this image contains text
ssssc sssss,. ssss
negronegroo i s. s. .,si
.,siw : .s .sss.
:ii ,h . ,4 4, .
. 4, .i s.,s s,...,s
s,. s,...,st .. .,s sssssssss ., ,
s,. .,s. 4, .s .
+the bad boys of art are back in the scene, kicking ass more than ever before!+
.,sSSs,. it tastes GOOD!
when slask is drunk, he likes to piss on stolps and fuck trees.
well.. not much has happened in the deranged camp since our last
release, and we have been more or less sitting on our asses. well,
reasons for extremely few contributions would be something like
uh, i didnt have time from joda, i was tired from me, i was
busy with my life from idx, and i was moving from awry. well,
we are extremely organized, as usual, so fuck you. yes. so we are
atleast still alive, and not growing. as soon as i get my fucking
e-mail, and as soon as awry gets spreading our shit to the net, we
will seriously kick some fucking arse. so wait for the scene to
get bloody ravaged by the ultimate artgroup.. -deranged- -drg-.
go join us. we even have a suck-o-matic-app form shit included!
wow how impressive and whee, i am still waiting for e-mail. harf.
yesyes.. but who cares, you can contact svein-arne str0mmen at
optical illusion, vermin at digital motion, or svein arne at under-
land. should be okhe.. e-mail adds and other shit for other members
will be added in the next fucking pack.. :
when joda thinks he is drunk, he wanders around trying to act like he is.
i was really kinda sober that night, and thats more than i can say about hundven.,sSSs,.
awry ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
id x ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
joda ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
vermin ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
dark grey indicates not, light grey indicates kinda, white
indicates yep. black indicates very very almost
no, we are not an ascii group.
gjesdal had to bring them fucking porno-cards, and now they stick together. :
Ss,. offisal deranged siteZZ .,sS
when bente is drunk, its not even worth trying. eh. :
.,sSSs,. wowowowowowowowowowow
optical illusion ............ pyx . 24h . +47 55 12 28 92
digital motion ............ rexazy . 24h . +47 22 25 97 84
underland !NEW NUMBER! awry . 24h . +47 22 74 78 13
when yitzhaq is drunk, he eats sigarettes, but that isnt relevant, eyh?
when busta rhymes busts rhymes, he really busts rhymes. : ..,sSSs,.
lords,phat,legend,inpulse,coma,orange,proxima,rectum cauda, and
all other thinkable groups out there i cant think of. yes.
ohquite interesting crap you will never read solely on
sothe basis that the header wasnt more than some shitty
text babbling about how interesting this shit was.
sug meg baklengs gjennom et rdmalt gjkur med innlagt strm,
Ss,.kloakk, kabel-tv, og parabolantenne, din jvla neger! .,sS
we got thrown out of blinkeren about a week ago.. shit. well,
that pretty much fucked up the entire basis of our existance..
now we have no possibilities for dukeing in link MWAR! and
also no possibilities for copying warez to eachother. and THAT
really stinks. so we will stink for a while, until i have weened
enuff for us to get back in there.. : read the file drg!blnk.ans
for further details, and the story behind the throw-out. boohoo
Ss,.kloakk, kabel-tv, og parabolantenne, din jvla neger! .,sS
oh my.. what were you expecting to find here, then?
some kind of harassment or something?? : fuck you!
notes geddit?
sug meg baklengs gjennom et rdmalt gjkur med innlagt strm,
Ss,.kloakk, kabel-tv, og parabolantenne, din jvla neger! .,sS
break on through, to the other side... break on through, to the other side...
contact us for anything at optical illusion, +47 55 12 28 92, mail
svein-arne str0mmen or stian knudsen. we will cut the manson-quotes
this time. btw: the divider lyrics are taken fro some list of doors
lyric file i found. if you want to kill me for doing that, kill me.
so just blasphemize away, and we will be back... : Ss,. .,sS
this is the hidden black-on-black-part you will never ever read. so since you
will never read this, i will write something you will not care about, since you
will never read it. here we go: fuck bamboosh. yeah. fuckem! : no kidding
super design + 110 writing done by vermin
nothing by others. no fucking ripoff either. no style.
no design. shit.
i HAVE seen worse, and so have you!
nei nei, det e ikkje fitte oppi skogen, du bare lygar
in a drunk-o-matic manner
this is the other part of text you will never read becuase it is hidden. we
will take our chances on this one, and spiff up an official deranged-fuck-you- list, so here we go, fuckoffs go to the following: all rippers, those who rip, the guys who rip and shit, rippers, the ones that rip, and most of all, xerobe. poke me.
