this image contains text
delayed not
this is snow.
The infofile... yul 96
yoeZ, and welcome to the eighth art package from
your big heroes, deranged. this time we are really
glad to know that you took the time to leech our
pitiful contribution to the artscene. i feel like ive been ran over by a fucking tractor. shits..
well, deranged has not in any way changed at all.
same members, same stuff, same infofile, same nice little christian boys. we are so nice it bugs.
hmf.. we have gotten a new fin hq, though, since
icebreaker was kicked off, and also since hash wanted that himself. how we please everyone.
well, to everyone out there who have a board, i
have this to say find our shit on the internet,
contact us on by email or whatever, and we will
contact you back as fast as possible. we are real
nice boys, actually. dont let our evil image fool
you. :
bah.. i dunno what to write.. sheet.. well, our
new fin hq is heatwave, where the sysop is wave. yup, we are really doing stuff this time. hmmmm... we are busy with our lives for the moment, yes, we have lives, i think and therefore, we are
not as active as we would have been if we didnt have
lives. anyway, you can join us if you want to. we
have this kick ass joiner and requester included and stuff, so even bamboosh members should be able to work this shit out. yup.. remember to check out
the joint ansi by me and joda, its really elite.
yub yub yub.. its almost christmas.. darn big.
so in just a little while, santie will come out of his cave on the northpole just up the block,
and give bamboosh lotsa presants, and deliver the
yearly donation of coal to us. yes.. thats the way it is, you know.. we are the bad boys of art.
baaaah.. yitzhaq keeps bugging me about what i wrote about his beard.. cant believe it. yah.
oh darn.. its time.. its time for.. its time for
the..... MEMBWHOREZLISTEE!!!!!!!!!!!
name stuff
vermin asciiansivgapornolitcode
awry asciiansivgapornolitcode joda asciiansivgasatanlitcode
you know the way it works.
boards time: name stuff number sop
optical illusion - whq - +47 55122892 pyx
*inevitable existance*-place- +47 55169945 vrm/joda
heatwave -finhq- +355 wave digital motion -dist!- +47 22 rexazy
** down for the moment. im fixing a hellalotta
shit. bear with me.
oh, man.. this is really boring. harfle.. shits.
Ok, this is joda taking over here! Really impressive
this time.. Nothing really to say about my ansies but they are really cool. i had no time fer drawing ansies cause me and vermin was ruling the irc. If you are there, join deranged! Have some fun. if you want to, you can send me a free nirvana cd! I really
think you should do that. ehhrr....ummm...well....
my applyer and requester are badly coded and thats
cause i think its shit boring to code.. and i aint
so good. they will be updated and put in the same
file in a couple of years. Well, i hope to do it on TG97. Someone else going there? well, you will probably find us there if you look hard enoughBig pr
we are sponsoring the new cool group called *EDEN*,
so we bothe have joined. check it out. this is vermin again. im bored. fuck you all. i got thrown off some channel today for writing fuck. argh.
we use thedraw fontz.
for everything.
fucking greets list:
bamboosh,cia,codine,eclipse,emic,fire,fuel flood,grotesticle,hor,iesus,legend,nh!,oil opium,phat,punc,proxima,rectum cauda,soap stile,swap,teklords,telepathy,trank,trauma
and whatever
poke this is pornopor
me, a horse text by us. arg. pornopornopornop rno
darling pthis is aporn
sees you in a ppile ofnopo
couple of days! psnowpopo
this is snow.
The infofile... yul 96
yoeZ, and welcome to the eighth art package from
your big heroes, deranged. this time we are really
glad to know that you took the time to leech our
pitiful contribution to the artscene. i feel like ive been ran over by a fucking tractor. shits..
well, deranged has not in any way changed at all.
same members, same stuff, same infofile, same nice little christian boys. we are so nice it bugs.
hmf.. we have gotten a new fin hq, though, since
icebreaker was kicked off, and also since hash wanted that himself. how we please everyone.
well, to everyone out there who have a board, i
have this to say find our shit on the internet,
contact us on by email or whatever, and we will
contact you back as fast as possible. we are real
nice boys, actually. dont let our evil image fool
you. :
bah.. i dunno what to write.. sheet.. well, our
new fin hq is heatwave, where the sysop is wave. yup, we are really doing stuff this time. hmmmm... we are busy with our lives for the moment, yes, we have lives, i think and therefore, we are
not as active as we would have been if we didnt have
lives. anyway, you can join us if you want to. we
have this kick ass joiner and requester included and stuff, so even bamboosh members should be able to work this shit out. yup.. remember to check out
the joint ansi by me and joda, its really elite.
yub yub yub.. its almost christmas.. darn big.
so in just a little while, santie will come out of his cave on the northpole just up the block,
and give bamboosh lotsa presants, and deliver the
yearly donation of coal to us. yes.. thats the way it is, you know.. we are the bad boys of art.
baaaah.. yitzhaq keeps bugging me about what i wrote about his beard.. cant believe it. yah.
oh darn.. its time.. its time for.. its time for
the..... MEMBWHOREZLISTEE!!!!!!!!!!!
name stuff
vermin asciiansivgapornolitcode
awry asciiansivgapornolitcode joda asciiansivgasatanlitcode
you know the way it works.
boards time: name stuff number sop
optical illusion - whq - +47 55122892 pyx
*inevitable existance*-place- +47 55169945 vrm/joda
heatwave -finhq- +355 wave digital motion -dist!- +47 22 rexazy
** down for the moment. im fixing a hellalotta
shit. bear with me.
oh, man.. this is really boring. harfle.. shits.
Ok, this is joda taking over here! Really impressive
this time.. Nothing really to say about my ansies but they are really cool. i had no time fer drawing ansies cause me and vermin was ruling the irc. If you are there, join deranged! Have some fun. if you want to, you can send me a free nirvana cd! I really
think you should do that. ehhrr....ummm...well....
my applyer and requester are badly coded and thats
cause i think its shit boring to code.. and i aint
so good. they will be updated and put in the same
file in a couple of years. Well, i hope to do it on TG97. Someone else going there? well, you will probably find us there if you look hard enoughBig pr
we are sponsoring the new cool group called *EDEN*,
so we bothe have joined. check it out. this is vermin again. im bored. fuck you all. i got thrown off some channel today for writing fuck. argh.
we use thedraw fontz.
for everything.
fucking greets list:
bamboosh,cia,codine,eclipse,emic,fire,fuel flood,grotesticle,hor,iesus,legend,nh!,oil opium,phat,punc,proxima,rectum cauda,soap stile,swap,teklords,telepathy,trank,trauma
and whatever
poke this is pornopor
me, a horse text by us. arg. pornopornopornop rno
darling pthis is aporn
sees you in a ppile ofnopo
couple of days! psnowpopo
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