this image contains text
the tmmaz in this
- not header. not footer. armer. hehe... : file is NOT to be relat. - - - ed to thomas-andre. :
s. it IS thomas-andre, right?
. oh argh. just sitting here writing. darn cool. yesyes. you betcha.
.s released the last pack yesterday and im feeling veryvery cool.
we are at blinkeren. thats very k00l. pokker. yesyes. tmmaz is
. sitting and doing something very interesting. i hope he gets run
s. over. hes a bastard. yes he sure is. there is a weird cat on the tv.
. doesnt really interest me that cat. hell no. we are going to call the
.s stril later. we will say that we have found her sheep. hehe. she aint
missing a sheep. that is very very very morsomt. we will say that the
. sheep is identical to her cat. hehehe. she will not laff at us. we
s. will laff our asses off. hehehe. it doesnt sound morro, but it is.
. hehehe. bloody morsomt faktisk. hehehe. we will laff til we fall on
.s our asses and get vondt. hehehe. darn. you should all be here and hear
her when we ring and say we have found her sheep. hehehe. she probably
. has a sheep on the land. hehehe. on the farm. hehehe. she is a stril.
s. we laff at strils. hehehe. we are evil. hehe. i have not drokke, althou . it may seem so. hehe. this is hillarious. sure is. hehe. this is bloody.s funny. im laffing my ass off. im washing sein-feld. its really funny.
that kramer is a bloody bastard. he is so stupid its dumb. hell yes.
. wheewheewheewheewhee. hoahoahoahoahoahoa. fitting funny. you bet.
s. slask is laffing. hehe. its funny. farfle is a doggy. tmmaz will get
. bank. oh yes he will. he will get lotsa bank. hehehe. very fonn-ee.
.s harharhar. im laffing so i piss in my pants. well, i dont, although
slasks reaction to sein-feld is enough to piss from. hehehehehehe.
. kramer is still a bastard. tmmaz will get bank. and a helluva lotta
s. bank he will get. hehe. oh yes. squeak squeak. hehe. ohoh. yesyes.
. oh darnit. tmmaz is homo. oh yes he is. he is a fucking femifaen.
.s i hate that bastard. we will give him bank. lotsa bank. oh yes. v v.
slask is watching a DISK-KUSTING movie. that is YEUCH! barf barf barf.
. that movie is harfle harfle. im hakking as we speak. harf harf. we call s. the stril snart. darn it will r00000000000000000000l! oh yes. the stril . will tro it all, and when we say its from sjult kamra she will piss her.s pants. hehehe. thats fucking funny. we will laff our panties off.
hehehe... and tmmaz will probably loose his bra. which he NEEDS
. Although r9 is not here, he will laff his ass off too. dadz fonnee.
s. wheeeeeeeeeeeee....... hehe. i my self will laff till i pizz me panz.
. from now on we w1ll wr173 3l173. y3... 3l173 1z k00l. nuff porn.
.s this is altomuch porn for me. hehe. fuck it. tmmaz is a living breathn pee-nizz. hehe.. hes a fag. not that theres anything wrong with being
. a fag or anything.. hes just so disk-k00stin. aouch. faggyfaggyfaggy.
s. well. just to get it strate, i have noffing against homosexual people.
. whatever people want to shove up their asses, its fine by me. i dont
.s care. tmmaz is just disk-kusting. hehe. bastard. roy has dlagt the
z00phah. datz irritatn. darnit. im lizzening to generated power the bre. akbeat remix power beat version. i like it. it rules. its even better
s. than i need bux. thats fucking good. not much is better than i need bux . by dominei i think. thats evil. whiskors is a bloody good musician.
.s he knows what hes doing, no doubt. my tee-shert sez reality sucks, get virtual. thats c00l. it gloez in the dark. datz c00l. hehe. : im tha
s. r0ler of the scene. we rulez much more than bambooosh. hehe. us and
. them arent even comparable. : that xerobe-dude is a ripper. thats dis-.s koosting. hehe. atleast i think hes a ripper. dumdidum. ding dong. di
didongdidididong dong disdadubidubi. jubaluuuuuuuba. this c0lx. eh?
. the spiffer the better, and this is spiffest! okes. froms nows is talks s. elites languages. hehes. thises ises reallys irritatings tos listens to . s. thats cools. hehes. pisses offs. eyhs. fuck. i stops. darnit. this
.s is the most uninteresting piece of garbage i have written in years. :
welcome to the rhythm of a groov-ee beet, bdw. and it all loops. darn.
. royemann and joda are d00ming. i like writing 0s instead of os aldo
s. its incredibly lame. but hey, we rule the scene, so we have a lisence
. to be lame! i will call optical illusion when bush is over. i will
.s call count0 too. those are very good bbses. thats cool. the bergensk
scene is the best in norway, not that that is a very impressive ach-
. ievement. hehe. the norw scene sucks harder than a big green clean
s. machine. if your not stomping the beet by now, youre DEAD.
.s d
. d
s. eeee n nnnn dddddd d
. e e n n n d dd
.s e e nn n d d
e e n n d d
. eeeeeeeeee n n d d
s. e n n d, d
. e e n n d d
.s e e n n d dd
eeeee n n dddddd d
spiffage. reeeeal spiffage.