175 lines. half-way to 350. stay tuned.
negronegroo i s. s. .,si
.,siw : .s .sss.
:ii ,h . ,4 4, .
. 4, .i s.,s s,...,s
s,. s,...,st .. .,s sssssssss ., ,
s,. .,s. 4, .s .
+the bad boys of art are back in the scene, kicking ass more than ever before!+
.,sSSs,. it tastes GOOD!
when slask is drunk, he likes to piss on stolps and fuck trees.
well.. not much has happened in the deranged camp since our last
release, and we have been more or less sitting on our asses. well,
reasons for extremely few contributions would be something like
uh, i didnt have time from joda, i was tired from me, i was
busy with my life from idx, and i was moving from awry. well,
we are extremely organized, as usual, so fuck you. yes. so we are
atleast still alive, and not growing. as soon as i get my fucking
e-mail, and as soon as awry gets spreading our shit to the net, we
will seriously kick some fucking arse. so wait for the scene to
get bloody ravaged by the ultimate artgroup.. -deranged- -drg-.
go join us. we even have a suck-o-matic-app form shit included!
wow how impressive and whee, i am still waiting for e-mail. harf.
yesyes.. but who cares, you can contact svein-arne str0mmen at
optical illusion, vermin at digital motion, or svein arne at under-
land. should be okhe.. e-mail adds and other shit for other members
will be added in the next fucking pack.. :
when joda thinks he is drunk, he wanders around trying to act like he is.
i was really kinda sober that night, and thats more than i can say about hundven.,sSSs,.
awry ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
id x ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
joda ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
vermin ......................... ansi ascii vga lit code music
dark grey indicates not, light grey indicates kinda, white
indicates yep. black indicates very very almost
no, we are not an ascii group.
gjesdal had to bring them fucking porno-cards, and now they stick together. :
Ss,. offisal deranged siteZZ .,sS
when bente is drunk, its not even worth trying. eh. :
.,sSSs,. wowowowowowowowowowow
optical illusion ............ pyx . 24h . +47 55 12 28 92
digital motion ............ rexazy . 24h . +47 22 25 97 84
underland !NEW NUMBER! awry . 24h . +47 22 74 78 13
when yitzhaq is drunk, he eats sigarettes, but that isnt relevant, eyh?
when busta rhymes busts rhymes, he really busts rhymes. : ..,sSSs,.
lords,phat,legend,inpulse,coma,orange,proxima,rectum cauda, and
all other thinkable groups out there i cant think of. yes.
ohquite interesting crap you will never read solely on
sothe basis that the header wasnt more than some shitty
text babbling about how interesting this shit was.
sug meg baklengs gjennom et rdmalt gjkur med innlagt strm,
Ss,.kloakk, kabel-tv, og parabolantenne, din jvla neger! .,sS
we got thrown out of blinkeren about a week ago.. shit. well,
that pretty much fucked up the entire basis of our existance..
now we have no possibilities for dukeing in link MWAR! and
also no possibilities for copying warez to eachother. and THAT
really stinks. so we will stink for a while, until i have weened
enuff for us to get back in there.. : read the file drg!blnk.ans
for further details, and the story behind the throw-out. boohoo
Ss,.kloakk, kabel-tv, og parabolantenne, din jvla neger! .,sS
oh my.. what were you expecting to find here, then?
some kind of harassment or something?? : fuck you!
notes geddit?
sug meg baklengs gjennom et rdmalt gjkur med innlagt strm,
Ss,.kloakk, kabel-tv, og parabolantenne, din jvla neger! .,sS
break on through, to the other side... break on through, to the other side...
contact us for anything at optical illusion, +47 55 12 28 92, mail
svein-arne str0mmen or stian knudsen. we will cut the manson-quotes
this time. btw: the divider lyrics are taken fro some list of doors
lyric file i found. if you want to kill me for doing that, kill me.
so just blasphemize away, and we will be back... : Ss,. .,sS
this is the hidden black-on-black-part you will never ever read. so since you
will never read this, i will write something you will not care about, since you
will never read it. here we go: fuck bamboosh. yeah. fuckem! : no kidding
super design + 110 writing done by vermin
nothing by others. no fucking ripoff either. no style.
no design. shit.
i HAVE seen worse, and so have you!
nei nei, det e ikkje fitte oppi skogen, du bare lygar
in a drunk-o-matic manner
this is the other part of text you will never read becuase it is hidden. we
will take our chances on this one, and spiff up an official deranged-fuck-you- list, so here we go, fuckoffs go to the following: all rippers, those who rip, the guys who rip and shit, rippers, the ones that rip, and most of all, xerobe. poke me.
175 lines. half-way to 350. stay tuned.
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