this image contains text
Weve got every cable company at their knees,
and you at ease
1. Get your hands out of yo
ur pants and listen for a quick second, WE HAVE
TAKEN OVER YOUR TELEVISION. Camp Echo is in full effe
ct and we are also
in living colour. I was inspired a bit by the
late Mop and Apathy, two
great groups in their time, who I think introduced a
bit of fun to this
1. As far as the group is concerned,
Echo is living its days of existance
to the fullest, various amounts of people hav
e shown great interest in
the group and the changes that it has recently made. I
personally would
like to say thanks to all those who like what
were doing, and to all
those who dont, we cannot please everybody.
2.Dynomite Games is on the
roll. First coming out with the debut: Puss in
Boots adult entertaining BlackJack. Its been a g
reat experience at-
least from the artists standpointg.. but all-in-al
l, it really pays
off when people admire the fact that you are doing
something right. We
are currently working on the next release, so look ou
t for that in the
future, and more to come. If you ever wanna contr
ibute ideas or artwork
then please feel free to go ahead. We are especially i
n need of coders
that are up for this kind of work .. the more t
he merrier.
. The artist formely known as ts
ex-teklord has quit the scene to fulfil
his lifelong dream to play with his barnyard friends.
We approached him
and asked him to comment, all he had to say was mo
o Its just good to
know that hes mating well.
moo. shaft i like echos new tooony
style too
5. Several parents decided that thei
r annoying kids should be sent away to
camp this year. And, because of our brochure, they deci
ded camp echo is
the place where their kids will be tortured in only th
e cruelist, most
punishing fashion. The victims include Toot,
Tarot, Infinity, Bizzarro,
Kuma, god, Scoundrel, Noah
, Phoman, and Acidblood. Hardy-
har-har, mate.
VI. Why was number 4 replaced by moo
? This is the question that tortures my
soul, in these days of preparing for camp. Upon survey
73 of kids in
our camp agreed that 4 was the coolest number a
nd that moo is the worst
word. Did we ever say it was supposed to be fun kids?
Take this as an
important lesson in life: we are in charge and we can
do what ever the
phluck we want to!
camp echo we make you realise how much more life suck
s. Yes it sucks
more than you could ever imagine. If you are not fat t
ake this time to
find a fat person and make fun of them. Why am I tellin
g you this? Well
we decided that here at camp echo we didnt have enough
food to feed the
fat kids, so we introduced a diet program, which includ
es starvationc
for free! So parents, if you are sick of yer fridge bei
ng empty and yer
porker kid being full, send him/her to camp echo!
7.Late poll was taken, and it wa
s proven, that 80 of the members in Echo
receive their ideas while taking a poop on the
toilet. That only means
that people like Da Drug experience diareah a lot, c
ause he gots ideas
just running out his ass no puns intended
8.Our friendly mailman Samurai w
as making his daily rounds, when he was
seen stopping by at Echos training centre. Inside, so
mebody witnessed
the mailman deilver a plate of fuck me and
a side order or oh yeah..
like that and some ooo...o oo .. ahh.. . did you cu
m? to wash it all
down. He was charged with rape charges, no damage wa
s done to the poor
bitch, the neihborhood dog was treated at S
aint Michaels hospital.
?!.Didnt you notice? We highlight
ed the coooool words.
9.Send all Fan Mail, Suggestions,
and/or Comments to: campecho@usa.net
,,.This pack is dedicated to those th
at made it happen. Especially to Da
Drug aka god for his ideas and hard wor
end. moral time We thank you the
viewer for taking this time to giveus
a peek, and we hope that you enjoy whats to co
me.. and maybe even find
yourself in the memberlist amongst in my opinion so
me really talented
guys who really work hard to give you guys something
to eat. Chow.
Written by: Maytag Man n watOr ,, Art by: wat
Orecho ,, Echo in the 9-7
camp echo out
Weve got every cable company at their knees,
and you at ease
1. Get your hands out of yo
ur pants and listen for a quick second, WE HAVE
TAKEN OVER YOUR TELEVISION. Camp Echo is in full effe
ct and we are also
in living colour. I was inspired a bit by the
late Mop and Apathy, two
great groups in their time, who I think introduced a
bit of fun to this
1. As far as the group is concerned,
Echo is living its days of existance
to the fullest, various amounts of people hav
e shown great interest in
the group and the changes that it has recently made. I
personally would
like to say thanks to all those who like what
were doing, and to all
those who dont, we cannot please everybody.
2.Dynomite Games is on the
roll. First coming out with the debut: Puss in
Boots adult entertaining BlackJack. Its been a g
reat experience at-
least from the artists standpointg.. but all-in-al
l, it really pays
off when people admire the fact that you are doing
something right. We
are currently working on the next release, so look ou
t for that in the
future, and more to come. If you ever wanna contr
ibute ideas or artwork
then please feel free to go ahead. We are especially i
n need of coders
that are up for this kind of work .. the more t
he merrier.
. The artist formely known as ts
ex-teklord has quit the scene to fulfil
his lifelong dream to play with his barnyard friends.
We approached him
and asked him to comment, all he had to say was mo
o Its just good to
know that hes mating well.
moo. shaft i like echos new tooony
style too
5. Several parents decided that thei
r annoying kids should be sent away to
camp this year. And, because of our brochure, they deci
ded camp echo is
the place where their kids will be tortured in only th
e cruelist, most
punishing fashion. The victims include Toot,
Tarot, Infinity, Bizzarro,
Kuma, god, Scoundrel, Noah
, Phoman, and Acidblood. Hardy-
har-har, mate.
VI. Why was number 4 replaced by moo
? This is the question that tortures my
soul, in these days of preparing for camp. Upon survey
73 of kids in
our camp agreed that 4 was the coolest number a
nd that moo is the worst
word. Did we ever say it was supposed to be fun kids?
Take this as an
important lesson in life: we are in charge and we can
do what ever the
phluck we want to!
camp echo we make you realise how much more life suck
s. Yes it sucks
more than you could ever imagine. If you are not fat t
ake this time to
find a fat person and make fun of them. Why am I tellin
g you this? Well
we decided that here at camp echo we didnt have enough
food to feed the
fat kids, so we introduced a diet program, which includ
es starvationc
for free! So parents, if you are sick of yer fridge bei
ng empty and yer
porker kid being full, send him/her to camp echo!
7.Late poll was taken, and it wa
s proven, that 80 of the members in Echo
receive their ideas while taking a poop on the
toilet. That only means
that people like Da Drug experience diareah a lot, c
ause he gots ideas
just running out his ass no puns intended
8.Our friendly mailman Samurai w
as making his daily rounds, when he was
seen stopping by at Echos training centre. Inside, so
mebody witnessed
the mailman deilver a plate of fuck me and
a side order or oh yeah..
like that and some ooo...o oo .. ahh.. . did you cu
m? to wash it all
down. He was charged with rape charges, no damage wa
s done to the poor
bitch, the neihborhood dog was treated at S
aint Michaels hospital.
?!.Didnt you notice? We highlight
ed the coooool words.
9.Send all Fan Mail, Suggestions,
and/or Comments to: campecho@usa.net
,,.This pack is dedicated to those th
at made it happen. Especially to Da
Drug aka god for his ideas and hard wor
end. moral time We thank you the
viewer for taking this time to giveus
a peek, and we hope that you enjoy whats to co
me.. and maybe even find
yourself in the memberlist amongst in my opinion so
me really talented
guys who really work hard to give you guys something
to eat. Chow.
Written by: Maytag Man n watOr ,, Art by: wat
Orecho ,, Echo in the 9-7
camp echo out
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