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ansi by vagslap
clementine ford portrait.
without men she wouldnt have a day job. and that burns her to the core
clementine ford - professional troll.
clementine ford uses her twitter account to abuse and troll men,hoping they willtake the bait. when they finally take the bait and retailiate, she will
selectively take screenshots of their abuse leaving out hers naturally
and share them on her facebook page. this makes her look like an innocent
victim and re-enforces her narrative of all men being violent and abusive
towards women
as we all know, facebook have a double standard when it comes to censorship and
banning. feminists like clementine ford can post whatever vile man bashing
content she likes without fear of being banned or censored. on the other hand,
those who disagree with feminism are censored and banned. As youve probably
seen, clementine ford is never banned for posting abusive quotes from men.
however if you try and post the man hating quotes clementine ford has made, you
will have the post removed, face a ban and even have your page taken down.
clementine ford knows this double standard and she uses it to her full advantageshe knows that she is protected by facebook whenever she posts abusive quotes
from men, she also knows that when these men retaliate with her abusive
screenshots, facebook wil promptly remove them. this results in her fans only
ever seeing one side of the censorship, making her look like a victim. in
addition most of her fans arent even aware of her quotes such as kill all menon twitter.. i have seen many feminists on her page claiming that she has never
said anything like that.
why does she play the victim?
the answer is money, shes a money loving ho and she loves money. our man
bashing feminist culture allows clementine to cash in from using male hate
speech. both men and women abuse her, yet she only ever shares the screenshots
of the abuse she recieves from men. this is what her feminazi fans want to see dand it also fits in with her narrtive of all men are evil and abuse women.
abusive quotes from men earn her money. abusive ones from women dont.
how is she cashing in?, not only has she written a book about her experiences ofabuse from men, she also is doing stand up shows.. which im sure wont be
entertaining, because lets face it.. women arent funny.
her business model is like this.
1: abuse men on twitter by saying sexist and vile hate speech
2: wait for them to take the bait
3: take screenshots and share online
4: play the victim status
5: write an article, a book or a torturous stand up show about how youre the
6: profit
clementine ford portrait.
without men she wouldnt have a day job. and that burns her to the core
clementine ford - professional troll.
clementine ford uses her twitter account to abuse and troll men,hoping they willtake the bait. when they finally take the bait and retailiate, she will
selectively take screenshots of their abuse leaving out hers naturally
and share them on her facebook page. this makes her look like an innocent
victim and re-enforces her narrative of all men being violent and abusive
towards women
as we all know, facebook have a double standard when it comes to censorship and
banning. feminists like clementine ford can post whatever vile man bashing
content she likes without fear of being banned or censored. on the other hand,
those who disagree with feminism are censored and banned. As youve probably
seen, clementine ford is never banned for posting abusive quotes from men.
however if you try and post the man hating quotes clementine ford has made, you
will have the post removed, face a ban and even have your page taken down.
clementine ford knows this double standard and she uses it to her full advantageshe knows that she is protected by facebook whenever she posts abusive quotes
from men, she also knows that when these men retaliate with her abusive
screenshots, facebook wil promptly remove them. this results in her fans only
ever seeing one side of the censorship, making her look like a victim. in
addition most of her fans arent even aware of her quotes such as kill all menon twitter.. i have seen many feminists on her page claiming that she has never
said anything like that.
why does she play the victim?
the answer is money, shes a money loving ho and she loves money. our man
bashing feminist culture allows clementine to cash in from using male hate
speech. both men and women abuse her, yet she only ever shares the screenshots
of the abuse she recieves from men. this is what her feminazi fans want to see dand it also fits in with her narrtive of all men are evil and abuse women.
abusive quotes from men earn her money. abusive ones from women dont.
how is she cashing in?, not only has she written a book about her experiences ofabuse from men, she also is doing stand up shows.. which im sure wont be
entertaining, because lets face it.. women arent funny.
her business model is like this.
1: abuse men on twitter by saying sexist and vile hate speech
2: wait for them to take the bait
3: take screenshots and share online
4: play the victim status
5: write an article, a book or a torturous stand up show about how youre the
6: profit
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