this image contains text
The infofile...
Deranged has turned 6 months old. yes. thats half a year for those uneducated. since this is such a
big moment, we have decided to have a helluvagood
back looking infofile just to look good. yes. we are
in now celebrating the long awaited opening of my board, black inevitable existance, which will for a while be only open for deranged, and others we mean fitt in.
sometime in the future, it may be open for everyone.
also bad news this month, underland is going down. awry has decided that running it is too much of a
bother, and it will be down before the 24th of this we aremonth. well, theres nothing we can do about it, bestand theres no help in crying about it, so we move on.
we have also gained a finhq, icebreaker, which is ran
by hash somewhere in finland. further info can be
found further down. yes. well, we have a chance of
getting the good old blinker-days back, now, and
we hope so dearly that this will happen, as we
monthly then can get back to sleeping in leathr couches
porno up-and having to scrape ourselves off, and killing
date: monsterous insects with fonebooks. sounds fun, eh?
slask well, it will return, and we will keep ruling the sucks norwegian artscene. and this time we have a *big* dick advantage. bambooshs pyx has left for the navy, hard, leaving bamboosh in the hands of intellius and pubic. and he im sure int. and phobe can run bmb just fine, but the
likes competition wont be as big without pyx. we miss him,
it! and wish him a nice year in the navy. -may the force
be with you, pyx! on the other side, we are in some way expanding our horizon wow as awry soon will be more able to spread our packs and releases, and we
im sothrough inet can get more dists around the world. this
horny, is something we all look forward to, and really hope but will change the way we are looked upon. wow so in
thats okthe near future, we hope to be able to bring you more cuz and better art, as we hope to recruit new members as
so well as new dists. we hope to kick more ass than ever
are before. so watch out. we have the power! atleast we you. think we have the power, yes, and its the thought that
counts. ever when it comes to this months contributions, we have
seen really sunk below ourselves this time. we really
a cool stink. but, hey, who cares? as long as we have an
ripper? arsekicking infofile, we keep kicking. we have some sheitt from me, not much, but its there, including a diz for hdb, which i really cool, requested by hash
of bmb for some reason. i have also made an xb this
month. yes. it is really just an adf, converted to an xb, but hey, who cares. also more shit for neural
network. on the other side, jodas contribs have been jack sheitt. the infofile, rudolph, and an unfinished
if not, fuckup with a hat. not featured idx though, has given
check up his ascii carreer, and is now mainly an ansi lamer.
out bmb!he told me he can code alittle too, so i felt forced to they havmention it. awry, though, is as far as i know still xerobe!worka worka on the drgview project. so far, i know nothing about how its working out, but i will make an ascii for it soon, and joda is going to make an ansi design for
it too. its gonna rule as hell. just wait! when it
he cool!comes to shit made by several people, we have the
irc capture from gaybondageflagpolesexderanged, and the memberprophileages. i guess thats it. yeah.
here we have decided to put our gigantic memberlist:
Awry Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming
Id X Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming Joda Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming
Vermin Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming
White indicates yes, light grey indicates kinda, dark grey indicates not. as usual?. here we have decided to put the list of boards:
Optical Illusion......WHQ.....Pyx......+47 55122892
Icebreaker............FINHQ...Hash.....+358 9/0 8552
Digital Motion........DIST....Rexazy...+47 22259784
Underland.............DIST....Awry.....+47 22747813* Inevitable Existance..HQ?.....hoo nose.+47.........**
* Goes down before 24th of octubre
** Deranged Only as you see, it isnt what it used to be. yesyes. so call optical illusion now, and mail us for something, or just plain join us. yesyesyesyes. oh btw: the last pack
was fucked because i was dead. in the head that is.
drg!blnk.ans was missing, and the dividers were dis-
functional. sorry about that. :
now that space is lacking, we i have decided to insert a list of greets. here goes:
acid,anemia,anger,apathy,basic,blend,blur bamboosh,cia,codine,eclipse,emic,fire,fuel flood,grotesticle,hor,iesus,legend,nh!,oil opium,phat,punc,proxima,rectum cauda,soap
poke pornopornopornopor
me, all text by vermin pornopornopornoprno
darling pornopornopornopor
see you next pornopornopornopor
month! pornopornopornopor
Deranged has turned 6 months old. yes. thats half a year for those uneducated. since this is such a
big moment, we have decided to have a helluvagood
back looking infofile just to look good. yes. we are
in now celebrating the long awaited opening of my board, black inevitable existance, which will for a while be only open for deranged, and others we mean fitt in.
