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january news file
Well here we are. The first devoid pack to start off the new year. This
is seize, and you probably all dont know me... After saga died a group where
due to problems beyond control I could never release I felt like having some
say in a group so started up devoid with nero. I hope you all like this pack
since we put quite a bit of time to find members without major egos that wanted
to help out with a new group. It seems we have an abundent amount of ascii this month but thats alright with me. You wont see too much stuff from me in
this pack due to a block and not in an ansi mood I guess. I have recruited
people off of irc who have a lot of talent for the future and the present as
well. Not to ramble on Ill move onto other things...
We wont be having any distros, just hqs and member boards. This may changedepending on the outcome of this pack and what I feel like doing with it. If
youd like to apply to devoid as either a hq board or an artist, catch me on
irc and give me some work that youve done.... We will accept lit and music
people, we just havent been able to find many yet for the group. So please
apply and you wont be sorry We are a laid back group and like people who
are cool rather than think theyre cool with a huge ego. You can also apply
by emailing me at seize@primenet.com no requests pleast, Im totally packed
and the block doesnt help much either Nero has also setup an appgen on
the devoid hompage http://www.primenet.com/nero so you can just apply
We now have a webpage up and running which nero made and is lookin pretty
good... check it out at http://www.primenet.com/nero. You should like it
I have a small one that I will fix eventually. If ya wanna check it out its
at http://www.primenet.com/seize. Not the greatest but oh well. We should
also have a working bot pretty soon so check out devoid if we ever find one
I believe we have a spot on ftp://harmony.wit.com/ansi/groups/devoid too, so
look for it in the future.
Well time to bring this lil news page to a close. If you have any questionsor just wanna talk, /msg me on irc.. Im not ego driven like many people and
just like talking. If ya wanna do some art for my and neros board, The
Colosseum, feel free to. Any help is better than no help, so anything is
appreciated. You can also do some VGAs for devoid if ya like. Ok..enough
asking for ansis. Hope you enjoy the pack and until next time.....
seize seize@primenet.com
PS: Well have an appgen hopefully next month, but couldnt get in touch with
the coders to get one made. Many artists are nowhere to be found but
should release next month...
january news file
Well here we are. The first devoid pack to start off the new year. This
is seize, and you probably all dont know me... After saga died a group where
due to problems beyond control I could never release I felt like having some
say in a group so started up devoid with nero. I hope you all like this pack
since we put quite a bit of time to find members without major egos that wanted
to help out with a new group. It seems we have an abundent amount of ascii this month but thats alright with me. You wont see too much stuff from me in
this pack due to a block and not in an ansi mood I guess. I have recruited
people off of irc who have a lot of talent for the future and the present as
well. Not to ramble on Ill move onto other things...
We wont be having any distros, just hqs and member boards. This may changedepending on the outcome of this pack and what I feel like doing with it. If
youd like to apply to devoid as either a hq board or an artist, catch me on
irc and give me some work that youve done.... We will accept lit and music
people, we just havent been able to find many yet for the group. So please
apply and you wont be sorry We are a laid back group and like people who
are cool rather than think theyre cool with a huge ego. You can also apply
by emailing me at seize@primenet.com no requests pleast, Im totally packed
and the block doesnt help much either Nero has also setup an appgen on
the devoid hompage http://www.primenet.com/nero so you can just apply
We now have a webpage up and running which nero made and is lookin pretty
good... check it out at http://www.primenet.com/nero. You should like it
I have a small one that I will fix eventually. If ya wanna check it out its
at http://www.primenet.com/seize. Not the greatest but oh well. We should
also have a working bot pretty soon so check out devoid if we ever find one
I believe we have a spot on ftp://harmony.wit.com/ansi/groups/devoid too, so
look for it in the future.
Well time to bring this lil news page to a close. If you have any questionsor just wanna talk, /msg me on irc.. Im not ego driven like many people and
just like talking. If ya wanna do some art for my and neros board, The
Colosseum, feel free to. Any help is better than no help, so anything is
appreciated. You can also do some VGAs for devoid if ya like. Ok..enough
asking for ansis. Hope you enjoy the pack and until next time.....
seize seize@primenet.com
PS: Well have an appgen hopefully next month, but couldnt get in touch with
the coders to get one made. Many artists are nowhere to be found but
should release next month...
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