this image contains text
Dark Illustrated January 1997 Collection
Welcome to another exciting and eventful month here, at Dark Illustrated!
Its me again, The 4Th Disciple taking over for the ever busy Xypher Matryx
but dont worry good ol Xyph will be back next month. This year marks the
3rd year of releases from Dark Illustrated, and the 4th year of group operation.Weve come a long way, havent we? :
group news
This month brought back desalvo from the ranks of retirement to draw his
heart out once more with Dark! Great to see you back man. More great news
allowed Carnifex to fix that pesky I dont have time to draw that much
attitude. The 5 huge ansis from him this month show that he may be getting
older, stinkier, and uglier but hes not quitting. j/k :
From this months release, we can see that Xypher Matryx is indeed still in
recovery from the ansi beating that 4thds gave to him a few months back. Dont worry man, we believe in you.. get well soon.
Another surprise this month was the tag team of Burnout and Prison Breaker
who released Darks all ascii first pack. Who knew that ascii could look so
good coming from 2 VGA artists...
group meet
At this months Dark meet, there were many surprises. Armageddon Donut
showed up in his patented suit, however much to the chagrine of members he had
forgot his pants. Burnout took this opportunity to have some fun with good
ol Chicken legs. Donut reacted with a swift peck to Bos chin.
The Green Hornet, obsessed in taking back his GQ image from Donut wore
an Arthurian garb with a wig and everything. When asked about this, his
response was Im gonna dunk that donut . Equinox, was found to secretly be
the lead singer of Raggapuke. An underground Reggae band who does bad Vanilla
Ice makeovers with a hint of reggae. Eq, was quickly beaten and left for dead. Mimes, Darks official cheerleader showed up with an army of small squishy
hamster fetuss ready to battle even the strongest of stenched. These little
creatures were left to fend for themselves when an overgrown Reddeath
intimidated them by his secret weapon, the silent treatment.. it was later
found that he was not infact mute, as once thought by all. He talks!
Xypher found a soul mate in one of the hamster fetuss, and soon we should
be seeing little hairy Xypher juniors runnin around. Damn, thats ooglay.
watOr Um, 4th, what are you doing?
* watOr pimp-slaps The 4th Disciple
watOr Snap out of it man, you have long transferred over from the Darkside,
we went all out Echo .. remember?
* The 4th Disciple realizes his mistakes..
watOr Now lets do this shit right.
wO massm
If you dont hear us by now, your deaf.
After awhile of long hard discussion and thinking, Echo has been evolved.
It was a dream dreamt by The 4th Disciple and then was smacked on the table
in front of me watOr and was overlooked at first. Just another group, itll
come and go, just like the rest. Why destroy the hopes and dreams for Plain,
just to start all over again? Simple, Echo has a goal, a destination, a plan.
We solomnly promise to deliver our best, we hope that you the audience will
be most supportive, for you have been even when we had nothing to show forth
our verbal claim. The long awaited package has hit the shelves, and we hope
that it lived up to its expectation. If not, we shall keep striving to rel-
ease some of the best. Echo is not an abbreviation, but a statement that we
hope will be heard and remembered by all.
- watOr
Id just like to clear up a little confusion thats been going around
lately. Plain did not die. Plain was approached by my idea, and the group
as a whole discussed it. The verdict was to change, and that the change
would help us all grow. Id like to thank the members right now for their
hard work and support. It was an evolution, nothing else. Despite what others
have to say about it.
- 4thds
* members
All members that were recruited and added to the memberlisting, made up
the basic core of the group. Let me clear this up 4thds, ALL former members
of Plain were asked to join or leave.. it was thier choice. We were able to
combine these members with the best of the new and upncomers of the scene
and bring you the quality that you all look forward to.
* staff
The staff, here at Echo is made up of two department heads and two
senior staff members. Black Jack of Cia and Odelay fame becomes our ascii
department head. Our ansi department is headed by Hexus formerly Mr. Gnu
of Plain fame. His leadership and motivation in Plain brought out the
best in the group. It was only natural that he become staff. The ever
hard working watOr joins me in the senior staff position. watOrs work with
new artists, Toon, Plain and Dark has always showcased his greatness as a
leader. And finally, myself. Formerly a senior with Dark and Toon.
This month, the staff put together some of the best artists to bring this
pack to you. Great stuff guys.
* locating Echo members/staff
Echo members can be found in echo on IRC, and can be emailed. The email
addresses appear in the memberlisting. WWW pages will be setup in the near
future to support the group as well. Please keep reading future information
files for the news on further developments.
If you cant remember who you want to write to, or are having trouble getting
their address email to: echo@globalserve.net and the message will be forwared
to the appropriate members.
* we thank you
Wed like to take this time out to thank the few locals that supported
us in our early stages. And to the people on IRC who were eager to hear of
the group and to support it. We thank you all, it meant a great deal to all
of us. Truly.
* dedication
This first Echo pack is dedicated to all of the members. You all worked
a great deal this month, to produce this pack. Your motivation, and
achievement meant everything to us. Great work, and please keep it up.
Greatness is worked on not born, and this month we worked our asses off. :
Information File compiled by: watOr and The 4Th Disciple
Echo logo: Mass Murderer iCE
Dark logo: The 4Th Disciple
Greetings to Dark Illustrated for their good humour and great support. You
know we got your backs guys.