sometime in the future, it may be open for everyone.
also bad news this month, underland is going down. awry has decided that running it is too much of a
bother, and it will be down before the 24th of this we aremonth. well, theres nothing we can do about it, bestand theres no help in crying about it, so we move on.
we have also gained a finhq, icebreaker, which is ran
by hash somewhere in finland. further info can be
found further down. yes. well, we have a chance of
getting the good old blinker-days back, now, and
we hope so dearly that this will happen, as we
monthly then can get back to sleeping in leathr couches
porno up-and having to scrape ourselves off, and killing
date: monsterous insects with fonebooks. sounds fun, eh?
slask well, it will return, and we will keep ruling the sucks norwegian artscene. and this time we have a *big* dick advantage. bambooshs pyx has left for the navy, hard, leaving bamboosh in the hands of intellius and pubic. and he im sure int. and phobe can run bmb just fine, but the
likes competition wont be as big without pyx. we miss him,
it! and wish him a nice year in the navy. -may the force
be with you, pyx! on the other side, we are in some way expanding our horizon wow as awry soon will be more able to spread our packs and releases, and we
im sothrough inet can get more dists around the world. this
horny, is something we all look forward to, and really hope but will change the way we are looked upon. wow so in
thats okthe near future, we hope to be able to bring you more cuz and better art, as we hope to recruit new members as
so well as new dists. we hope to kick more ass than ever
are before. so watch out. we have the power! atleast we you. think we have the power, yes, and its the thought that
counts. ever when it comes to this months contributions, we have
seen really sunk below ourselves this time. we really
a cool stink. but, hey, who cares? as long as we have an
ripper? arsekicking infofile, we keep kicking. we have some sheitt from me, not much, but its there, including a diz for hdb, which i really cool, requested by hash
of bmb for some reason. i have also made an xb this
month. yes. it is really just an adf, converted to an xb, but hey, who cares. also more shit for neural
network. on the other side, jodas contribs have been jack sheitt. the infofile, rudolph, and an unfinished
if not, fuckup with a hat. not featured idx though, has given
check up his ascii carreer, and is now mainly an ansi lamer.
out bmb!he told me he can code alittle too, so i felt forced to they havmention it. awry, though, is as far as i know still xerobe!worka worka on the drgview project. so far, i know nothing about how its working out, but i will make an ascii for it soon, and joda is going to make an ansi design for
it too. its gonna rule as hell. just wait! when it
he cool!comes to shit made by several people, we have the
irc capture from gaybondageflagpolesexderanged, and the memberprophileages. i guess thats it. yeah.
here we have decided to put our gigantic memberlist:
Awry Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming
Id X Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming Joda Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming
Vermin Ascii Ansi Code VGA Laming
White indicates yes, light grey indicates kinda, dark grey indicates not. as usual?. here we have decided to put the list of boards:
Optical Illusion......WHQ.....Pyx......+47 55122892
Icebreaker............FINHQ...Hash.....+358 9/0 8552
Digital Motion........DIST....Rexazy...+47 22259784
Underland.............DIST....Awry.....+47 22747813* Inevitable Existance..HQ?.....hoo nose.+47.........**
* Goes down before 24th of octubre
** Deranged Only as you see, it isnt what it used to be. yesyes. so call optical illusion now, and mail us for something, or just plain join us. yesyesyesyes. oh btw: the last pack
was fucked because i was dead. in the head that is.
drg!blnk.ans was missing, and the dividers were dis-
functional. sorry about that. :
now that space is lacking, we i have decided to insert a list of greets. here goes:
acid,anemia,anger,apathy,basic,blend,blur bamboosh,cia,codine,eclipse,emic,fire,fuel flood,grotesticle,hor,iesus,legend,nh!,oil opium,phat,punc,proxima,rectum cauda,soap
poke pornopornopornopor
me, all text by vermin pornopornopornoprno
darling pornopornopornopor
see you next pornopornopornopor
month! pornopornopornopor
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