this image contains text
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e r r o r a r t :. .:
e r r o r a r t n e w s 1 1 9 5
busy month, phew! school is an institution of the devil
, for shure! those books
are killing me, hate that shit. sorry for the lack of a 1095 pack
, but i had to
much shit to do to zipit together and release it. here is a nice
1195 tho......
hope you enjoy this pack.
since the last pack we got one new member asperon coder and
lost one member
pace because he didnt have enough time to contribute.
the are also to more boards affiliated to ea:
ravebase, our new swiss hq and intoxica, a new error ar
t distro site.
we wish them both welcome to the group and hope they will enjoy
being a part
of our worldwide group.
most of our members are trapped at school right now. mohawk2 is
busy playing
with his new silicon graphics thingy and im busy with some ugly schoolb
well... this is about all i got time to write for now... keep your eyes
for our subgroup called juice, they produce some of the koolest
bbsutils on
the scene so make shure you grab every juicerelease you can lay your fi
hands on.
keep the booze flooding.... tosh10 10/28/95....
if you want to contribute, email tosh10 at tosh10@icebox.g
e r r o r a r t :. .:
e r r o r a r t n e w s 1 1 9 5
busy month, phew! school is an institution of the devil
, for shure! those books
are killing me, hate that shit. sorry for the lack of a 1095 pack
, but i had to
much shit to do to zipit together and release it. here is a nice
1195 tho......
hope you enjoy this pack.
since the last pack we got one new member asperon coder and
lost one member
pace because he didnt have enough time to contribute.
the are also to more boards affiliated to ea:
ravebase, our new swiss hq and intoxica, a new error ar
t distro site.
we wish them both welcome to the group and hope they will enjoy
being a part
of our worldwide group.
most of our members are trapped at school right now. mohawk2 is
busy playing
with his new silicon graphics thingy and im busy with some ugly schoolb
well... this is about all i got time to write for now... keep your eyes
for our subgroup called juice, they produce some of the koolest
bbsutils on
the scene so make shure you grab every juicerelease you can lay your fi
hands on.
keep the booze flooding.... tosh10 10/28/95....
if you want to contribute, email tosh10 at tosh10@icebox.g
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