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wow. its delayed!
Deranged Infoagefile August 1996 Deranged InfoageFile August 1996 - DA PACK - DA PACK - DA PACK - DA PACK - The fourth pack and were not dead! We will continue to rule the scene! We are interested in new super members and foreign sites. so call us and say things. And we will rule the scene even more. do you have any suicidal tendencies? In that case, you are the one we are looking for!!! Yes yes. So call us, mail us, or whatever you feel is the right way to deal with these der- angements, and help us rule the scene. Yes. Our Boards: Optical Illusion - WHQ - +47 55 12 28 92 Digital Motion - DST - +47 22 25 97 84 Underland - DST - +47 75 53 27 39 Your Board Be Placed Here! - ??? - +?? ?? ?? ?? ?? that is not supposed to be red
We have gotten two new members. Whoopee. Now we are super- quul. So join us, and be super-quul too. Joda seems to have fucked up the last infofile, but who cares? Well, we rule, with our gigantic list of members, and sites, so Acid be ware. Yes yes. Oh btw, those new members were awry and id x. Very original. He seems to be working incognito. Who cares. We will make him change that terrible handle.
In alphabetical order: Awry ASCX ANS TPX MUSICX QB VGA Id X ASCX ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? Joda ASC ANSX TPX MUSIC QB VGA Vermin ASCX ANS TP MUSICX QBX VGAX This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? look, they are NOT red Help us fill these spots!!!
Jodas Greets : Scene guys Vermin, Pyx, Rexazy, Jaws, Spellbinder, Black-Knight, StreptoSort of BC, Grimlock, Shadow Surfer, whiskas and blaze whoever he is! Groups Tha InPulse Inc Crew, COMA, Orange, Complex, Phat, Bamboosh crew, Apathy, Fire, Ice and Cameroon Bowling Team.
Non scene
Prodigy, Curt Cobain, Sindre, Pamela, My dad and last and least
SpaffHe thinks he is a scene guy.
Vermins Greets :
zc3n3 guyZ:
Joda, Pyx, Rexazy, Jaws, Spellbinder, Bk, strepto kinda, bc, grimloch,
shadow sufer, wiskors, blaze, awry, msd, jaded, griftor, pubic, id x, spf,
not really sc3n3, but wh0 c4r3z?, and tricycle, argh.
Acid, anemia, apathy, anger, bamboosh, phat, ace of base, abba, fire, ice,
and the Fyllingsdalen Pensjonist Bowling Liga.
Non sc3n3
everyone that is not scene, and evert.
how nice.
oh yes. suck my ass.
File 50 written by Joda Too bad! Just 145 lines!
File 50 written by Vermin we share brotherly, although we are not
Deranged Infoagefile August 1996 Deranged InfoageFile August 1996 - DA PACK - DA PACK - DA PACK - DA PACK - The fourth pack and were not dead! We will continue to rule the scene! We are interested in new super members and foreign sites. so call us and say things. And we will rule the scene even more. do you have any suicidal tendencies? In that case, you are the one we are looking for!!! Yes yes. So call us, mail us, or whatever you feel is the right way to deal with these der- angements, and help us rule the scene. Yes. Our Boards: Optical Illusion - WHQ - +47 55 12 28 92 Digital Motion - DST - +47 22 25 97 84 Underland - DST - +47 75 53 27 39 Your Board Be Placed Here! - ??? - +?? ?? ?? ?? ?? that is not supposed to be red
We have gotten two new members. Whoopee. Now we are super- quul. So join us, and be super-quul too. Joda seems to have fucked up the last infofile, but who cares? Well, we rule, with our gigantic list of members, and sites, so Acid be ware. Yes yes. Oh btw, those new members were awry and id x. Very original. He seems to be working incognito. Who cares. We will make him change that terrible handle.
In alphabetical order: Awry ASCX ANS TPX MUSICX QB VGA Id X ASCX ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? Joda ASC ANSX TPX MUSIC QB VGA Vermin ASCX ANS TP MUSICX QBX VGAX This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? This Spot can be yours!!! ASC? ANS? TP? MUSIC? ASM? VGA? look, they are NOT red Help us fill these spots!!!
Jodas Greets : Scene guys Vermin, Pyx, Rexazy, Jaws, Spellbinder, Black-Knight, StreptoSort of BC, Grimlock, Shadow Surfer, whiskas and blaze whoever he is! Groups Tha InPulse Inc Crew, COMA, Orange, Complex, Phat, Bamboosh crew, Apathy, Fire, Ice and Cameroon Bowling Team.
Non scene
Prodigy, Curt Cobain, Sindre, Pamela, My dad and last and least
SpaffHe thinks he is a scene guy.
Vermins Greets :
zc3n3 guyZ:
Joda, Pyx, Rexazy, Jaws, Spellbinder, Bk, strepto kinda, bc, grimloch,
shadow sufer, wiskors, blaze, awry, msd, jaded, griftor, pubic, id x, spf,
not really sc3n3, but wh0 c4r3z?, and tricycle, argh.
Acid, anemia, apathy, anger, bamboosh, phat, ace of base, abba, fire, ice,
and the Fyllingsdalen Pensjonist Bowling Liga.
Non sc3n3
everyone that is not scene, and evert.
how nice.
oh yes. suck my ass.
File 50 written by Joda Too bad! Just 145 lines!
File 50 written by Vermin we share brotherly, although we are not
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