this image contains text
b,. v
ascii colly
,.,aSb aSb,.,
.,ab .. .
,aSb, ,aSb,.ab. ,aSb
v. . .v
. a a .
. ,v vb,. v, .
.,a.a. .b,.
. . ., asciinerodvd
welcome to
bLANdESt internet serviCes
are you going to use these?
. . .,aascii by nero dvdb,. . .
:i: : :i: :i: i :i::i :i:i. :i: :i:. :i:
ii. ii ii,. ii i ii : ii:. ii ,:ii:,.
b .b
, , , v . ,.s ,
b l a n d e S t
Theres only one rule to this system : nero rules
im waiting for an answer*
numb emagnumb emag
as a b aa aSs ascii
a by
i i devoidnumb
iii iii ii ii iii iii iii
ii ii i:i i:i ii ii ii
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:i :i :i :idPS :i :i Ss
ia i ia iSs i i .:Ss
ais a
v v
Ss Ss dPS vv dPS
. ..,aSasciinerodevoidSb,.. .
now trizip wheres my ansi!?
dogma emagdogma emag
aSSs aSSs aSSs aSs aSa aSs
., .. . .v. .
.: . .: .: .: a .:.: .:
:i S: :i :i :i :i :i :i
i Si i i i sSs i i i
sS sv
a sSs
v v v s
dPS d dPS vv
. ..,aSasciinerodevoidSb,.. .
jew better use this lOopy..
nUMb emagnUMb eMAg
ab a b avb ab
: : : : : i : :vSs
i i i i i : i i
a a v a b
.,atSs,..,atSs,..,atSs,.,atSs,.,atSs,.,atSs,.,atSs,.Ss,.ascii by nero.,aS
sa,. atSs ss sSs sa,.
s a aa s
a ss ata,.
s ,ssatS
ata, a SS ata,
av SSav
, @ ss ,SS, @
aatatSs ,atSaat,
,vat S
., O .,
end collyend colly
ok these are mah asciis fo january..i hope jew lubd em. keep it real. greetzcto my ascii pals mighty mouse, spook, and even tho i donut even know him well,
hOlocaust cuz like the way he makes ascii just inspires me fo some reason, dont
ask wh0rd to iesus. --nero
b,. v
ascii colly
,.,aSb aSb,.,
.,ab .. .
,aSb, ,aSb,.ab. ,aSb
v. . .v
. a a .
. ,v vb,. v, .
.,a.a. .b,.
. . ., asciinerodvd
welcome to
bLANdESt internet serviCes
are you going to use these?
. . .,aascii by nero dvdb,. . .
:i: : :i: :i: i :i::i :i:i. :i: :i:. :i:
ii. ii ii,. ii i ii : ii:. ii ,:ii:,.
b .b
, , , v . ,.s ,
b l a n d e S t
Theres only one rule to this system : nero rules
im waiting for an answer*
numb emagnumb emag
as a b aa aSs ascii
a by
i i devoidnumb
iii iii ii ii iii iii iii
ii ii i:i i:i ii ii ii
i:::i i:::i i:.:i i:.:i i:::i i:::i i:::i
:..: :..: :.: :.: :..: :..: :..: aSSs,
i:.:i i:.:i i:::i i:::i i:.:i i:.:i i:.:ivs i:i i:i ii ii i:i i:i i:iS ii ii iii iii ii ii ii i i i i i .,s v
aSS aSSs aSS aSSs aS Sa aSSs
:i :i :i :idPS :i :i Ss
ia i ia iSs i i .:Ss
ais a
v v
Ss Ss dPS vv dPS
. ..,aSasciinerodevoidSb,.. .
now trizip wheres my ansi!?
dogma emagdogma emag
aSSs aSSs aSSs aSs aSa aSs
., .. . .v. .
.: . .: .: .: a .:.: .:
:i S: :i :i :i :i :i :i
i Si i i i sSs i i i
sS sv
a sSs
v v v s
dPS d dPS vv
. ..,aSasciinerodevoidSb,.. .
jew better use this lOopy..
nUMb emagnUMb eMAg
ab a b avb ab
: : : : : i : :vSs
i i i i i : i i
a a v a b
.,atSs,..,atSs,..,atSs,.,atSs,.,atSs,.,atSs,.,atSs,.Ss,.ascii by nero.,aS
sa,. atSs ss sSs sa,.
s a aa s
a ss ata,.
s ,ssatS
ata, a SS ata,
av SSav
, @ ss ,SS, @
aatatSs ,atSaat,
,vat S
., O .,
end collyend colly
ok these are mah asciis fo january..i hope jew lubd em. keep it real. greetzcto my ascii pals mighty mouse, spook, and even tho i donut even know him well,
hOlocaust cuz like the way he makes ascii just inspires me fo some reason, dont
ask wh0rd to iesus. --nero
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