this image contains text
a statement by HomoThextual
Hair dye chemicals Bi-Polar disorderrape
fantasies Daddy issues
cats Hate roller derby
Dont let your kids become third wave feminst. They are insane
and dont wish to argue based on facts. They instead use words like racist and
sexist to desbribe anyone they disagrees with. They use false facts like the
gender wage gap to gain attention for themselves. What they need is a diet and
a real job...
Fuck 3rd wave feminism...
Hair dye chemicals Bi-Polar disorderrape
fantasies Daddy issues
cats Hate roller derby
Dont let your kids become third wave feminst. They are insane
and dont wish to argue based on facts. They instead use words like racist and
sexist to desbribe anyone they disagrees with. They use false facts like the
gender wage gap to gain attention for themselves. What they need is a diet and
a real job...
Fuck 3rd wave feminism...
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