this image contains text
DVS The Devious Project DVS
Leper Messiah - Twister
iCZER-1 - Axl Rose
Hey, well as you may or may not know, DVS has been
around as a releasing art group since Sepember of 94
and we have released 4 packs since that first month.
: Which showed our inconsistency, so becuz of our time :
unreliablity we have decided to re-build the group.
We kicked out over half of the old DVS, and we just
kept the reliable members who contribute to each an :
every pack. One of the things that set the group back :
: was that members would do work one month and would be
: inactive for a good amount of time. So we are making
sure this DOES NOT happen anymore, to join DVS, you
must qualify our Reliable policy, of atleast 2 con-
tributions a month to maintain good standing in DVS.
If you have INET access join DVS on IRC and talk with
: DVS members that have INET accounts.
To join DVS, fill out the app and follow the guide-
lines on where to send your app.
Axl Rose - X-treme - The Loraxx
List of Departed DVS members: Strychnine - Synaesthasia
ANSi Poltergeist- Fucking ANSi Ripper! AKA: Dr. Phobic
ANSi SkYBlaZER- Problems W/using the computer
ANSi Violater- Well, if you have time again come back
ANSi Rustik- No time to do stuff anymore, too bad, good guy
ANSi Fone Jack- Making a COOL game for the computer. Good luck! :
Coder Disko Vampire- One of original members, no time for work.
: o Courier Hogun- Vanished in thin air! :
Prankster Psycho- He said he lost his pranking touch ..Cya Pal!
List of new members in Re-Build Stage:
SuperDave ANSi
: Nirvana ANSi
Phatality ANSi
Morbid Fixation ANSi
Synaesthasia LiT :
Cronic the Hemphog VGA
: J2 VGA
omic DelsDeathblowiVGAPRi.VATE ? Nu :
e Psycho X-Tremem CODERPRi.VATE ? Ke
. P.D Morbid CODERPRi.VATE ? Mul :
: Aviator PRANKS fear D. At Distro
Bitecrash COURIER adevil Distro
: Th Bigge Pif ANSi ted Chia Distro :
T. Code Breaker COURIER
Professa Booty TELECOM/LiT
Giant Iguana TELECOM
If I missed any new guys, its purely becuz you joined too close
to the deadline, so sorry. Next pack
Greetz: Leper Messiah/Twister/Iczer-1/Rimgale/Axl Rose/The whole
mess of the DVS crew/SPASTiC/UNiON/ACiD/iCE/Best of the rest
DVS The Devious Project DVS
: NFO by TwisterDevious March 1995 :
DVS The Devious Project DVS
Leper Messiah - Twister
iCZER-1 - Axl Rose
Hey, well as you may or may not know, DVS has been
around as a releasing art group since Sepember of 94
and we have released 4 packs since that first month.
: Which showed our inconsistency, so becuz of our time :
unreliablity we have decided to re-build the group.
We kicked out over half of the old DVS, and we just
kept the reliable members who contribute to each an :
every pack. One of the things that set the group back :
: was that members would do work one month and would be
: inactive for a good amount of time. So we are making
sure this DOES NOT happen anymore, to join DVS, you
must qualify our Reliable policy, of atleast 2 con-
tributions a month to maintain good standing in DVS.
If you have INET access join DVS on IRC and talk with
: DVS members that have INET accounts.
To join DVS, fill out the app and follow the guide-
lines on where to send your app.
Axl Rose - X-treme - The Loraxx
List of Departed DVS members: Strychnine - Synaesthasia
ANSi Poltergeist- Fucking ANSi Ripper! AKA: Dr. Phobic
ANSi SkYBlaZER- Problems W/using the computer
ANSi Violater- Well, if you have time again come back
ANSi Rustik- No time to do stuff anymore, too bad, good guy
ANSi Fone Jack- Making a COOL game for the computer. Good luck! :
Coder Disko Vampire- One of original members, no time for work.
: o Courier Hogun- Vanished in thin air! :
Prankster Psycho- He said he lost his pranking touch ..Cya Pal!
List of new members in Re-Build Stage:
SuperDave ANSi
: Nirvana ANSi
Phatality ANSi
Morbid Fixation ANSi
Synaesthasia LiT :
Cronic the Hemphog VGA
: J2 VGA
omic DelsDeathblowiVGAPRi.VATE ? Nu :
e Psycho X-Tremem CODERPRi.VATE ? Ke
. P.D Morbid CODERPRi.VATE ? Mul :
: Aviator PRANKS fear D. At Distro
Bitecrash COURIER adevil Distro
: Th Bigge Pif ANSi ted Chia Distro :
T. Code Breaker COURIER
Professa Booty TELECOM/LiT
Giant Iguana TELECOM
If I missed any new guys, its purely becuz you joined too close
to the deadline, so sorry. Next pack
Greetz: Leper Messiah/Twister/Iczer-1/Rimgale/Axl Rose/The whole
mess of the DVS crew/SPASTiC/UNiON/ACiD/iCE/Best of the rest
DVS The Devious Project DVS
: NFO by TwisterDevious March 1995 :
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