this image contains text
s.- not header, not footer... SIDER!
P --------------------------------
Ps .. What the hell is this? Well, I can tell you!
Ps --------------------------------------------
.. This is nothing but a little thingy i made while dying
just because everything started getting so hectically boring.
P So, this will be a very in-depth-look into the torture
Ps chambers of Deranged deprogramming cellars!!!
Ps .. This file may be offensive, but you probably dont care. Yes.
Ps What REALLY Happened the Last Month?
.. -Not a god damn thing. nothing. we havent really done anyting
else than whine about how much we are going to spawk the scene
P as soon as somms and kosh and blackknight and mSd join us..
Ps well, doesnt sound very promising. well, we are whining.
Ps .. Joda is constantly saying Me da Mahn. That is bloody irritatn Ps yes it bloody well is. oh darn. slask is here and is sleeping
Ps with a fucking pillow over his head. darnit. by the way how
s the hell does one spell Cushon? i guess my super-spell was
.. bonking wrong... yes yes.. so what. bdw: slask.. oh yes..
he is a chapter for himself. see down for info about that littl P bloody couch-banana. at this time royemann and thomasmann are
Ps wandering around in the lokale. thomas is confused as always,
Ps .. but roy has full peiling. couldnt be better. oh yes. anyroads,
Ps we are really getting superlatively along here, and slask howls Ps everytime we turn on the lights sh, and all is as usual.
s Different people react in different ways to Deranged. Hell.
What happened to ME the last month?
Ps Not much, actually. i almost got ran over by a--- darnit. lets
Ps .. drop the bullshit. i am pissed. the pack is one bloody week
Ps delayed, and joda is a fucking bastard. retard. yes. i have
Ps found out what my goals in life are, though 1. Get unsick?.
s 2. Join Anemia. 3. Rule the scene. 4. Kick ACiDs ASS!!!!!!!!!
.. This i will do. and nobody will stop me, whoever nobody is....
Although this will never happen, it will. yesyesyesyes.....
P I dont really care. argh.. fuck it. darn fuck argh fook dirn.
Ps .. What will we do?
Ps We will prove that the norwegian ansi/ascii/etc. scene is NOT
s as bloody lame as it seems. we are as far as i know one of the
.. two only art-related groups in norway. this is pathetic.
bloody fucking pathetic. but what can one expect in norway? eh. P Oh, by the way, there probably exists 10000000000 amiga-art
Ps groops out there, but they dont even count, darnit! :
Ps ..
s Vermin - not signing off, just saving this crap
P .. Ahh.. its hell to be back, boyz and gerlz.. whoa well, as
Ps promised, here is the entire chapter on the worst failure ever: Ps SLASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps
Ps .. Slasks real name is witheld here... He lives in Fyllingsdalen,
s Bergen, Norway. He is.. hhmm.. old enough years old, and is a
couch-banana. he is something for himself, oh yes he sure is.
he is a porno-slaur. a bloody bastard he is. if you happen to
P .. see this bastard, run like you seem to have a carrot inserted
Ps between your buttocks. you never know what he will do. he might Ps be seen out briefing with his scott-bike. it costs loZZa MonnE, Ps so Slask is VERY proud of it. this is big, you know! While in
Ps .. his where-abouts you mighy hear loud noises, screaming and ugly s hawking noises. this is his way of communicating. we will spare the audience for more this time, so stay tewned for SLaSk EDiT- P iOn TeW, next pack. a minute ago, Joda said this to him:
Ps .. Andre, du e en feit homo.
Ps He is not overdriving.
P --------------------------------
Ps .. What the hell is this? Well, I can tell you!
Ps --------------------------------------------
.. This is nothing but a little thingy i made while dying
just because everything started getting so hectically boring.
P So, this will be a very in-depth-look into the torture
Ps chambers of Deranged deprogramming cellars!!!
Ps .. This file may be offensive, but you probably dont care. Yes.
Ps What REALLY Happened the Last Month?
.. -Not a god damn thing. nothing. we havent really done anyting
else than whine about how much we are going to spawk the scene
P as soon as somms and kosh and blackknight and mSd join us..
Ps well, doesnt sound very promising. well, we are whining.
Ps .. Joda is constantly saying Me da Mahn. That is bloody irritatn Ps yes it bloody well is. oh darn. slask is here and is sleeping
Ps with a fucking pillow over his head. darnit. by the way how
s the hell does one spell Cushon? i guess my super-spell was
.. bonking wrong... yes yes.. so what. bdw: slask.. oh yes..
he is a chapter for himself. see down for info about that littl P bloody couch-banana. at this time royemann and thomasmann are
Ps wandering around in the lokale. thomas is confused as always,
Ps .. but roy has full peiling. couldnt be better. oh yes. anyroads,
Ps we are really getting superlatively along here, and slask howls Ps everytime we turn on the lights sh, and all is as usual.
s Different people react in different ways to Deranged. Hell.
What happened to ME the last month?
Ps Not much, actually. i almost got ran over by a--- darnit. lets
Ps .. drop the bullshit. i am pissed. the pack is one bloody week
Ps delayed, and joda is a fucking bastard. retard. yes. i have
Ps found out what my goals in life are, though 1. Get unsick?.
s 2. Join Anemia. 3. Rule the scene. 4. Kick ACiDs ASS!!!!!!!!!
.. This i will do. and nobody will stop me, whoever nobody is....
Although this will never happen, it will. yesyesyesyes.....
P I dont really care. argh.. fuck it. darn fuck argh fook dirn.
Ps .. What will we do?
Ps We will prove that the norwegian ansi/ascii/etc. scene is NOT
s as bloody lame as it seems. we are as far as i know one of the
.. two only art-related groups in norway. this is pathetic.
bloody fucking pathetic. but what can one expect in norway? eh. P Oh, by the way, there probably exists 10000000000 amiga-art
Ps groops out there, but they dont even count, darnit! :
Ps ..
s Vermin - not signing off, just saving this crap
P .. Ahh.. its hell to be back, boyz and gerlz.. whoa well, as
Ps promised, here is the entire chapter on the worst failure ever: Ps SLASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps
Ps .. Slasks real name is witheld here... He lives in Fyllingsdalen,
s Bergen, Norway. He is.. hhmm.. old enough years old, and is a
couch-banana. he is something for himself, oh yes he sure is.
he is a porno-slaur. a bloody bastard he is. if you happen to
P .. see this bastard, run like you seem to have a carrot inserted
Ps between your buttocks. you never know what he will do. he might Ps be seen out briefing with his scott-bike. it costs loZZa MonnE, Ps so Slask is VERY proud of it. this is big, you know! While in
Ps .. his where-abouts you mighy hear loud noises, screaming and ugly s hawking noises. this is his way of communicating. we will spare the audience for more this time, so stay tewned for SLaSk EDiT- P iOn TeW, next pack. a minute ago, Joda said this to him:
Ps .. Andre, du e en feit homo.
Ps He is not overdriving.
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