this image contains text
!,. lli
Q, ,Slli:: dorm .
:i ,dSllii .
7! , !b. .dSSliii ,
!7 .Q 7 ,Slliiiiiiili
,. , :SSllliiiiilll
!Q. : ! iSSllllllli
7ii lli:
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!74: ,Y ,4, , i .d
7 .@. !b. ,! : .,
,db,.b,.,d , ., .di iP4: 4Q, :l .,SP 7 4 . Y i Y
4b. 47
Y,. .,d! l
474 i:
4: i
jxl .d . i
!b,. .,! i
:7 47
-+ Ok this here joint was smoked up by dORmdVs, iST, dIy and djlEtHAldVs.
this is how im gonna break it down, dORm came up with the pic deadpool,
and i fucked with it a bit, added some colour, added a font with a shitty
background and thats it. im giving dORm most of the credit cuz the kick
ass pic inspired my shitty font! .. ok ill shutup now..
-+ ok if you wanna request some shit to junkiexl, you can find me in warezt1,
dvs, and lesbiansex .. if you want to request some shit to dorm, you
can find me in iniquity, diy, dvs and sometimes woe..
-+ and last but not least id like to thank evile for letting me in dvs and
id like to thank the whole dvs crew .. you guys kick ass! .. later
Q, ,Slli:: dorm .
:i ,dSllii .
7! , !b. .dSSliii ,
!7 .Q 7 ,Slliiiiiiili
,. , :SSllliiiiilll
!Q. : ! iSSllllllli
7ii lli:
: : 7
b .4, ,7 7 ,
!74: ,Y ,4, , i .d
7 .@. !b. ,! : .,
,db,.b,.,d , ., .di iP4: 4Q, :l .,SP 7 4 . Y i Y
4b. 47
Y,. .,d! l
474 i:
4: i
jxl .d . i
!b,. .,! i
:7 47
-+ Ok this here joint was smoked up by dORmdVs, iST, dIy and djlEtHAldVs.
this is how im gonna break it down, dORm came up with the pic deadpool,
and i fucked with it a bit, added some colour, added a font with a shitty
background and thats it. im giving dORm most of the credit cuz the kick
ass pic inspired my shitty font! .. ok ill shutup now..
-+ ok if you wanna request some shit to junkiexl, you can find me in warezt1,
dvs, and lesbiansex .. if you want to request some shit to dorm, you
can find me in iniquity, diy, dvs and sometimes woe..
-+ and last but not least id like to thank evile for letting me in dvs and
id like to thank the whole dvs crew .. you guys kick ass! .. later
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