this image contains text
.s,s.ssssss,..,sss.,gssg. ,sssg.ggggssssg.sgss,gjp,s
,.,. P s. ? ,s ,. I
P? ,ss d x x
,s b l ss I cas,
s,ssb,.dsb.dss ssjsssssssds,s,db, s,
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
, x command x command x command
this is a menu template for utopia redux. i forgot whos board this was.
if you want a menu template for your bbs, send a check for 500 to me
and i will get you your template in 2-3 days.
,.,. P s. ? ,s ,. I
P? ,ss d x x
,s b l ss I cas,
s,ssb,.dsb.dss ssjsssssssds,s,db, s,
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
x command x command x command
, x command x command x command
this is a menu template for utopia redux. i forgot whos board this was.
if you want a menu template for your bbs, send a check for 500 to me
and i will get you your template in 2-3 days.
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