Dark Illustrated January 1997 Collection
Welcome to another exciting and eventful month here, at Dark Illustrated!
Its me again, The 4Th Disciple taking over for the ever busy Xypher Matryx
but dont worry good ol Xyph will be back next month. This year marks the
3rd year of releases from Dark Illustrated, and the 4th year of group operation.Weve come a long way, havent we? :
group news
This month brought back desalvo from the ranks of retirement to draw his
heart out once more with Dark! Great to see you back man. More great news
allowed Carnifex to fix that pesky I dont have time to draw that much
attitude. The 5 huge ansis from him this month show that he may be getting
older, stinkier, and uglier but hes not quitting. j/k :
From this months release, we can see that Xypher Matryx is indeed still in
recovery from the ansi beating that 4thds gave to him a few months back. Dont worry man, we believe in you.. get well soon.
Another surprise this month was the tag team of Burnout and Prison Breaker
who released Darks all ascii first pack. Who knew that ascii could look so
good coming from 2 VGA artists...
group meet
At this months Dark meet, there were many surprises. Armageddon Donut
showed up in his patented suit, however much to the chagrine of members he had
forgot his pants. Burnout took this opportunity to have some fun with good
ol Chicken legs. Donut reacted with a swift peck to Bos chin.
The Green Hornet, obsessed in taking back his GQ image from Donut wore
an Arthurian garb with a wig and everything. When asked about this, his
response was Im gonna dunk that donut . Equinox, was found to secretly be
the lead singer of Raggapuke. An underground Reggae band who does bad Vanilla
Ice makeovers with a hint of reggae. Eq, was quickly beaten and left for dead. Mimes, Darks official cheerleader showed up with an army of small squishy
hamster fetuss ready to battle even the strongest of stenched. These little
creatures were left to fend for themselves when an overgrown Reddeath
intimidated them by his secret weapon, the silent treatment.. it was later
found that he was not infact mute, as once thought by all. He talks!
Xypher found a soul mate in one of the hamster fetuss, and soon we should
be seeing little hairy Xypher juniors runnin around. Damn, thats ooglay.
watOr Um, 4th, what are you doing?
* watOr pimp-slaps The 4th Disciple
watOr Snap out of it man, you have long transferred over from the Darkside,
we went all out Echo .. remember?
* The 4th Disciple realizes his mistakes..
watOr Now lets do this shit right.
wO massm
If you dont hear us by now, your deaf.
After awhile of long hard discussion and thinking, Echo has been evolved.
It was a dream dreamt by The 4th Disciple and then was smacked on the table
in front of me watOr and was overlooked at first. Just another group, itll
come and go, just like the rest. Why destroy the hopes and dreams for Plain,
just to start all over again? Simple, Echo has a goal, a destination, a plan.
We solomnly promise to deliver our best, we hope that you the audience will
be most supportive, for you have been even when we had nothing to show forth
our verbal claim. The long awaited package has hit the shelves, and we hope
that it lived up to its expectation. If not, we shall keep striving to rel-
ease some of the best. Echo is not an abbreviation, but a statement that we
hope will be heard and remembered by all.
- watOr
Id just like to clear up a little confusion thats been going around
lately. Plain did not die. Plain was approached by my idea, and the group
as a whole discussed it. The verdict was to change, and that the change
would help us all grow. Id like to thank the members right now for their
hard work and support. It was an evolution, nothing else. Despite what others
have to say about it.
- 4thds
* members
All members that were recruited and added to the memberlisting, made up
the basic core of the group. Let me clear this up 4thds, ALL former members
of Plain were asked to join or leave.. it was thier choice. We were able to
combine these members with the best of the new and upncomers of the scene
and bring you the quality that you all look forward to.
* staff
The staff, here at Echo is made up of two department heads and two
senior staff members. Black Jack of Cia and Odelay fame becomes our ascii
department head. Our ansi department is headed by Hexus formerly Mr. Gnu
of Plain fame. His leadership and motivation in Plain brought out the
best in the group. It was only natural that he become staff. The ever
hard working watOr joins me in the senior staff position. watOrs work with
new artists, Toon, Plain and Dark has always showcased his greatness as a
leader. And finally, myself. Formerly a senior with Dark and Toon.
This month, the staff put together some of the best artists to bring this
pack to you. Great stuff guys.
* locating Echo members/staff
Echo members can be found in echo on IRC, and can be emailed. The email
addresses appear in the memberlisting. WWW pages will be setup in the near
future to support the group as well. Please keep reading future information
files for the news on further developments.
If you cant remember who you want to write to, or are having trouble getting
their address email to: echo@globalserve.net and the message will be forwared
to the appropriate members.
* we thank you
Wed like to take this time out to thank the few locals that supported
us in our early stages. And to the people on IRC who were eager to hear of
the group and to support it. We thank you all, it meant a great deal to all
of us. Truly.
* dedication
This first Echo pack is dedicated to all of the members. You all worked
a great deal this month, to produce this pack. Your motivation, and
achievement meant everything to us. Great work, and please keep it up.
Greatness is worked on not born, and this month we worked our asses off. :
Information File compiled by: watOr and The 4Th Disciple
Echo logo: Mass Murderer iCE
Dark logo: The 4Th Disciple
Greetings to Dark Illustrated for their good humour and great support. You
know we got your backs guys.
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