this image contains text
ok.. all these are for iniquity bbs software.. i drew em because i was bored,
okay!?!? dont use em..
file msg areas!?
num description files sponsor
Chat Mode Initiated,.
IPL module filename to execute:
online sysop key help!? iniquity bbs ware
help? alt-a change emulation alt-b cycle status bar
bbs list
num system name baud software phone number sysop
whos on?
node username activity connect timeon s/ag
last calls num username location time baud new area
----- snip!? -----
info: ok, well these ansis are like headers for iniquity a27 - 2.. theyre
default ansis so please change em if you end up running iniquity..
email me at dormbah@hotmail.com for requests/joints/trades
greets: all da homiez in woe,
cool guy
evil ernie
ok.. all these are for iniquity bbs software.. i drew em because i was bored,
okay!?!? dont use em..
file msg areas!?
num description files sponsor
Chat Mode Initiated,.
IPL module filename to execute:
online sysop key help!? iniquity bbs ware
help? alt-a change emulation alt-b cycle status bar
bbs list
num system name baud software phone number sysop
whos on?
node username activity connect timeon s/ag
last calls num username location time baud new area
----- snip!? -----
info: ok, well these ansis are like headers for iniquity a27 - 2.. theyre
default ansis so please change em if you end up running iniquity..
email me at dormbah@hotmail.com for requests/joints/trades
greets: all da homiez in woe,
cool guy
evil ernie
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