this image contains text
irc cap 3
*** quark bobj@56231742.6734.edu has joined channel eskimopornderanged
vermin hey, bob! got any eskimo sex?
spaff yah, i have som
vermin spaff: fuck off
joda hey, bob! i know you!
quark you do?
joda yes i do!
vermin related?
quark joda: you from wahoo nebraska?
joda yes! what a coincidence!
vermin yesh, sure
joda vermin: shut the fuck up!
spaff hes lying
quark you kidding me?
vermin you bet
quark asshole
*** quark bobj@56231742.6734.edu has left eskimopornderanged what?
joda you fucking assholes
spaff he he
vermin ho ho
joda fuck you
vermin rather not
*** NYPDBlue NYPD@NYPD.NY has joined channel eskimopornderanged
vermin SHIIIIIIIIIIITT!!!!!!!!!!!!1
*** vermin vermin@pornet.no has left eskimopornderanged NYPD blue???
joda hey, nypd!
NYPDBlue you are all busted
*** joda joda@pornet.no has left eskimopornderanged NYPD blue????????
spaff how do i exit
NYPDBlue we know where you live
spaff AAAARRRRRRRHJJJJJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NYPDBlue we are older than you.
** Signoff: spaff Read error to spaffspaff@pornet.no: Connection reset by
bobbythere is something wrong here
NYPDBlue We know you are there
Mulder I have a badge
Scully me too, but ive got my mouth full
NYPDBlue you guys FBI?
Mulder I have a badge
NYPDBlue We know!
NYPDBlue you guys FBI?
Mulder yes, we are FBI. undercover
NYPDBlue theres one thing i have always wondered.. what does FBI stand for?
Mulder Female Bureau of Insemination
NYPDBlue good gag
Mulder i know
-duh end
*** quark bobj@56231742.6734.edu has joined channel eskimopornderanged
vermin hey, bob! got any eskimo sex?
spaff yah, i have som
vermin spaff: fuck off
joda hey, bob! i know you!
quark you do?
joda yes i do!
vermin related?
quark joda: you from wahoo nebraska?
joda yes! what a coincidence!
vermin yesh, sure
joda vermin: shut the fuck up!
spaff hes lying
quark you kidding me?
vermin you bet
quark asshole
*** quark bobj@56231742.6734.edu has left eskimopornderanged what?
joda you fucking assholes
spaff he he
vermin ho ho
joda fuck you
vermin rather not
*** NYPDBlue NYPD@NYPD.NY has joined channel eskimopornderanged
vermin SHIIIIIIIIIIITT!!!!!!!!!!!!1
*** vermin vermin@pornet.no has left eskimopornderanged NYPD blue???
joda hey, nypd!
NYPDBlue you are all busted
*** joda joda@pornet.no has left eskimopornderanged NYPD blue????????
spaff how do i exit
NYPDBlue we know where you live
spaff AAAARRRRRRRHJJJJJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NYPDBlue we are older than you.
** Signoff: spaff Read error to spaffspaff@pornet.no: Connection reset by
bobbythere is something wrong here
NYPDBlue We know you are there
Mulder I have a badge
Scully me too, but ive got my mouth full
NYPDBlue you guys FBI?
Mulder I have a badge
NYPDBlue We know!
NYPDBlue you guys FBI?
Mulder yes, we are FBI. undercover
NYPDBlue theres one thing i have always wondered.. what does FBI stand for?
Mulder Female Bureau of Insemination
NYPDBlue good gag
Mulder i know
-duh end
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