this image contains text
/ / l
h o o l i g a n
// // / / / hoo//
So, heres my fourth ascii collection, called 4 sale and its released
under the Error Art label. I were in a hurry, cos it is summer and every-
thing, so the collection aint too big.
If you wanna request ascii or something, try to contact me
via 1NET or call my board Terror Temple in Finland.
Dont make any changes on my ascii.
Hooligan/Error Art 95
lets begin...
ice box 1 req: tosh10
------- -+---/---/-----hoo/-/ -----
ice box 2 req: tosh10
/ / / / hooligan
immoral artillery req: white guardian
/ / hoo/ / /
some info here? xxxxxx
methadone for: crack
/ / // / oo /
// // /hoo
Terror Temple 1 For me !
Terror Temple 2 For me ! hmm.. maybe it
-------------------------------- should be called
Error Temple?
Terror Temple 3 For me !
/ ::*h
/ / :o
/ / /o t
/ / ::::::.:::: / e
/ // / ::::: ::::: // / : m
:/ ::::: / p
::::: l
---.---. ::::. ----. : e
Terror Temple 4 For me !
/ hoo:
some info here: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
::::::::: +385xxxxxxxxx ! Nup: xxxxxx :::::::::
/ / / / oo /
The Disaster Area req: messiah
-T-H-E- / /
// / / / hooligan/
group logozZZ coming...
Error Art diz 1 for: Tosh10
Error Art diz 2 for: Tosh10
--/ / hoo----/
Error Art logo 1 for: Tosh10
hooligan! /
/ / / let me be your
/ / / / fantasy
Error Art logo 2 for: Tosh10
// // / / / hoo//
/ Were so damn smooth!
Error Art logo 3 for: Tosh10
: : hoo
Immoral trading team req: white guardian
/ / /hooligan
t r a d i n g t e a m 1 9 9 5
Resound diz req: Resound/tdc
h / / /
o / /
o / / / /
resound/the dazer screw presenteras :
S3M Mulla on leukemia! Trance edition
110 bpm, pulsatic rythms, free dl!
Trax Weekly diz req: Fugitive
/ /E
/ / / K
board desing -part coming...
hpavc logo
/ l / / / /
/ / hoo /
news logo
/ hool//
new user matrix
// hool/ // /
m a t r I x
pcboard support
/ / // / // / support
/ hoo/ ----- -----
Request site
/ /:: ::: / hoo
:::: ::: Y / Y
and now down to the miscellanous part...
35k of dezignless shit req: Distance
8 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / / / / 8
8 / / / / 8
8/ / / / 8
8 ------ / 8
8 / 8
8 8
8 / 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / / 8
8oohoo/ / / /ooooooo8
Im sane req: me myself
TOSH10 for : Tosh10
hooligan says: no more!
// hoo//
Viper/BS/FiN/B.S.A, Jiber/Tdc, Messiah/B.S.A, Spoonman/Inq
And to all the Error Arters
see you soon...
h o o l i g a n
// // / / / hoo//
So, heres my fourth ascii collection, called 4 sale and its released
under the Error Art label. I were in a hurry, cos it is summer and every-
thing, so the collection aint too big.
If you wanna request ascii or something, try to contact me
via 1NET or call my board Terror Temple in Finland.
Dont make any changes on my ascii.
Hooligan/Error Art 95
lets begin...
ice box 1 req: tosh10
------- -+---/---/-----hoo/-/ -----
ice box 2 req: tosh10
/ / / / hooligan
immoral artillery req: white guardian
/ / hoo/ / /
some info here? xxxxxx
methadone for: crack
/ / // / oo /
// // /hoo
Terror Temple 1 For me !
Terror Temple 2 For me ! hmm.. maybe it
-------------------------------- should be called
Error Temple?
Terror Temple 3 For me !
/ ::*h
/ / :o
/ / /o t
/ / ::::::.:::: / e
/ // / ::::: ::::: // / : m
:/ ::::: / p
::::: l
---.---. ::::. ----. : e
Terror Temple 4 For me !
/ hoo:
some info here: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
::::::::: +385xxxxxxxxx ! Nup: xxxxxx :::::::::
/ / / / oo /
The Disaster Area req: messiah
-T-H-E- / /
// / / / hooligan/
group logozZZ coming...
Error Art diz 1 for: Tosh10
Error Art diz 2 for: Tosh10
--/ / hoo----/
Error Art logo 1 for: Tosh10
hooligan! /
/ / / let me be your
/ / / / fantasy
Error Art logo 2 for: Tosh10
// // / / / hoo//
/ Were so damn smooth!
Error Art logo 3 for: Tosh10
: : hoo
Immoral trading team req: white guardian
/ / /hooligan
t r a d i n g t e a m 1 9 9 5
Resound diz req: Resound/tdc
h / / /
o / /
o / / / /
resound/the dazer screw presenteras :
S3M Mulla on leukemia! Trance edition
110 bpm, pulsatic rythms, free dl!
Trax Weekly diz req: Fugitive
/ /E
/ / / K
board desing -part coming...
hpavc logo
/ l / / / /
/ / hoo /
news logo
/ hool//
new user matrix
// hool/ // /
m a t r I x
pcboard support
/ / // / // / support
/ hoo/ ----- -----
Request site
/ /:: ::: / hoo
:::: ::: Y / Y
and now down to the miscellanous part...
35k of dezignless shit req: Distance
8 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / / / / 8
8 / / / / 8
8/ / / / 8
8 ------ / 8
8 / 8
8 8
8 / 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / 8
8 / / / / 8
8oohoo/ / / /ooooooo8
Im sane req: me myself
TOSH10 for : Tosh10
hooligan says: no more!
// hoo//
Viper/BS/FiN/B.S.A, Jiber/Tdc, Messiah/B.S.A, Spoonman/Inq
And to all the Error Arters
see you soon...
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