this image contains text
.. one sunday morning Macaw suddenly realised that no one had released a DASK
ascii collection for some time, that could not be true?. Therefore he began
to draw, or whatever he did... after his collection was finished he walked
to the nearest drugdealer and bought some good weed and smoked his ass away..
this collection is ment to be a Question - Answer thing, about DASK and its
relation to the real world.
q: are you guys acctually ..
:: mw ::
/ a ::
:: -- ane?
a: frankly, my dear reader, none of us are acctually human. Long before the
mankind reached the earth we were formed through a large distortion in
the galaxy. -- this made us capeable of smoking more pot than you will
ever survive to see.. and thats why none of us, ever, could be seen in
public maybe heard, but what the heck?.
q: did you guys acctually attend at ..
a: heh, this is was not ment to be published, but yes, we DID attend to this
party more or less?!.
The main reason for joining the crowd, which was 40 small-fat-kids-with-
greasy-hair, was to celebrate CYBER KIDS 50th birthday -- actually his
birthday was not to be until the saturday after, but what the heck...
We drank some beers smoked weed, talked to some christians about danish
soccer? and last we finished a FINE demonstration for the competition.
-- We finished up as 13th in the overall competition, and was not able to
change the decision no matter how much money we gave the organizers.
A rather amusing event at this party was when I, Macaw, Baloo LGD97 and
FIM I2M was trying to rave-dance to the demo called Second Reality by
Future Crew old awesome demo... Some of the greasy people disliked our
way of having fun, so we were practically threathned that if we did not
behave our selfves, we would be thrown out poor us??... Instead we
walked *ALL-THE-WAY* to a bar in Grenaa, which was dead or something.
Enough about this halfway lame party.
q: is it true that DASK WHQ is
a: yes, Comicon have been shut down by the local drug dealer, due to serious
drug debt. It is possible that COMICON might show up on the Internet, as a
WWW page or TELNET site.. who knows what the times bring us..
q: have DASK been given a new WHQ
// / then?
a: yup, Cyber Kids TELNET board have been officially promoted to WHQ.
But unfortuneatly Cyber Kid was forced to close, due to some heavy drug
this was all for the Q-A department, on with the show...
here are two logoes for the incredible machine, dont abuse them
// . /mw
// -------/ // rng whq
/ / / trap hq
the incredible machine operators : hitech, napalm death, darkseed
..the incredible machine
spankers: hitech ..
.. napalm death
darkseed ..
:- here is a PCB coloured version.. looks rather nice though..
@X03@X3B@X03 @X03 @X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X3B@X03 @X05
@X05@X5D@X05 @X03 @X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X05
@X05 @X03@X03@X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03 @X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X05 @X05
@X08..@X0Dt@X05he @X0Di@X05ncredible @X0Dm@X05achine
@X0As@X02pankers@X08: @X0Bh@X03itech @X08..
@X08.. @X0Bn@X03apalm @X0Bd@X03eath
@X0Bd@X03arkseed @X08..
@X08 .. @X0Aa@X02nsi @X0Ab@X02y@X08: @X0Bm@X03acaw @X08/ @X0Bd@X03ask!@X07
.. maybe it should have been longer, i dont know, and, honestly, i dont care!
signed, macaw, http://macaw.home.ml.org and macaw@hotmail.com
Danskernes Aktive Spasser Klub
ascii collection for some time, that could not be true?. Therefore he began
to draw, or whatever he did... after his collection was finished he walked
to the nearest drugdealer and bought some good weed and smoked his ass away..
this collection is ment to be a Question - Answer thing, about DASK and its
relation to the real world.
q: are you guys acctually ..
:: mw ::
/ a ::
:: -- ane?
a: frankly, my dear reader, none of us are acctually human. Long before the
mankind reached the earth we were formed through a large distortion in
the galaxy. -- this made us capeable of smoking more pot than you will
ever survive to see.. and thats why none of us, ever, could be seen in
public maybe heard, but what the heck?.
q: did you guys acctually attend at ..
a: heh, this is was not ment to be published, but yes, we DID attend to this
party more or less?!.
The main reason for joining the crowd, which was 40 small-fat-kids-with-
greasy-hair, was to celebrate CYBER KIDS 50th birthday -- actually his
birthday was not to be until the saturday after, but what the heck...
We drank some beers smoked weed, talked to some christians about danish
soccer? and last we finished a FINE demonstration for the competition.
-- We finished up as 13th in the overall competition, and was not able to
change the decision no matter how much money we gave the organizers.
A rather amusing event at this party was when I, Macaw, Baloo LGD97 and
FIM I2M was trying to rave-dance to the demo called Second Reality by
Future Crew old awesome demo... Some of the greasy people disliked our
way of having fun, so we were practically threathned that if we did not
behave our selfves, we would be thrown out poor us??... Instead we
walked *ALL-THE-WAY* to a bar in Grenaa, which was dead or something.
Enough about this halfway lame party.
q: is it true that DASK WHQ is
a: yes, Comicon have been shut down by the local drug dealer, due to serious
drug debt. It is possible that COMICON might show up on the Internet, as a
WWW page or TELNET site.. who knows what the times bring us..
q: have DASK been given a new WHQ
// / then?
a: yup, Cyber Kids TELNET board have been officially promoted to WHQ.
But unfortuneatly Cyber Kid was forced to close, due to some heavy drug
this was all for the Q-A department, on with the show...
here are two logoes for the incredible machine, dont abuse them
// . /mw
// -------/ // rng whq
/ / / trap hq
the incredible machine operators : hitech, napalm death, darkseed
..the incredible machine
spankers: hitech ..
.. napalm death
darkseed ..
:- here is a PCB coloured version.. looks rather nice though..
@X03@X3B@X03 @X03 @X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X3B@X03 @X05
@X05@X5D@X05 @X03 @X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X05
@X05 @X03@X03@X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03 @X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X3B@X03@X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03 @X3B@X03 @X3B@X03 @X05
@X05 @X03@X05 @X05
@X08..@X0Dt@X05he @X0Di@X05ncredible @X0Dm@X05achine
@X0As@X02pankers@X08: @X0Bh@X03itech @X08..
@X08.. @X0Bn@X03apalm @X0Bd@X03eath
@X0Bd@X03arkseed @X08..
@X08 .. @X0Aa@X02nsi @X0Ab@X02y@X08: @X0Bm@X03acaw @X08/ @X0Bd@X03ask!@X07
.. maybe it should have been longer, i dont know, and, honestly, i dont care!
signed, macaw, http://macaw.home.ml.org and macaw@hotmail.com
Danskernes Aktive Spasser Klub
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