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--------------------------------------------- duo daughters pack 2 2017 ------ package numbah 2 fo all you.
welcome to the second coming of duo daughterz c we know it has been a long
time since last releese but look at it this way..
fuel waited 20 yearz to relese their new packet... and this shits all over
their pack. no doubt.
new membuh additions, id like to personally welcome the great american hunter
this guy is the bomb diggity, he dont give a fuck and das how we do up in ere.
the great american hunter is a ansi artist who lives in texas, in his spaer timehe likes to go hunting hence the name derr stupid whats wrong with you add 2
and 2 together, it makes perfect sens
also. lets clap your hands together for a new ansi guy named scanmasterflex.
he tried ansi long time ago and applied for the legion back in the day but they
disbanded at the time he applied, however he said maestro gave him lots of tips
on how to use various utilities to further his ansi career, and hes here today
kickin so much anus. fuckin love the guy, hes hella cool
and a last minut member adishun.. welcome goy beorge.. hes a excellent ansi
artis from part unknown. he has very moving, confrunting ansis which make peoplereely think about things.
also a newer member aswell, his name is the font king tfk and he comes from
poland. he is so fucking legit he makes matt matthew and knocternal look like
amatoors. fuckin pussies aint got shiet on muh boi the font king. watch out
for him, if he keeps drawn like dis, he gonna be better then everyone in the
ansi seen combined.
alot has happened since our last pack. blocktronics the homos released like
two packs but nobody cares about that shit because we are more important then
doze motherfucking nobodys.
i dont think mistigris release anothr pack after we blasted them back to the
stone ages and rowan kissmyassovitz hid under his grandfathers hershey stained
underpant. fuckin girl, get some balls yo and fuckin show yoself, you aint got
shiet on us.. you and mistigirls.
fuel is gone releese too.. im not looking forward to dat, we is the true old
skoolers and they picked the wrong mofukers to fuck with. we lucky doe.
they did not steal one member of duo daughters. NOT ONE! but they poached all
of the blocktronics membuhz so basically fuel is blocktronics, or blocktronics
is fuel. its a homo situation and i think they will both end up giving handjobsfor free at this rate..
this munth we say goodbye to abdully wahaa. he left to go back to do his stupid
jihad ansi packs, but das cool. there wuz internal fighting between the newest,
illest, most dopest motherfucker the great american hunter and abdully. so we
had to kick out the arab. fuck it, trumps buildin a wall, so me may as well. buthe did submit a killah ansi before he left, you will feel his feelins if you
know wut i mean doe.. he killin it on the g tip.
we tried to recroot radman this month but that mofucker has loyalty to acid,
i tried tellin his ass dat acid is ded.. but he wont quit.. so respec to you
muh man... you fucking reel as a hurt feelin on a cold sunday morning.
stay tunned for our next releese.. we dont know wen itll drop but it be nasty
and it be fuggin ill yo.
funny thing happened to me last week. i was bangin this ho, and out of nowhere
she sticks a finger in my butt and a little poop came out..
i liked it
i still aint gay doe, thats fo homos to feel gay about.
anyways, keep it reel till next release, any pack that comes out that isnt
duo daughters, is inferior in quality and fucking gay.
eat a dick motherfuckers, you all peeces of shit.
adult melt 2017
--------------------------------------------- duo daughters pack 2 2017 ------ package numbah 2 fo all you.
welcome to the second coming of duo daughterz c we know it has been a long
time since last releese but look at it this way..
fuel waited 20 yearz to relese their new packet... and this shits all over
their pack. no doubt.
new membuh additions, id like to personally welcome the great american hunter
this guy is the bomb diggity, he dont give a fuck and das how we do up in ere.
the great american hunter is a ansi artist who lives in texas, in his spaer timehe likes to go hunting hence the name derr stupid whats wrong with you add 2
and 2 together, it makes perfect sens
also. lets clap your hands together for a new ansi guy named scanmasterflex.
he tried ansi long time ago and applied for the legion back in the day but they
disbanded at the time he applied, however he said maestro gave him lots of tips
on how to use various utilities to further his ansi career, and hes here today
kickin so much anus. fuckin love the guy, hes hella cool
and a last minut member adishun.. welcome goy beorge.. hes a excellent ansi
artis from part unknown. he has very moving, confrunting ansis which make peoplereely think about things.
also a newer member aswell, his name is the font king tfk and he comes from
poland. he is so fucking legit he makes matt matthew and knocternal look like
amatoors. fuckin pussies aint got shiet on muh boi the font king. watch out
for him, if he keeps drawn like dis, he gonna be better then everyone in the
ansi seen combined.
alot has happened since our last pack. blocktronics the homos released like
two packs but nobody cares about that shit because we are more important then
doze motherfucking nobodys.
i dont think mistigris release anothr pack after we blasted them back to the
stone ages and rowan kissmyassovitz hid under his grandfathers hershey stained
underpant. fuckin girl, get some balls yo and fuckin show yoself, you aint got
shiet on us.. you and mistigirls.
fuel is gone releese too.. im not looking forward to dat, we is the true old
skoolers and they picked the wrong mofukers to fuck with. we lucky doe.
they did not steal one member of duo daughters. NOT ONE! but they poached all
of the blocktronics membuhz so basically fuel is blocktronics, or blocktronics
is fuel. its a homo situation and i think they will both end up giving handjobsfor free at this rate..
this munth we say goodbye to abdully wahaa. he left to go back to do his stupid
jihad ansi packs, but das cool. there wuz internal fighting between the newest,
illest, most dopest motherfucker the great american hunter and abdully. so we
had to kick out the arab. fuck it, trumps buildin a wall, so me may as well. buthe did submit a killah ansi before he left, you will feel his feelins if you
know wut i mean doe.. he killin it on the g tip.
we tried to recroot radman this month but that mofucker has loyalty to acid,
i tried tellin his ass dat acid is ded.. but he wont quit.. so respec to you
muh man... you fucking reel as a hurt feelin on a cold sunday morning.
stay tunned for our next releese.. we dont know wen itll drop but it be nasty
and it be fuggin ill yo.
funny thing happened to me last week. i was bangin this ho, and out of nowhere
she sticks a finger in my butt and a little poop came out..
i liked it
i still aint gay doe, thats fo homos to feel gay about.
anyways, keep it reel till next release, any pack that comes out that isnt
duo daughters, is inferior in quality and fucking gay.
eat a dick motherfuckers, you all peeces of shit.
adult melt 2017
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