- not header. not footer. armer. hehe... : file is NOT to be relat. - - - ed to thomas-andre. :
s. it IS thomas-andre, right?
. oh argh. just sitting here writing. darn cool. yesyes. you betcha.
.s released the last pack yesterday and im feeling veryvery cool.
we are at blinkeren. thats very k00l. pokker. yesyes. tmmaz is
. sitting and doing something very interesting. i hope he gets run
s. over. hes a bastard. yes he sure is. there is a weird cat on the tv.
. doesnt really interest me that cat. hell no. we are going to call the
.s stril later. we will say that we have found her sheep. hehe. she aint
missing a sheep. that is very very very morsomt. we will say that the
. sheep is identical to her cat. hehehe. she will not laff at us. we
s. will laff our asses off. hehehe. it doesnt sound morro, but it is.
. hehehe. bloody morsomt faktisk. hehehe. we will laff til we fall on
.s our asses and get vondt. hehehe. darn. you should all be here and hear
her when we ring and say we have found her sheep. hehehe. she probably
. has a sheep on the land. hehehe. on the farm. hehehe. she is a stril.
s. we laff at strils. hehehe. we are evil. hehe. i have not drokke, althou . it may seem so. hehe. this is hillarious. sure is. hehe. this is bloody.s funny. im laffing my ass off. im washing sein-feld. its really funny.
that kramer is a bloody bastard. he is so stupid its dumb. hell yes.
. wheewheewheewheewhee. hoahoahoahoahoahoa. fitting funny. you bet.
s. slask is laffing. hehe. its funny. farfle is a doggy. tmmaz will get
. bank. oh yes he will. he will get lotsa bank. hehehe. very fonn-ee.
.s harharhar. im laffing so i piss in my pants. well, i dont, although
slasks reaction to sein-feld is enough to piss from. hehehehehehe.
. kramer is still a bastard. tmmaz will get bank. and a helluva lotta
s. bank he will get. hehe. oh yes. squeak squeak. hehe. ohoh. yesyes.
. oh darnit. tmmaz is homo. oh yes he is. he is a fucking femifaen.
.s i hate that bastard. we will give him bank. lotsa bank. oh yes. v v.
slask is watching a DISK-KUSTING movie. that is YEUCH! barf barf barf.
. that movie is harfle harfle. im hakking as we speak. harf harf. we call s. the stril snart. darn it will r00000000000000000000l! oh yes. the stril . will tro it all, and when we say its from sjult kamra she will piss her.s pants. hehehe. thats fucking funny. we will laff our panties off.
hehehe... and tmmaz will probably loose his bra. which he NEEDS
. Although r9 is not here, he will laff his ass off too. dadz fonnee.
s. wheeeeeeeeeeeee....... hehe. i my self will laff till i pizz me panz.
. from now on we w1ll wr173 3l173. y3... 3l173 1z k00l. nuff porn.
.s this is altomuch porn for me. hehe. fuck it. tmmaz is a living breathn pee-nizz. hehe.. hes a fag. not that theres anything wrong with being
. a fag or anything.. hes just so disk-k00stin. aouch. faggyfaggyfaggy.
s. well. just to get it strate, i have noffing against homosexual people.
. whatever people want to shove up their asses, its fine by me. i dont
.s care. tmmaz is just disk-kusting. hehe. bastard. roy has dlagt the
z00phah. datz irritatn. darnit. im lizzening to generated power the bre. akbeat remix power beat version. i like it. it rules. its even better
s. than i need bux. thats fucking good. not much is better than i need bux . by dominei i think. thats evil. whiskors is a bloody good musician.
.s he knows what hes doing, no doubt. my tee-shert sez reality sucks, get virtual. thats c00l. it gloez in the dark. datz c00l. hehe. : im tha
s. r0ler of the scene. we rulez much more than bambooosh. hehe. us and
. them arent even comparable. : that xerobe-dude is a ripper. thats dis-.s koosting. hehe. atleast i think hes a ripper. dumdidum. ding dong. di
didongdidididong dong disdadubidubi. jubaluuuuuuuba. this c0lx. eh?
. the spiffer the better, and this is spiffest! okes. froms nows is talks s. elites languages. hehes. thises ises reallys irritatings tos listens to . s. thats cools. hehes. pisses offs. eyhs. fuck. i stops. darnit. this
.s is the most uninteresting piece of garbage i have written in years. :
welcome to the rhythm of a groov-ee beet, bdw. and it all loops. darn.
. royemann and joda are d00ming. i like writing 0s instead of os aldo
s. its incredibly lame. but hey, we rule the scene, so we have a lisence
. to be lame! i will call optical illusion when bush is over. i will
.s call count0 too. those are very good bbses. thats cool. the bergensk
scene is the best in norway, not that that is a very impressive ach-
. ievement. hehe. the norw scene sucks harder than a big green clean
s. machine. if your not stomping the beet by now, youre DEAD.
.s d
. d
s. eeee n nnnn dddddd d
. e e n n n d dd
.s e e nn n d d
e e n n d d
. eeeeeeeeee n n d d
s. e n n d, d
. e e n n d d
.s e e n n d dd
eeeee n n dddddd d
spiffage. reeeeal spiffage.
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