in f o f ile shtu ff by chee zio .. 09-12-96 .. phear it.
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