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T-T-Triple Take
I thought I told you that we wont stop..
April showers bring May flowers, but in Canada.. Mo
ther Nature cant even
make up her mind. While we struggle to maintain a goo
d piece of weather
around here, the same has happened with Echo. Both goo
d and bad news has
left Echo to where it is at, and no we are not dead and
dying. Yet, the
bad news has affected the group severely.
Whats going on?
- The 4th Disciple is basically deciding to end his
career here at Echo,
which generally has left a lot of members/people stunne
d including I
- Gorilla Monsoon still doesnt know how to run the WWF p
- Members leaving left and right, seeking new goals.. Ech
o damaged, but
still plans on moving forward, with or without its supe
- The people of the pirate world have brought in a swarm
of bots and took
over echo for awhile, so we had to stay in campecho,
but later on got
back our channel and everything is running smoothly
- Good feedback from the last package ECHO0397.ZIP an
d we hope that we
can keep on matching our previous, and feed you guys th
at thirst for
ansi/rip action
- Selected people in tv-land, have been sporting Echo U
nlimited clothing,
and we didnt even ask them to, skill.. huh Acid?
- Memberlist has gone through its spring cleaning proce
ss and are hoping
that the activity will rise up next month for the crew.
- Respects to Xypher Matrix, who single handedly gave me
about 4 dollars
worth of whupass in Street Fighter 2 alpha.. yet I do
claim an odd
of wins, and some slices of pizza :
- Much thanks to Serial Toon who has made a great effor
t into devoting
his irc hours to distributing Echo packages. What goes
around comes
around, and things look well from that standpoint.. Mu
cho Gracious.
As one puts it:
volatile wO : echo 03 kicked asss
How do you sleep at night?
In the duration of the last week or so, a lot of di
scussion has arose at
some of the comments that I have made. Im not gonna bo
ther going into
details, but the bottom line is, recent news arose th
at being bad and
I basically flew the coop, took it out on the group, su
cker punched some
people and therefore was affected by that. Bottom line i
s, Im sorry to
anyone Ive offended.. but some of the stuff I said to so
me people I did
mean to say, some people need to wake up and face reality
Members andstuff..
Just like The Knight puts it, check the memberlis
ting thyself.
In Closing..
So ends April, Im just hoping that May brings joy a
nd a lot of suprises from
Echo to the general public. Show your support and send yo
ur comments and any
suggestions you might have, and write to: echo@globals
Respects: Dark Illustrated 1997 and beyond
Information file written by Echo Advisors All r
ight reserved :: Echo 1997c
Ansi logo compliments of PhonyEyeCI
e d
I thought I told you that we wont stop..
April showers bring May flowers, but in Canada.. Mo
ther Nature cant even
make up her mind. While we struggle to maintain a goo
d piece of weather
around here, the same has happened with Echo. Both goo
d and bad news has
left Echo to where it is at, and no we are not dead and
dying. Yet, the
bad news has affected the group severely.
Whats going on?
- The 4th Disciple is basically deciding to end his
career here at Echo,
which generally has left a lot of members/people stunne
d including I
- Gorilla Monsoon still doesnt know how to run the WWF p
- Members leaving left and right, seeking new goals.. Ech
o damaged, but
still plans on moving forward, with or without its supe
- The people of the pirate world have brought in a swarm
of bots and took
over echo for awhile, so we had to stay in campecho,
but later on got
back our channel and everything is running smoothly
- Good feedback from the last package ECHO0397.ZIP an
d we hope that we
can keep on matching our previous, and feed you guys th
at thirst for
ansi/rip action
- Selected people in tv-land, have been sporting Echo U
nlimited clothing,
and we didnt even ask them to, skill.. huh Acid?
- Memberlist has gone through its spring cleaning proce
ss and are hoping
that the activity will rise up next month for the crew.
- Respects to Xypher Matrix, who single handedly gave me
about 4 dollars
worth of whupass in Street Fighter 2 alpha.. yet I do
claim an odd
of wins, and some slices of pizza :
- Much thanks to Serial Toon who has made a great effor
t into devoting
his irc hours to distributing Echo packages. What goes
around comes
around, and things look well from that standpoint.. Mu
cho Gracious.
As one puts it:
volatile wO : echo 03 kicked asss
How do you sleep at night?
In the duration of the last week or so, a lot of di
scussion has arose at
some of the comments that I have made. Im not gonna bo
ther going into
details, but the bottom line is, recent news arose th
at being bad and
I basically flew the coop, took it out on the group, su
cker punched some
people and therefore was affected by that. Bottom line i
s, Im sorry to
anyone Ive offended.. but some of the stuff I said to so
me people I did
mean to say, some people need to wake up and face reality
Members andstuff..
Just like The Knight puts it, check the memberlis
ting thyself.
In Closing..
So ends April, Im just hoping that May brings joy a
nd a lot of suprises from
Echo to the general public. Show your support and send yo
ur comments and any
suggestions you might have, and write to: echo@globals
Respects: Dark Illustrated 1997 and beyond
Information file written by Echo Advisors All r
ight reserved :: Echo 1997c
Ansi logo compliments of PhonyEyeCI
e d
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